Across the world people abuse animals for sport, gambling, and pure exploitation like dog fighting, cock fighting, and breeding dogs just to be able to sell them to places such as shady pet stores and such. Dog fighting is a very lucrative illegal activity that goes largely unpunished these people take poor dogs and inbreed them with their moms, dads, and siblings to be able to create the perfect fighting dog that can make them loads of money. Some other things these groups do include giving them drugs that induce rage and make them even more lethal. These sorts of activities give other breeds such as pit bulls bad reputation; any dog regardless of type can be prone to violence, especially due to birth defects to inbreeding. In other parts
206). Further research shows that Pit Bulls aren’t the most dangerous breed of dog. They are ranked higher for their tolerance than they are for their aggression (Baldwin, S. 2016). No matter what real facts and statistics say, Pit Bulls are still being discriminated against and banned all around the world. As the years, have gone on, it has been harder and harder to own a Pit Bull. Many neighborhood or apartment complexes won’t allow you to live in their facilities if you own a Pit Bull or anything that remotely looks like a Pit Bull. If that isn’t enough, most insurance agencies won’t cover you, your family or your home if you own a Pit Bull (ReidHead, J, L 2017). Because of all these regulations and limitation when owning a Pt Bull, owners and Pit Bull advocates are working harder to push their point that it’s the owner that makes the dog. With proper training and responsible owners Pit Bulls are not a threat or a danger to society. Pit Bulls are no more dangerous than any dog breed with they are trained and raised responsibly. In this paper, I be explaining how irresponsible Pit Bull owners are the cause of Pit Bulls aggression towards people and other animals by explaining the history of the breed, Pit Bulls involvement in dog fighting, gang violence and true statistics surrounding the breed. To solve this problem, I recommend that all future and
Research shows that the mental health of humans can be a big factor of why some people abuse animals, such as BPD (Borderline personality disorder) which can cause a person to be very violent. Another factor can be the mental state that person is in at that moment that caused them to do it, also illegal activity such as ''Dogfighting'' which is also known as a blood sport.
In some cities, pit bulls are illegal to own, and this isn’t fair because Pit Bulls are a good breed of dog, as long as they are treated okay. For example, lets say you own a Husky; you won’t be told by the city that you can’t own that dog, but lets say you own a pit bull. It becomes the other way around. Depending on the city, you won’t be allowed to have your dog. Lets say someone raises a Dalmatian. If they abuse it, or make it fight, that dog will be vicious to anyone just like any other breed of dog would. If you raise the Dalmatian right, and don’t abuse it or make it fight, you will end up with a very loving and very friendly dog. It’s the same way for Pit bulls. Some people have made mistakes and in turn ruined it for pit
Media promotes negative attention toward pit bulls just because pit bulls have a false reputation of being aggressive, and dangerous. Another example of this is when a Siberian husky killed an infant, and only 12 news outlets covered the story. But in a separate event where an infant was killed by what looked like a pit bull in the same month over 200 media outlets covered the story with the word “pit-bull” in the headlines as to draw attention (Holland). People read these stories about pit bull attacks than develop the idea that pit bulls are dangerous, and that maybe they should be banned since they attack people. When in reality other breeds of dogs bite and attack just
Dogs are what their owners make of them, they are shere products of their environments and feed off of how their owners treat them. For example, in America pit bulls, over the years have been portrayed as harmful or aggressive. These views have lead to manying uncompassionate acts towards this lost breed. Such as, selling the dogs for drugs to people who could care less about them to forcing pitbulls in harmful dog fights. In America’s society today some often view pitbulls as just a way of breeding dogs. This means that they essentially are not taking part in what it actually means to have a pet. People are suppose to provide, feed, care, and love their dogs and in some cases that’s not their important objective. The underlying issue that
