
The Ethics Of Wal-Mart's Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

Wal-Mart Ethical Dilemma Wal-Mart is a variety store that has had its up and down through the years since its first opening in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas. The year was 2008 when the company decided to settle 63 federal and state lawsuits for a sum between $352 and $640 million dollars in total. This reason for this was the multiple lawsuits filed for unpaid hours most of which were in the form of overtime wages. Although this is not the only ethical dilemma the discount store, neighborhood mart, or supercenter has had to face, it raises many aspects as to how Wal-Mart handles certain dilemmas. Managers play two crucial roles: leading employees towards achieving corporate objectives as well as implementing corporate policies throughout the work culture. Managers also have to face difficult choices in which their ethics, morality, public policy, and legality of their decisions are put to the test. Should they do what best for themselves? The interest of their employees? Customers? Or shareholders and the organization they represent? These are the ethical questions managers and businesses face and those decisions can have long-term effects that not only affect the organization but society as well. Morality is subjective meaning that the underlying principles are to differentiate between what is good and what is bad depending on …show more content…

Although public policies are not laws per se, they are the policies that we as a society choose to enforce. The managers at Wal-Mart decided to not enforce what was best for their employees and instead reduce costs, but this ended up hurting the company overall in the end. Management chose to look the other way and not enforce the fair wage per hour policies that are the universal standard used today. This leads to the issue of legality and issues associated with compensatory and punitive

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