Humans have been genetically modifying crops (GM crops) since the beginning of agriculture. From domesticating wild grasses, which would become the modern staple grains of today, to breeding the best seeds of fruit in order to produce a larger and sweeter yield. Dr. Nina V. Fedoroff, a biology professor and ex-science/technology advisor to the Secretary of State, does not deny the benefits of GM crops in her article “Engineering Food for All”. Fedoroff provides credible and convincing evidence for easing current strict federal regulation of GM crops. According to Fedoroff, the declining supply of food due to global warming and an increasing population will produce a high demand for sustenance in the coming years (par. 1). In order to meet …show more content…
12). Given the evidence, Fedoroff argues that “the three United States regulatory agencies” should loosen the rains on “the development of genetically modified crops” especially if no “evidence of harm” exists (Fedoroff, par. 13-14). Fedoroff effectively foreshadows to her topic and stance with the title of her article “Engineering Food for All.” The word “Engineering” may relate to a scientific term, and the addition of “Food for All” prepares the reader to piece together science with food in order to benefit the greater population. Dr. Nina V. Fedoroff, starts out by displaying her political background by alluding to President Obama’s initiative to “stimulate innovation by eliminating unnecessary regulation,” and her disagreement with the EPA “choking off innovation” with more GM crop regulation (par. 2). Fedoroff then shows her biological knowledge throughout the article by providing the reader with brief, but effective scientific information about the benefits of genetically modifying crops. For example Fedoroff states, “The induction of mutations in plants...improve yields [of crops]” (par. 3). Fedoroff structures her article by first providing the supporting facts, and then finishes with her two thesis arguments. The first argues for federal agencies to loosen regulation on the “development of genetically modified crops,” and to only worry about the negative side effects “if any” from
Franken-Fears: An Analysis of Chapter 6 in The Book “The Food Police” Chapter 6, titled Franken-Fears, in the book, “The Food Police”, discusses the hot button topic of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, and how they play an integral role in feeding the world. If one were to google “Genetically Modified Organisms”, they would immediately see that about half of the articles are vehemently against the use of GMOs and about half are enthusiastically supporting the use of GMOs. It is quite difficult to sift through all the so called “facts”, so Jayson Lusk comprised a whole chapter dedicated to the real facts about GMOs.
Marchevsky, Alejandra, and Theoharis, Jeanne. (2008). Dropped from the rolls: Mexican immigrants, race, and rights in the era of welfare reform. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 35(3), 71-96. Retrieved from In Marchevsky’s article, she draws on many struggles that Mexican migrants face as they move to the United States to find work to support their family.
Due to reading “Stuffed and Starved” by Raj Patel this semester, I learned about how foods are produced and impact the world. Ever since I visited the farmer’s market in October, I became more aware of whether or not I am consuming genetically modified crops. Raj Patel revealed some of the many truths about the Green Revolution regarding genetically modified crops that influenced my choice of eating. Prior to reading the section of the book that made me aware of what I am eating, I believed that genetically modified crops were more beneficial than harmful to everyone. Not only did the genetically modified crops produce a higher yield to feed people, but the negative impact of technology outweighed its benefit. For example, Patel states, “domestic
In the essay “Genetically Modified Food: Watching What We Eat,” by Julie Cooper, she argues against the rampant use of genetically modified food (GMO) without any current form of regulation. Cooper discusses the possibility of health risks to those consuming foods with altered genes and the food’s capabilities to have far-reaching health risks. She continues with a discussion as to how and why the creation and use of the GMOs have become so unregulated. She then discusses the response, which is the public’s cry for their right to make informed choices. Other topics discusses are the political, environmental, and corporate ramifications of the rise of GMOs.
Genetically modified crops are an incredibly important issue that everyone should be aware of since it is something we are exposed to at a daily basis. Genetically modified crops also known as GM crops or Biotech crops has been one of the most heated debates of issues within our society. The debate about the safety, concerns and disadvantages of GM crops have raged since the mid 1990 's but this is due to the lack of knowledge of the general public. Many people are unaware of what the GM crops actually are and what they offer. Genetically modified crops are plants that are used in the agriculture and have been modified to initiate a new trait to plants that does not happen naturally in the species. These plants are modified using genetic engineering techniques to enhance desired traits. GM crops are made when genes of commercial interest are transferred from one organism to another.() There are many methods used for the production of GM crops but the two primary used for plant insertion are gene guns and agrobacterium tumefaciens. There are also three types of modifications which are transgenic, cisgenic, and subgenic plants. However, there are a number of issues that surround this controversial topic such as environmental, health, and economic concerns. Even though there are some worrying facts about GM crops people don 't realize the advantages or the ways it has helped humans as well as animals. There are many reasons why GM crops are proven
Genetically modified foods, known as GMFs, are an extremely controversial subject. By definition, GMO’s are, “organisms whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.” Scientists genetically engineer these foods to, for example, contain an additional vitamin or weather withstanding qualities. Relatively recently, Kevin O’Leary, who was in favor of GMFs, and Rachel Parent, who was against them, had a televised debate on O’Leary’s talk show. While both sides proved valid points, O’Leary’s argument seemed the most convincing, with multiple data points and references. While genetically modified foods have many obvious benefits and drawbacks, the good seem to outweigh the bad on a global scale. GMFs can increase nutrition in third world countries, stop the world wide issue of waste, and even slow global warming and deforestation in our environment.
