
The Erickson Journey

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Erickson gives a great overview of the human experience when a person begins the road to salvation. “All humans are lost to sin, spiritually blind, and unable to believe, however, some action by God must intervene between his eternal decision and the conversion of the individual within time” (Erickson, 2015, p.350). The journey starts with the call that God places on our hearts. Then God starts the conversion. The conversion is an event that changes your life. There may be many conversions. “The first step of the Christian life is called conversion. It is the act of turning from one’s sin in repentance and turning to Christ in faith” (Erickson, 2015, p.351). God converted me many years ago, when I was a child but I have been on many conversions …show more content…

There was a time several years back that God had let me go down a destructive path. I made all the wrong choices and pay with deep consequences. There was one day I made some long lasting chooses that led me to cry out to Jesus in true deep sorrow. I begged for forgiveness and was deeply sorry for my sins. I’m grateful for that day, my life has never been that same since. Although, I don’t enjoy the pain and consequences I am grateful for the forgiveness. Faith is the next step in the process Erickson describes in chapter thirty-three. We have to repent in order to have faith and gain God’s grace. “The type of faith necessary for salvation involves both believing that and believing in, or assenting to facts and trusting” (Erickson, 2015, p.355). Next, there needs to be a transformation. “Regeneration is God’s transformation of individual believers- reversing their natural tendencies, giving a new spiritual vitality to their lives, and thus restoring them to what they were originally intended to be” (Erickson, 2015, p.355). The years to come after I cried out to Jesus brought lots of restoring my spirit for what God had intended me to be. God made me

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