
The Ethics of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation

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The Ethics of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation

Brianne Vought

HAS 545.01 Ethics and Health Care

Advancements in medicine have allowed for the ability to transplant organs from a cadaver to a living patient. Immunosuppressive drugs have been developed to block the bodily rejection of organs from the deceased making transplantation possible. When an individual dies The Uniform Anatomical Gift Act allows for tissue and organs of the cadaver to be used for transplantation (Garrett, Baillie, & Garrett, 2001). This document is a set model or regulations and laws concerning organ donation that all 50 states have passed in some measure. Organs such as the kidneys, heart, …show more content…

In the majority of the religious groups, as long as due respect is shown to the body, cadaver organ transplants are not forbidden (Garrett, Baillie, & Garrett, 2001). But in some cultures death is not the end of the soul and that the life of the body can be restored.
“Most families still refuse to donate the organs of their dying relatives” despite all efforts made to increase donations. Harvesting may be thought of as violating the sanctity of the body. Donation may involve “unwarranted mutilation of the body and so disrespect for the dignity of the human body” (Garrett, Baillie, & Garrett, 2001). Individuals are urged to sign an organ donor card with little or no awareness of what that action can mean. How the death is determined may weigh in on the decision to donate. The potential recipient is rarely known, because tissue and compatibility tests must be done. There is always less ethical force in an unnamed potential person that a living identifiable one. The horror stories that make the headlines also deter consent for donation. The few illegal harvesting accusations which are published in newspapers and documented on television deter individuals from donating and allow them to see denial of consent as the barrier to exploitation and harm. There is also a fear that the organ donor may not actually be dead but declared dead prematurely so that the vital organs can be taken to benefit another human being. The Uniform

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