Over the last couple hundred years, our world has expanded beyond its horizons and the new equipment and advanced technology has allowed humans to succeed in many areas, but has also damaged the basic ethics and morals in some of us. Today on television, we see the over dramatized body spray commercials or a famous celebrity advertising their favorite shampoo and stating its claims, but what most do not know is that a couple or couple hundred, animals were killed to approve, by law, of that product. This act is called animal testing, which is the method or experiment that forces an animal to go through any harm or distress (Thew). I do not agree with this practice simply because it harms innocent animals for products that we do not need …show more content…
For example, here are some cosmetic companies that do not test on animals: Becca, Hourglass, Marc Jacobs Beauty, Nars, and the list goes on and is still developing as this trend increases (Suzi).
I think this is a major step in the right direction, but there are also companies who do test on animals, and even a country who enforces animal testing. That’s right, China is the only country in the world that requires all of their products, to be tested on animals. Even imported goods must have been tested on animals, therefore any company who sells to China, is not cruelty free, because it is required by the Chinese law that their products must be approved by the method of animal testing. However, there are many countries who have banned animal testing on cosmetics, from occurring inside of their radius, and the number has been growing. As of right now the following countries have banned animal testing for cosmetic products; The European Union, which includes twenty-eight states, Norway, India, and Israel with many other countries considering this step. This is a perfect example of how economically stable they still are due to this major change, and how it has not affected them in a negative way. Therefore, the excuse for a company to not go cruelty free because they do not want to lose money, is just as excuse so
Animal testing should not be used in cosmetic industries as a source of experimentation because it is unethical and inefficient. It is a cruel way of trying to find results that are not even always trustworthy. Everyone has a different reaction to different chemicals so why even bother animals for testing? Also different species can respond differently when exposed to the same chemical so animal testing can be inefficient. The results from animal tests can be quite variable and difficult to interpret therefore it may not be applicable to human beings. Thus, consumer safety still cannot be guaranteed even after these gruesome tests which are totally unethical. It is also unethical to torture and end the lives of these animals each year for our own luxury. Everyday cosmetic industries are using defenseless animals very cruelly just to carry out some most often useless tests. Instead they should use other alternatives which has been proved to yield better and accurate results than tests involving animals.
When using your cosmetic products on a daily basis, do you think of all the animals harmed and killed in the making? Cosmetics include products used by us every day, such as toothpaste, makeup, shampoo, soap, deodorant, etc. In the 1930s, the United States Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act compelled cosmetic companies to start testing the safety of their products on animals, beginning a long journey of violating animal rights. Since then, laws have changed, allowing companies to use alternatives that do not involve animals to test the safety of their products. Even though companies are not mandated to test on animals anymore, some still choose to do so for various reasons. Therefore, animal testing in the cosmetic industry is immoral because it is not mandatory and violates animals rights, and it has to end.
Over one hundred million animals in the United States each year are burned and crippled in lab testing. If you are a fan of cosmetics you can expect certain makeup companies to test their products on animals. You could also expect over thirty percent of these companies not making business. The history of cosmetic testing companies has been depicted as cruel and inhumane. In the cosmetic industry the employees are funded by the purchases of the people. Now once the buyers have the confirmation that the products they are using are animal tested, their sales will drop tremendously. The cosmetic industry should find a more equitable way to fund the buyers because costs for animal testing causes even more of an ongoing reason as to why more and more of one product is not being sold. These issues result in the extinction of brands and more protests against animal testing. Animal testing is a practice that needs more attention and regulation because it is cruel and inhumane, contains unnecessary animal suffering, and it is a poor way of testing for human diseases and treatments.
Over the last couple hundred years, this world has expanded beyond its horizons and the new equipment and technology has allowed humans to advance in many areas, but has also damaged the basic ethics and morals of some. Today on television, one will see the over dramatized body spray commercials or the famous celebrity advertising their most favorable shampoo and stating its claims, but what most do not know is that a couple or couple hundred, animals were killed to approve, by law, of that product. This act is called animal testing, and its method is used in many companies for their products to be released. I do not agree with this practice simply because it harms innocent animals for products that we do not need to survive or remain with. I believe animal testing harms and tortures, innocent and helpless animals, by containing them in tight spaces, with chemicals drenched on their skin for several hours to see how they might react or the effects to analyze what worked and what did not work. My claim on this topic is that animal testing should be not be legal in any country or required for products to sell because I feel that their are alternative ways and I see many
Now that the start to banning some animal testing has begun, it’s time for us to continue the change. Consequently, we need to realize the ethics in which we are going against; think about it as you’re washing your hair in the shower-- how many animals were killed to distribute this product into our hand? Too many. We could help with this issue by following European actions and stop the use of products that test on animals-- a company without service will need to change. Us humans have a large impact on the health of animals, even though we might not know
Moreover, we can adopt cruelty-free product there are better ways to ensure product safety. Body shop for an example is a franchise in against animal testing for cosmetic, uses natural ingredients which are both animal and human-friendly which needs no animals to test on. According to the body shop, "animal testing is cruel, irrelevant and unnecessary" (animal testing and cosmetic 1988)
Although many people agree with testing products on animals, they ask ‘Who else are we going to test our products on?’ Nobody! Don’t add harsh chemicals in the products and then the animals and humans are both healthier. Beyond millions of animals that die and are captured every year just from animal testing alone. Treating an animal cruelty is never okay, especially when they’re torturing the animals with harsh chemicals due to testing. If people would stand up and try to protect animals we’d be saving certain animals from becoming extinct and we’d also save a ton of money.
