
The Ethical Implications Of Cultural Abuse Of Leaders And Manager Power

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Scholars are required to explain the ethical implications of cultural abuse of leaders and manager power. The culturally abusive power selected is nepotism. An explanation will be provided as to why nepotism could be considered as culturally abusive. Also, a discussion regarding possible ways diversity could redirect the influence of nepotism. Nepotism is the power leaders and managers utilize to influence companies or organizations to give preferential treatment to friends, and relatives; particularly, as it relates to employment. Unanswered assist among co-ethnics and the emotional power of ethnic conflict have been time-consuming and difficult to evolutionary science ( J.P. Rushton’s theory of ethnic nepotism, 2016.) Nepotism can cause hardships, it can eliminate the possibility of qualified people being hired for positions, it can introduce prejudice to the workplace, it can persuade people to not apply for employment because they believe because they are of a different cultural the company will not hire them; because they only employ family members and their friends. Some other abuses of nepotism are, relatives take advantage of their position and retain a superiority attitude, favoritism, unfair promotion, disagreements between employees and friends of leaders, and production obstruction. The ability to control or enforce abusive power due to nepotism as it relates to culturally deprived people is not a thing of the past. Leaders and managers

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