Whitleblowing is when a person speaks out about information that may be illegal or unethical with an institution or an organization that is either private or public. However, It can be considered either good or bad depending on the organization or institution. In the government it is sometimes seeing as treason and the whistleblower is almost never rewarded for speaking out about acts that might put a lot of people in danger or even violate peoples human rights. the reason that in the government specifically whisleblowing is pretty much looked as a bad thing is because it might put the citizens of the country against the individuals who are supposed to be running the government in a legal and ethical way without harming anybody. A good example
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has the reputation as the world’s premier law enforcement agency with a vision to stay ahead of the threat through leadership, agility, and integration. (FBI's Strategy, 2017). As an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization, the mission of the FBI is to protect the American people by upholding the Constitution of the United States, defend the US against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats; uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the US; and provide leadership and guidance of criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, international agencies and partners. (Today's FBI Facts & Figures, 2014).
Whistle blowing does take courage. There is the risk of being bullied or harassed as a result, but anyone who whistle blows has the right to protection from the person they have raised concerns about. If you suffer as a result of a whistle blowing incident the UK Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 offers legal protection.
Managers who are managing health care organizations must be attentive to the accounting practices and must obey and practice the financial management procedures to be able to solve any issues if any should arise. With the continuation of the high costs of health care managers as well as consumers must know how to budget carefully. According to All Business. (2010), the cost of providing health care services, patients way of payment for these services and the environment in which those patients reside and receive those services are important elements that affect the care this is or may not be
In my opinion, there were several factors that lead to the Bell corruption scandal. First and foremost, there seemed to be no checks and balances to control Robert Rizzo and other city officials. Furthermore, they gradually eliminated any controls that were place were, eventually earning absolute control (Goffard, 2010, para. 46-47). This behavior extended to individuals as Rizzo built a city staff that would go along with his corruption (para. 39). However, I do think Rizzo influenced the unethical conduct of city officials. Just as Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina (2007) points out in the video Gauging Ethics in an Organization, leaders have to walk the walk when it comes to values. Prince (1995) highlights this principle as well, “the leader can influence the moral conduct of others by demonstrating the desired behavior” (p. 491). Indeed, the leader sets the tone. The city officials experienced a similar situation as the managers of H. J. Heinz during the 1970s. Rizzo created an unhealthy moral environment “where it does not make sense for a person to be honest, fair, loyal or trustworthy…[where]…doing what is morally right is more difficult than usual and sometimes requires great courage” (Ciulla, 1995, p. 493). Second, the local newspaper, The Industrial Post, went out of business leaving a void in government transparency and accountability. Third, the lack of citizen engagement resulting in poor turnout in elections and city council meetings made it easier
Jackson and Raftos (1997) referred to whistle blowing as an avenue of last resort. Employees find themselves in these situations when the authorities at their organisations have failed to take actions on reported issues affecting that organisation. Wimot (2000) likened whistleblowing to a spectrum. At one end of this spectrum whistleblowing would only cause minimal pain and scars on the stakeholders and organisation while on the other end is the worst scenario where the whistleblowing effects are turbulent and often experienced to be negative to all those involved (ibid).
In every setting there should be a policy and procedures on whistle blowing. The whistle blowing Policy is put into place to provide protection against the person in the work place against victimisation or any form of punishment (physical or verbal) when concerns are genuine. If you suffer any victimisation or punishment due to whistleblowing you may be able to take your case to an Employment Tribunal. If you have any concerns about misconduct or malpractice that is occurring in your work setting you should report it to your manager/supervisor. All information given is confidential. The whistleblower is a person that discloses wrongdoing that threatens others, rather than a complaint about their own treatment.
Edward Snowden. This is a name that will be in the history books for ages. He will be branded a traitor or a whistleblower depending on where you look. Many Americans feel that Edward Snowden is a traitor who sold the United States’ secrets aiming to harm the nation. Others believe that he was simply a citizen of the United States who exercised his right to expose the government for their unconstitutional actions. It is important to not only know the two sides to the argument of friend or foe, but to also know the facts as well. My goal in this paper is to present the facts without bias and to adequately portray the two sides of the argument.
Watergate Scandal has been considered as one of the darkest chapters in American history. The event not only refers to unethical use of power by the public representatives but also levied great deal of attention on the mechanism of surveillance over the activities of public servants. Watergate scandal provides ethical directions not only to public servants but also provides ethical guidelines to the lawyers and media representatives as well. This incident reveals how ethical lines were crossed time and again by the politicians, legal attorneys and media for their own purposes. Ignoring the righteousness of the outcomes, events like these cause severe damage to the public's trust vested in these authorities which takes a long time to restore.
"Secrecy and a free, democratic government don't mix," President Harry Truman once said. Harry Truman understood the importance of an open government in a free society. Unfortunately, George W. Bush has a different outlook. From the first days of his administration, President Bush has taken steps to tighten the government's hold on information and limit public scrutiny of its activities. Expansive assertions of executive privilege, restrictive views of the Freedom of Information Act, increasing use of national security classification, stonewalling in response to congressional request for information all these were evident even before the September 11 attacks (At Issue: Has the Bush administration misused government
unethical actions to someone in a position to stop that action and effect changes. The
The ethical issues involving Edward Snowden’s case encompass key issues of morality. Snowden’s actions are to be interpreted as right or wrong based on the circumstances and personal reasoning. The preceding interpretation is this case in every ethical quandary. Once these issues are assimilated to the affected parties we begin to understand the larger picture of morality and ethical reasoning in Snowden’s case.
Federal leaks are the epitome of most presidencies; and the government should cut down on leakers by finding the source from where they are leaking the information, and destroy it altogether. Leaking is a common occurrence, and impossible to eradicate all together. The issue with most leakers is that they leak information that is highly sensitive to important government and military action. This could include positions where military commanders are moving their troops, interventions the United States government is planning in other countries, and even to the President’s daily location. Currently, the government try their hardest to eradicate leakers throughout the globe. To solve this epidemic for the last time, the government has to stretch
Wikileaks. Are they a friend or foe. That certainly depends on what side you're on. Wikileaks has been out in the world, exposing the corruption in the government and bringing sensitive topics in the light. They do this by publishing document in the media about unethical, questionable, and even illegal behaviors in important matters. For instance on December 2007, Wikileaks posted the U.S army manual for soldiers and how they deal with prisoners at the camps. That camp being camp Guantanamo Bay. This leak stirred the people of the United States up and brought up many questions. It'll be up to you, the readers to decide if they are doing something beneficial or something wrong and unneeded.
To address transparency issues, adequate transparency within government must be ensured; and transparency and accountability should be promoted within democratic governance. Florida leads the country in providing public access to government meetings and records. Florida State leaders believe in the notion that government should be held accountable to the citizens. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis wrote, in his 1932 article called “What Publicity Can Do” that, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.” (Brandeis, 1914) Government transparency means placing all financial and public information online in an easy to use, readily understandable system. A transparent system is important, because it allows taxpayers to see clearly how public servants are spending tax money, and it also gives citizens the ability to hold their elected officials accountable.
To some the word whistleblower just sounds like a bad thing to be called. So what is a whistle blower you may ask? A whistleblower is a person who informs on a person or an organization engaged in an illicit activity. So what are the pro to being a whistleblower, better yet what are the cons as well? Some of the pros are that the person who is a whistleblower is a courageous individual who recognize a wrong and are willing to take risks in order to see that the wrongs are corrected. “Personal gratification isn’t the only benefit of becoming a whistleblower though. The amount that the relator can receive most often ranges from 15% to 30% depending on whether the government intervenes in the case or not. The whistle