
The Environmental Effects Of Plastics

Decent Essays

Plastic bags have been a popular commodity since the 1970’s due to their convenience and sturdiness; however, plastic bags are a victim of their own success. These flyaway bags have detrimental effects on the environment; they fill the trees and clog the storm drains. In response, many states in the U.S. have imposed bag taxes in an effort to reduce their use. These taxes have reduced the frivolous use of plastic bags and have heightened our awareness of their detrimental effects, but concerns arise over the negative effects of the taxes on the economy and, surprisingly, the environment as well.
Plastic bags have become the norm for Americans since the 1970’s due to their convenience. Plastic bags are durable and reusable for other …show more content…

This poses an economic threat for retailers. The economic advantage of plastic bags are too significant for retailers to ignore. While advocates of these taxes argue that it will reduce the use of plastic bags, many argue that these taxes fail to protect the environment and economy of the U.S.
Over a 100 cities across the U.S. have imposed taxes on plastic bags after watching countries in Europe have favorable results. Tony Lowes, director of the Friends of the Irish Environment, claims that Ireland’s “15 cent tax on plastic bags has resulted in a 95 percent reduction in their use” (qtd. in Roach 3). Similarly, cities in the U.S. imposed taxes in an effort to achieve effective results. A bag tax in Washington D.C. has “resulted in a 50 percent decrease in single bag usage” (Bayly 3). On the other side of the country, Los Angeles “went from using 2.2 million bags a year to using 125,000 a year” after the tax on bags went into effect (Bayly 3); nonetheless, advocates of plastic bags have brought to light the harsh reality of taxes. Bag taxes pose an economic threat for both retailers and consumers. Areas that have imposed taxes experienced a decrease in sales while areas not subject to taxes experienced an increase in sales. According to a survey conducted by the National Center for Policy Analysis, these taxes force many stores to “reduce their employment by more than 10%” (qtd. in Gleason 4). Plastic bag taxes make grocery shopping unaffordable for families below the

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