The abuse of pit bulls drew national attention in 2007. “Over 30 breeds of dogs are responsible for over 500 fatal attacks in the past 30 years”. It wasn’t just pit bulls. “All dogs defend territory, they exhibit dominance and if allowed can become protective of their family.” “Aggressiveness has many definitions and its stimulus of the environment that causes behavior problems.” Some cities and towns have banned pit bulls. Some people believe no one should own pit bulls and “the world would be a better place without them”. These people are trying to destroy the breed through “fear tactics, half truths, and lies.” Other people believe pit bulls belong in any dog loving home and can and should be in public eye. Many people don’t have a clear understanding of pit bulls. In that case when the owners have negative effects on the dog because they are a lot more work than expected. Ending in many of the dogs living in shelters. People get pit bulls and fail to give them the outlets they need turn them into “loaded weapons.” Some outstanding qualities can be challenging for people who don’t have a lot of experience with dog ownership or have limited understanding of the pit bull. “It is man who is responsible for the dog’s behavior, not the breed of the dog.” “It is man who is responsible for the dog’s behavior, not the breed of the dog.” It’s up to people who allow their dogs to become dangerous and determine whether they will be useful members of a community or a
Pit Bulls are known worldwide for being inherently dangerous and extremely vicious, but according to the American Temperament Test Society, Inc. 86.8% of American Pit Bull Terriers have passed their temperament tests better than Collies, Golden Retrievers, and Beagles. Many people don’t know that the term “bully breed” refers to more than forty breeds that hail from the same root breed. The history of the Pit Bull goes back to about the nineteenth century, during that time they were used to protect livestock, families, and even children as nannies (the Canine Journal). Today Pit Bulls are used as therapy dogs, police dogs, and of course a simple companion. Many myths about pit bulls circulate, which scares society into believing that they are dangerous to us and our families the question of banning Pit Bulls has been hotly discussed around the world, but banning Pit Bulls will not stop illegal breeding, fighting and distribution of Pit Bulls, other dogs from biting, and the problem will grow. The question of whether or not Pit Bulls should be banned is a hot topic in recent society, but the real question is should Pit Bulls be punished for the actions of their owners, or should laws be enforced at a higher degree.
The pits that are raised in a fighting environment usually are the more aggressive dogs and the more likely to be euthanized because of their aggressive behavior. These fighting dogs are the reasons for most of the stereotypes directed towards the dog breeds. For example: “Pit bulls are the most aggressive dog breed” (17 Things...) Pit Bulls scored an 86.8% on the American Temperament Test or the ATT, which is a test that all dog breeds take in order to figure out the dog’s temper and aggression. The higher the score the better the dog, and the Pits just so happen to score second best, putting them above other common “nicer” household dogs like the Golden Retriever, the Beagle and the German Shepherd (Pisani). There are also many Pit Bulls being blamed for the actions of their owners, because of many of these actions it has caused many states to ban Pits. There are 17 states in the U.S. that have some type of pan against the breed (Pit Bull Bans (USA)...). Although these bans are places many criminals still continue to breed the dogs under ground and receive no
When you think of dog attacks what is the first breed you think about? If I were to take a guess I would say that it is probably a pit bull. The media is not bad but it is hooked on only sharing the most negative and most popular topics and exploiting them and has guided you to believe that pit bulls are the most dangerous breed of dog. It is true that the pit bull is bred to be a very powerful dog, so that makes it easy for the media to target this dog to add attention to the pit bull. Pit bulls are just a type of breed and like all the other dog breeds they are bred and raised to do what they are needed to do. Even though they are seen as the only dog that attacks people and other dogs, it is not the only dog breed that has attacked people there is a lot of good history not known about the pit bull. I will be writing about pit bulls, the issues, the good, and how we maybe able to fix the stained name of the pit bull.
