
The Eradication Of Research Misconduct

Better Essays

In our society today there seems to be extensive competition involving research and being the first group or the first individual to discover valuable information. This leads to a great amount of research misconduct involving clinical research and deception to the public. This is unacceptable because it possesses potential to directly affect the general public. Unfortunately there has been monumental misconduct in clinical research that has directly affected the general population. The eradication of research misconduct is inevitable unless there is a serious change of policy and how those policies are enforced. Research misconduct is a problem all around the globe, and there are organizations everywhere that are attempting to completely …show more content…

Plagiarism is actually the most common type of misconduct. We also discussed the potential danger of research misconduct along with the reasons why researchers chose to partake in research misconduct. The reasons involved avoiding setbacks and protecting the researcher 's credibility, but none of these reasons seem to be equal to the risk of losing credibility. Scientific fraud seems to be appearing in all fields ranging from paleontology to nanotechnology. Along with this, certain surveys show that 40 percent of researchers were aware of the misconduct (Gupta 1). There have been numerous attempts to completely eradicate medical research misconduct but only a few techniques have been proven to be effective. The most impressive one seems to be the changing of policy. A change of policy on research misconduct or the introduction of an investigation committee would make it harder for researchers to fabricate data to avoid setbacks along with making it extremely clear that consequences will be harsh. There have been an uncountable amount of precautions recorded that were basically an attempt to end research misconduct, and many of them proved to be effective. This has been a problem that affects a majority of the globe including Iraq where Shirin Dijalalinia experimented quite a bit with misconduct policies before she discovered a effective policy. In her article, A Proposed Strategy for Research Misconduct Policy: A Review on Misconduct Management in

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