
The Ethics Of Animal Testing

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Over the last couple hundred years, our world has expanded beyond its horizons and the new equipment and advanced technology has allowed humans to succeed in many areas, but has also damaged the basic ethics and morals in some of us. Today on television, we see the over dramatized body spray commercials or a famous celebrity advertising their favorite shampoo and stating its claims, but what most do not know is that a couple or couple hundred, animals were killed to approve, by law, of that product. This act is called animal testing, which is the method or experiment that forces an animal to go through any harm or distress (Thew). I do not agree with this practice simply because it harms innocent animals for products that we do not need …show more content…

For example, here are some cosmetic companies that do not test on animals: Becca, Hourglass, Marc Jacobs Beauty, Nars, and the list goes on and is still developing as this trend increases (Suzi).
I think this is a major step in the right direction, but there are also companies who do test on animals, and even a country who enforces animal testing. That’s right, China is the only country in the world that requires all of their products, to be tested on animals. Even imported goods must have been tested on animals, therefore any company who sells to China, is not cruelty free, because it is required by the Chinese law that their products must be approved by the method of animal testing. However, there are many countries who have banned animal testing on cosmetics, from occurring inside of their radius, and the number has been growing. As of right now the following countries have banned animal testing for cosmetic products; The European Union, which includes twenty-eight states, Norway, India, and Israel with many other countries considering this step. This is a perfect example of how economically stable they still are due to this major change, and how it has not affected them in a negative way. Therefore, the excuse for a company to not go cruelty free because they do not want to lose money, is just as excuse so

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