Compare and Contrast Ethics Research Articles Ethics are the principals that build an individual’s character and integrity. It is the code of conduct that a person lives by; it is the way that a person conducts themselves when no one is around. Stealing, lying, and cheating are wrong, yet every day in the workplace these issues occur. Growing competition lends to the need for people to do what they can to get ahead and stay ahead. Ethics are pushed to the side as people try to gain power or to stay out of trouble, all at the risk of tarnishing their character. This same mindset has spilled over into Academia. A student’s desire to successfully earn a degree by any means necessary has caused educational institutions to address these ethical issues by setting policies in place to combat academic dishonesty.
Defining Academic Integrity Academic integrity is the code of academic conduct that is set forth by educational institutions. It is the catalyst for the mission of most institutions. The expectation is that students will be honest and responsible as it pertains to academia. It defines the academic rigor in research and academic publishing and gives value to the institution (Spain & Robes, 2011). Academic integrity also applies to the way that an individual behaves both personally and professionally, and is a true measure to the worth of the degree that is earned. This standard of behavior applies to both students and faculty. In short this is just thief of
This paper will speak of Academic Integrity. What it means to use it correctly and the consequences when wrongfully used. I will voice my views along with the views of others on how Academic Integrity is good rule to follow to write a paper. The paper will also be speaking of the disciplinary action that will be put into place and how students have to go through steps to completing those disciplinary terms.
"Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. All students should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts."
Academic integrity is something that is supposed to be honored by everyone, students and teachers, but who follows the rules when it comes to education anymore? Cheating is not supposed to happen, but since getting an education is what everyone does now, grades matter. Grades matter because when students have great grades, companies will be more likely to hire them, rather than if they have decent grades. So, people cheat so they can have a chance in life and stay on top of their education and their class. At Oklahoma State University (OSU) located in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and founded in 1890, there is an academic integrity policy that the student’s must apply by. This University is a research institution where students must do their own work and not cheat and the current campus enrollment is 21,046 undergraduates who must apply by the policy and OSU is in the Big 12 conference.
According to The International Centre for Academic Integrity honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage are the six fundamental values of academic integrity. From Erica’s viewpoint of the situation highlighted
Academic ethics are the moral codes or the shared standards of an academic enterprise and the core of its success (Occidental College, 2016). Basically, academic ethics require each student, to be honest, responsible, fair, respectful, give credit where it is due, turn in their original work, and etc. (Michigan State University, n.d.). Academic integrity requires students to do their own work without unauthorized help from others, cheating, lying, plagiarizing, and stealing (Valdosta State University, 2016). Academic integrity is important because it shows that the student is trustworthy and honest enough to do his or her own work, whether someone is looking or not. “Learning how to express original ideas, cite sources, work independently, and report results accurately and honestly are skills that carry students beyond their academic careers” (Michigan State University, n.d., para. 2).
Currently academic integrity policies are promoted and informed to students in a correct manner. All the professor’s, teaching assistants are providing students with all relevant and important information regarding academic integrity policies at the very start of the course or academic semester. As an individual I will promote this policy on campus by discussing it with friends, classmate,
America places a heavy emphasis on the crime of stealing. Starting at a young age individuals are taught that taking things that don’t belong to you is wrong. Once these children enter academic institutions, they learn that stealing does not just mean taking material objects, such as your friends Go-Gurt, or candy from the corner store, it also applies to idea and thoughts. In other words, intellectual property. Crimes involving intellectual property include, plagiarism, cheating on an exam, and submitting work that is not your own. Academic institutions have waged war on academic dishonesty through several methods, but the main combative tool they use is an honor code. These honor codes act as contracts that students agree to, acknowledging that they will be academically honest, not receive unauthorized aid, and so forth. These honor codes vary from institution to institution. The Honor Code in use at Hofstra University is a prime example of a classic honor code. However, to demonstrate the differences between honor codes we will also analyze the honor codes in effect at The State University of New York (SUNY) and University of Colorado Boulder (UC Boulder).
Academic Integrity is significant to the University because we came to school to not only learn education but to learn moral things for the future. Education is very important, but if we do not obtain moral concept we could hardly follow the right path when we graduate from school to be a crew of society; therefore, University should educate people who disobeyed the rule of Academic Integrity and correct their behavior.
Learning what constitutes academic honesty is too important to leave to chance. Moreover, the foundations for such honesty are less and less likely to be brought into the academy by habits inculcated by the culture at large. Many distinguished institutions underscore the importance of academic honesty through an honor system, requiring each student to pledge that work submitted for a given assignment has been done without illegitimate assistance or unauthorized appropriation.
Academic integrity is important due to the fact that it is a reflection of your true academic intentions and accomplishments. Having academic integrity means you are willing to put in the hard work and push through any obstacle you come in contact with on the path to your future. When you follow a code of academic integrity, you are pledging to do your work honestly throughout your academic career and do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. This will add more credibility to your chosen degree because it means that you actually have what it takes and you truly learned as you worked to accomplish everything. A person who abides by a code of academic integrity is able to build up a better character and reputation that will help them out in the future. Integrity is a trait that people want and a trait that people look for in others. Academic integrity allows students to build up
Academic integrity can be summarized as the pursuance of higher education in a scholarly fashion and the value of learning without
As defined by the Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Academic Integrity is the moral code or ethical policy of academia. This includes values such as avoidance of cheating or plagiarism; maintenance of academic standards; honesty and rigor in research and academic publishing. Many believe academic integrity to be a strong, pervasive and understood rule when going to Universities and Community Colleges across the globe; however, in the recent decades, abiding to the rules and policies to uphold academic integrity has slowly become more problematic for students across the board. Thesis?
Prior to completing the Academic Integrity Program, I thought academic integrity was as simple “not cheating.” I considered it a policy solely implemented to ensure that students learned the material. To me, cheating was mostly plagiarism, or trying to pass off someone else’s work as your own. It was not until I completed the program that I began to understand the long-term effects of cheating on the peers, the professor, and the institution. Now, I understand that cheating affects not just me, but also the other students in my courses and the university’s reputation. I also understand the reasoning behind the university’s strict policies regarding academic integrity violations, as they are in place to protect the student, the classmates,
Currently, my understanding of academic integrity is that we all have self-responsibility for our work, our learning, and giving credit to the work of others. It’s an honor system that, if broken and caught, could have severe consequences for whomever responsible. There is no learning in copying another’s work, which is why we put it in our own words; it makes the meaning behind the work easier for us to understand and recall.
Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Philippians 4:8-9 KJV). Many college students postulate that making a good grade is acceptable at any cost; therefore, their intrinsic habit is to cheat in some way form or fashion (Mitchell & Black 1995). However, studies show that Christian students, as delegates for Christ, have a noble mien than that of most other college students which helps aid them against this basic impulse (Kennedy & Lawton1996). Nevertheless, attempting to do the right thing can be laborious in tough spots; so some Christian students follow the same patterns as other college students in academic dishonesty. Therefore, academic dishonesty in colleges is on the up rise and due to this high percentage, predominantly all colleges have made promoting Academic Integrity a part of their college curriculum but as Christians we should still focus on Integrity.