In an ever changing world, there are only a few things that are certain that all people need. It is said that a human can last three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food. The typical American farmer in 2017 feeds about 155 people compared to the 25.8 people in 1960. The thought of genetically modified organisms is nothing more than just a regulatory muddle. Agriculture is such a widely conversed topic however, through extensive research, international experiments, and general education, it is clear that genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are safe on all aspects as well as necessary to continue to feed the people.
In this article, Tamara Thompson asks common questions regarding genetically modified organisms otherwise known as GMOs. She gives a decent definition of GMOs as plant seeds that are modified to resist certain insects as well as harsh weather conditions. It is a very biased article, drawing attention to the company, Monsanto, in particular. She repeatedly assures her readers that GMOs are safe and that Monsanto currently works to the standards of organizations, such as the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA), Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). She concludes with the benefits of GMOs nutritional value and how they contribute to reducing draws on natural resources such as fossil fuels. This article was beneficial, although biased it gave insight to what companies such as Monsanto want the public to believe. I found this article in Opposing Viewpoints with the search entry being genetically modified foods.
By the year 2012, over 70 percent of the processed foods in the U.S can be linked to genetically modified organisms, or GMOs. Despite this strong dependency on the manipulation of genetic material, there are many questions concerning long-lasting impacts such food could bring. The government of the United States of America should enforce stricter restrictions on the consumption, production, and availability of food products containing genetically modified organisms. Genetically engineered foods have detrimental impacts on the environment, are linked to large, monopolizing industries, and do not reduce world hunger.
In 2015, Tim Anderson, a PhD researcher, wrote “GMO Foods are Unsafe”, an article which perhaps sheds light on the mishandling of genetically modified foods, including the lack of testing of said food products, as well as the potential hazards posed to humans and the environment. In the same year, Genetic Literacy Project’s web editor, JoAnna Wendel, wrote a contrasting article “Genetically Modified Foods Have Been Studied and Found Safe to Eat”, and voices her disgust over the false information that constantly belittle GMOs. She believes the allegation that little evaluation has been accomplished to monitor and ensure the safety of these genetic modifications is based on frantic opinions and not accurate facts. Although their positions appear to utterly oppose one
The media has increasingly become more prominent and influential on our lives ever since the invention of radio, providing us news broadcasts every few hours or so. Now, were blessed with the internet, a system allowing 24/7 coverage of all breaking news from who wore what on the red carpet to terrorist attacks on the nation's capital. My papercraft sculpture comments and critiques issues that arise from this overstimulation of information.
“Should We Care About Genetically Modified Foods?” by John N. Shaw appeared in Food Safety News issue of February 1, 2010, as a feature under the health section on the controversy between the pros and cons of genetically modified foods (Also known as GMO, genetically modified organisms). The main idea of this article is to inform people of the benefits of GMOs . The author, John Shaw received his Bachelor of Science degree in Finance with a minor in Marketing from the University of Arkansas in 2007, where he was a “leadership scholar.” In addition to his studies, he has worked as a research assistant with Food Law LL.M. Director Susan Schneider, interned with Wal-Mart Government and Corporate Affairs division, the Arkansas Attorney General Public Protection Division, and with United States Senator Blanche Lincoln. John has a passion for Food Law, sports, and outdoors. In the article, he states, “ I submit that I am no scientist; merely an interested student.” According to the article, he is passionate and has done sufficient research about the topic to support his argument.
Propaganda is performed through print, audio, and visual mass media. It is used for the promotion of the public’s activities in their life such as purchasing goods through market propaganda, and it is also found in politics, foreign affairs, and in many other fields. Most importantly propaganda is depicted in the informercialization of the news, which is connected with subliminal advertising and commercialization of public events and individual promotion such in communication websites. However, there is great debate over propaganda and persuasion that is casted in the media, which I will be elaborating in this essay.
Cummins, Ronnie. “Genetically Engineered Food Is Dangerous.” Genetic Engineering, Edited by James D. Torr, Greenhaven Press, 2001, pp. 109-118.
Much of the public concern surrounding the safety of GMOs stems from the process of actually creating them. This is admittedly not a natural process, which is a surefire way to raise critic’s eyebrows in doubting their safety. However, there is no evidence that supports these myths. The Committee on Genetically Engineered Crops, The National Academy of Science, and the Board on Agriculture and Natural Recourses all agree after extensive testing and observation that there is no additional harm in the consumption of GMO food. The research conducted in animal studies, as well as chemical analysis of the crops, show no indication that GMOs are negatively affecting human health. The next allegation hurled at GMOs is that they may have