A rabbit lives its life trapped in a laboratory. It doesn’t get fresh air and has different products tested on it every day. The product can make the rabbit go blind or cause its skin to burn, but there is nothing the rabbit can do about it. This is what happens to animals every day from cosmetic companies who test their products on animals. According to Cruelty Free Kitty (2017), over 30 cosmetic companies continue to use animal testing to improve their products. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2017), “the agency has consistently advised cosmetic manufactures to employ whatever testing is appropriate and effective for substantiating the safety of their products.” This means that if the company believes animal testing is the best option for their product they are allowed to do it. Testing cosmetics on animals is cruel and inhumane, and people should avoid using products that test on animals.
Imagine a life locked away in a cage with no form of control on your existence. It’s cold, dark, and you are scared. You don’t have a choice of what you eat, where you live, or how you are treated. You are unsure if it is day or night or what will happen to you next. You are locked away in a prison cell and you committed no crime. This is the life of a laboratory animal. Animal testing is the use of animals for scientific research purposes and experiments. It can be used for the findings of cures and medicines to testing new drugs, to understanding the behavioral psychology of the animals themselves. “Around fifty to one hundred million vertebrate animals, ranging from fish to primates, are used in experiments each year” (Lloyd). There are
To start with, cosmetic and drug companies should stop animal testing their products. By animal testing, they not only violate the animals' rights- they are breaking the law. Animals cannot speak for themselves so when they are unwillingly tested on, they cannot say anything in their own
The issue of animal testing is a widespread and very controversial topic. It entails carrying out torturous and harmful tests and experiments on animals (most commonly mice or rats, but also other animals like rabbits and guinea pigs) for scientific research, whether it be for medical causes, products or cosmetics. In many cases, animal testing is unavoidable – it is impossible to rid the world of something humans rely on so dearly; however, it is imperative that we recognize the moral impacts of our actions and stop relying on it as a major research tactic. It is quite odd that it continues to be commonly used, despite being largely ineffective, the abundance of alternatives available, and the moral issues it brings into light.
Everyday cosmetic products that many people use, such as lipsticks, shampoo, face wash, etcetera, are verified to be safe using animal testing. Chemical burns and other short term ailments are very serious concerns that plague Americans and the knowledge that the products they use will not harm them and their families is possible because of animal testing. Also long term effects, such as cancer, have been discovered through animal product testing and promptly stopped saving countless lives. “NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS YOU’RE THE GUINEA PIG” (Source C). Living day to day with the risk that the products trusted to use on your children and yourself is enough to validate
In Regent Street in London’s West End, a performance was staged in a Lush cosmetics store window. In a revolutionary step towards the elimination of animal testing, artist and activist Jacqueline Traide collaborated with Lush to present a disturbing display of the potential circumstances of animal testing. Traide was dragged across the floor, had her mouth stretched open with hooks, was force-fed, had ‘scientists’ give her injections, had her hair shaved off, and had products tested on her skin and in her eyes—all to create a harsh display for potential people passing by. This unsettling exhibit of something akin to torture was Lush’s attempt to covey to their emphasis of cruelty-free products and push for people to sign the petition
It might not be happening at the rate people expect but progress is being made every day to stop the harmful practices seen in scientific laboratories. Now more than ever people are speaking up for their ethical beliefs and taking a stand against the companies that subject innocent animals to unnecessary torture. Brands are catching on to the direction of consumer’s moral compass and have begun advertising their lack of affiliation with harmful animal testing or seeking out endorsements from organizations such as PETA or Leaping Bunny. If you are unsure about a product being tested on animals on a finished product or ingredient level, there are many databases online that list out companies that do and don’t test on animals making it even more simple for consumers to choose cruelty
For example, in Europe, the world’s largest cosmetic company, it is illegal to sale or import any animal tested beauty products. Also, in other countries like Israel and India also apply this type of law. (dosomething.org) Other countries either have restrictions towards how they must handle their test subjects and even some countries are close to banning the act of animal testing in full. All of the American based companies who export to the foreign countries have to comply by the laws that are already in place, so most of the cosmetic companies already obey produce products that are not animal tested to be able to sell them in the distinct markets. Because these U.S. based companies who export internationally are already expected to comply by testing bans, more than 1.7 billion people can already buy cosmetics products that are not tested on animals.