
The Ethics Of Public Health

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When it comes to the ethic of public health and medical health, they hold two totally different definitions. The ethics of public health is when the focus is more on the freedoms of privacy and actions, as long as they do not harm others.“In public health ethics, autonomy, the right of privacy, and freedom of action are recognized in so far as they do not result in harm to others” (Williams & Torrens, 2008). When considering medical ethics the focus on the concerns of individuals and their liberties and freedom of choice. “In Medical ethics, the concern is with privacy individual liberty, freedom of choice, and self-control of the individual” (Williams & Torrens, 2008). Two examples of codified ethical standard of public health is in an …show more content…

The respective roles of differing ethical standards include autonomy, beneficence and justice. Autonomy from a medical aspect is more concerned with the privacy of the individual and their liberty. From a public standpoint it is the right of the privacy of the individual and their freedom. Beneficence from a medical stance is when the focus is more on doing no harm to others as well as doing good and promoting the welfare of individuals around you. From a public stance it is when that is the goal of the population. Justice in a medical view is when the focus is on assisting individuals who are at a disadvantage when it comes to their health or even healthcare. From a public point this would be the ensuring the opportunity to equal treatment, as well as equity in benefits of the total population. This differences can be resolved by ensuring that everyone does their part to ensure that they are not only doing what they can to lead healthy lives but the are also willing to ensure that they can help others around them to do the same. The healthcare system should not be over utilized therefor allowing people who actually need serious operations and services could possible be available to them. I the population would take more charge in their lifestyles and the way they take care of themselves then there would not be as many healthcare issues n this country. I personally do not think these issues will be

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