The fighting alone is abuse, but the prepping for the fight itself is even more horrifying. Pit Bulls spend their lives in a small cage cooped up in filthy conditions. Trainers add weights to the Pit Bulls chain to strengthen the dogs upper body. The Pit Bulls are beaten and starved to increase their aggressiveness. Trainers force the Pit Bull to kill cats or rabbits as form of training to practice for the real deal. After fifteen months of training, the Pit Bull will participate in a "roll" where the Pit Bull fights another for ten minutes to test and seeif the dog is worth the trainers time anymore. If not, the dog is neglected or killed (Silverman 4). This a prime example that people are the problem, not the breed. Some may argue that the American Pit Bull Terrier was bred to fight and attack people; however, it is the trainers who abuse and neglect the breed to make the breed trust no one. Through proper training from a professional trainer, the Pit Bull attacks would go down.
The media treats pitbulls very unfair for example in the newspaper the media and the pitbull it states “ The media intentionally over reports incidents involving pitbulls while keeping silent on attacks commited by dogs with better reputation.” This isn't even close to fair to pitbulls. Imagine if there was a pitbull and it had a report just because the pitbull was chasing someone the media would dramatize it to make it look way worse than it actually was so people would think that pitbulls are vicious and that is why counties would ban them which isn’t fair. The part which is even worse is that they silence reports on dogs with a good reputation and that dog could have done something way worse.
"When baiting large animals was outlawed in the 1800's, people turned instead to fighting their dogs against each other" ("Position Statement..."). A group of immigrants brought dog fighting to the new world and brought their dogs as well. "British immigrants to the U.S. at that time brought dog fighting, as well as their dogs, to the New World" (Bastian). Even though dogs were aggressive towards animals there were still attacks but the owners were at fault so they blamed them for it. For over a hundred years, owners were responsible for any attack which “was enough to prevent attacks" (Bastian). Bans for dog fighting was issued to make sure there was no more aggressiveness toward anyone anymore and it didn't work because it came back in the 1900’s. “Dog fighting came back in the 80’s and the pit bulls were a popular choice to fight with” (Bastian). Ever since dog fighting, shelters have to be careful on who is adopting the dogs and see if they are worthy for them to take the dog in. “Anyone who tries to adopt a pit bull has to be screened” (Knapp). The dog’s aggressiveness is due to dog fighting and they need to resolve this or the situation would get
Dog fighting is where two dogs, usually trained and raised to be vicious and to fight are put in an area where they can't escape. I will be explaining what dog fighting , where it first came about , how it came about the United States, how (who in) the United States is involved and what law enforcement has done, dog fighting in other countries, how its and how it’s laws are similar to the United States, what type of dogs and dog breeds are commonly known for fighting,and what is being done to stop this Bloodsport. The places where dog fights occur is different from whether the person or people who are hosting the event which are usually “criminal” gangs are in a rural or urban area. In rural areas the people commonly host the fights in barns,
Dog fighting is a very cruel thing, and it is happening right under our noses. It is illegal to fight a dog in all fifty states. By being an observer at a dog fight, it is against the law in forty-seven states. So why do people continue this cruel practice? The answer seems to be money. Some people who breed dogs for fighting can sell their puppies for up to two thousand dollars. Even though fighting dogs is making money, it is cruel since pain is inflicted on the dogs; the ASPCA and the Humane Society are trying to prevent this with proper training.
Dog Abuse is when a dog is beaten physically or mentally abused by verbal communication. “98% of Americans consider pets to be companions and members of the family” (American Humane Society 1).This means most pets aren 't just considered animals they actually think of them as part of the family. Dogs are the most populated pet in the United States. Dog abuse happens for many different reasons a dog may be kicked in the head from barking too much. If a dog is being disobedient they may be smacked or hit. Some dog owners may lock their dog up for extremly long periods of time for peeing in the house or making a mess. Dog abuse can be traced back literally to ancient times, the British used dogs for entertainment and they fought wild boars and bulls. Along with the actual fighting within the pit was the harsh conditions they were kept in while waiting to enter the pit to fight animals that were two or three times their size, and sometimes even bigger. It then became to spread across Europe and then on from there. There was a very slim chance that the dog would come out alive in those fights and when they did it was primarily by luck.