As technology is advancing in this digital age so is the need to protected people’s privacy and to keep their personal information confidential. As Michael McFarland, of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics noted “Reverence for the human person as an end in itself and as an autonomous being requires respect for personal privacy. To lose control of one 's personal information is in some measure to lose control of one 's life and one 's dignity. Therefore, even if privacy is not in itself a fundamental right, it is necessary to protect other fundamental rights” (Michael McFarland, 2012). It is in the light of this that the ethical dilemma of whether smartphone manufacturer has the right to track their customer location is the focus of this paper. People’s personal and sensitive information such as medical records, court records, financial records and geolocation information should be protected and held confidential. Today manufacturer of smartphone embedded beacon in their device which transmits their customer location. The location data collected are notably used as part of providing services or for contextual advertising (Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2016).
The three normative ethical principles chosen to analyze this dilemma are autonomy, confidentiality and respect for persons. There are three important stakeholders involved in this matter, the smartphone user, the smartphone manufacturer and the government. Under autonomy, the individual smartphone user have the
The Personal Integrity that is considered to relate to the information posed by Smartphone, can have many reference selections
Art. It had a primary signifying function in Athens in the agonistic culture, as a wealthy prize for the Panathenaic athletic games, held every four years, given to athletes in first or second place filled with almost 40 liters of first class olive oil. The amphora features an early competition, and and an armed Athena on the other side. Amphora, which survive in large number is a type of container of a characteristic shape and size, used in vast numbers for the transport and storage of various products, typically liquid and dry, however more specifically for wine storage. Other products stored include olives, cereals, and oil. The shape of amphora is typically, “vase shaped ornament with a narrow neck”, characterized by its two narrow, non-protruding carrying handles. This standardized shape had a capacity one one metretes, which is
Technology has become more accessible to the point it has become easier for government to watch everyone's move. In this generation technology takes over everyone's daily life, where people wakes up and the first thing is look at is the phone. A phone there are many things on it, like text, pictures and videos. Phones can do many things, but there is a possibility where the government can tap into a phone and look through it. The government can watch everyone’s: text, history, private info, and pictures. Government has no right to looking through people’s personal info because it violates Fourth amendment, Blackmail, and Creates fear.
Among the most precious information in criminal inquiries is the location of suspects, and when it comes to location records captured by smartphones, court rulings have also been inconsistent. Privacy advocates
Privacy, a term that is reluctant in today’s modernized society who’s meaning is far from realistic. As the world congruently fosters a new way of living, through technology our lives as we know as our own is far from it. This paper will discuss the use of technology to research ones private information, the advantages and disadvantages of the public access of such information and the laws that promulgate such data.
Performing everyday tasks have become much simpler here in the 21st century. With advances in technology making it possible to live such easy lives, the world is now at humanities fingertips. People can now keep their entire lives with them in their pockets in the form of a cell phone; but due to the fact that technology is so new and advanced, no one has been able to deal with the major issues of having this luxury, such as privacy violations of personal information and who should be allowed to access this information when in a time of need. In recent news, the FBI has filed a court case against one of the largest technological companies, Apple, for not allowing them access into a phone to further an investigation. This case has asked more
In the essay, “Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty” by Nicholas Carr, he argues the importance of privacy when one is surfing the web. Carr writes how companies personalize ads they provide on the internet based on our personal information. We are not aware of the consequences and the information we disclose about ourselves on the internet. Everything we do on the internet is recorded and stored. Nicholas Carr uses ethos and counter argument/refutation to express to his audience that their privacy is being violated.
Every citizen has a fundamental right to privacy and this is enshrined in the constitution. The event of losing privacy is a chilling experience similar to being laid naked in public. This situation mainly occurs when police arrests a suspect and searching everything, even the unnecessary private belongings in the name of conducting investigations. The common intrusion to personal information nowadays is seizure of cell phone by the police in arrest cases (Stephens et al. 31). The awareness of ones right to privacy and
With the seemingly exponential propagation of inexpensive digital communications technologies over recent years, the general public is becoming more aware of the issues surrounding information privacy and government surveillance in the digital age. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a smart-phone has to be wary of how they use their private information for fear of that information being collected and used in a way contrary to their wishes. "Leaky" smartphone apps that transmit private information across the internet can be unethically used by government agencies. The issue of privacy is a balancing act; the public usually wants increased privacy and the government usually wants increased access.
Privacy and the conflicts associated with it that citizens face are some of the most controversial topics in the world today. One of the main conflicts that citizens deal with is if the government is spying on us all the time and that if people feel that this it is an invasion of their privacy. Peter Singer evaluates on this topic of the good and bad of privacy in his essay, “Visible Man: Ethics in a World without Secrets”. He explains how technology has changed the way people think about privacy. People know and share all kinds of information about themselves through social media.
In ancient times, the Greeks had absolute and undeniable respect for their gods. They demonstrated their admiration by putting in place many rituals and celebrations to reverence the gods that they loved and feared in order to ensure harmony with them. In particular, the focus will be on the religious beliefs of the Greeks and how they affected Homer and his masterpiece The Iliad. This includes prayer and sacrifice, as well as what cultural meanings had to do with history. These aspects of their religion made a significant contribution to their quality of life. Contributions such as those helped men like Homer write his masterpieces which provided a better understand of events for historians like the Trojan War.
With the evolution of technology and the internet, there have been upcoming concerns concerning information privacy. The internet has increased the level of information that can be gathered and analyzed. Over the last decade, there have been groundbreaking improvements in technology which have enhanced whet people can d with the technology at any given time. For instance, through the use of the internet, one can use global system positioning system locators to acquire real time data about a person or object’s movement and speed. This was not nearly possible thirty years ago. Another example is that cell phones embedded with E-911 services can be used to locate an individual’s precise location (Waldo, Lin and Millett, 2007). Such devices are mostly used by parents to monitor their children’s whereabouts.
Privacy is valued as a most important sphere of personal life by all human beings. They value some control over information of their life and who knows what about them. No one wants their personal information to be accessed by anyone at any time. But nowadays due to the advancements in information technology people’s privacy is threatened. Talking about the concept of privacy, there is always broad distinction between American and European society. In the context of system of privacy, American versus European is just like liberty versus dignity. American enjoys right to freedom whereas European prefers right to respect and personal dignity. They prefer rights to ones image, name and reputation rather than freedom.
Following the fall of the great Roman Empire a new age was born, the age of knights in shining amour and the great kings in stone castles. Yet, it was also a chaotic time, War and plague was a disease upon Europe. Countries fought for land, resources, and above all, the attention of God. The world was young and so was the English Language. Few writers wrote in English, the language of the commoners, as French and Latin was the Language of the powerful élite. Yet one writer dared to speak against the feudal society of which he was born into. Geoffrey Chaucer served most of his life in the employment of the crown, as both a soldier and a clerk. Yet through all of these titles, Chaucer would be forever immortalized as Geoffrey Chaucer the
On a more global level, international agreements such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights protect the privacy of individuals around the world. We see that in order to protect the fundamental privacy rights of individuals, laws have been established on both local and global scales. Therefore, it follows that laws are also necessary to protect the information of individuals in the electronic environment.