The Ethos of the school should be recognisable when entering the school setting as it is part and parcel of the environment of the school and the daily practice of the staff and pupils there. I am aware that all adults that work and are part of the setting at Parkhill Infants School have an important responsibility in modelling standards of behaviour, both in their dealings with children who attend the school and amongst colleagues, as their own example has a momentous influence on the children. Good associations and strong collaborations between adults will encourage the good behaviour in children. All adults within the school should aim to create an optimistic and positive environment that holds high but reasonable expectations of every …show more content…
The aims for the children at Parkhill School are to increase each pupils understanding of the world around them and to provide each pupil with the appropriate balance of both challenge and support in the learning, to provide for the spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical development of the pupils regardless of their disability, gender, race or ethnic background.
General bodies such as the Health and Safety Executive.
Health and Safety Executives (HSE) is a UK government body that is responsible for enforcing Health and Safety at work legislation. The HSE plays an additional role in producing advice on Health and Safety issues and guidance on relevant legislation. The HSE mission is to prevent ill health, injuries and to ensure that professionals within education or elsewhere are managing any significant risks arising from school activities and off the school premises. The HSE will check a number of things within a school e.g. toilet facilities for both staff and pupils, the condition of the school premises, medical rooms, water supplies, weather protection, lighting, heating and ventilation. Properly maintained flooring and that the appropriate measures are in place to prevent slips on wet surfaces. In the playground, the equipment that the children play or use is not faulty or rusted and that the playground surfaces are adequate. On school trips and off site visits HSE will be carried out on; Any special educational or medical needs of
Health and Safety is the responsibility of everyone but ultimately it is the responsibility of the Health and Safety officer (head teacher) to oversee and monitor. The Safety Officer responsibilities are:
In 2013, a new documentary called Schooled: the price of college sports came to Netflix. The documentary contains research and interviews with many important people in the world today. As a mainly one sided documentary, all the interviewees argue the answer to the question “Is it permissible to run a league with athletes that don’t get payed?” The documentary uses ethos, pathos and logos in order to persuade the viewers that NCAA athletes should not be considered amateurs and should also be payed.
The main piece of legislation affecting the management of health and safety in educational establishments across all sectors is the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 (HSWA). This Act provides a framework for
The policies and procedures within my placement school relevant to promoting children’s and young people’s positive behaviour cover a range of six sectors these are
Aligned and integrated the HSE strategy with the supporting organization’s mission, goals and strategies by analyzing critical tasks to facilitate development and review of Safe Work Procedures
The behaviour policy outlines the school's aims of how to create “a positive community atmosphere in which children can learn effectively by promoting good standards of behaviour”. The school aims to recognise and respond to good behaviour in children, promoting a positive classroom environment where the focus is on praise of children's good behaviour and work. It outlines rewards and sanctions, and sets out a code of conduct that all children, staff, parents and governors should be aware of.
HSE at work requires me to take reasonable care of my health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what I do at work, cooperate with my employers on HSE matters and take necessary trainings especially training relating to me field which is Science. Also inform my employers of any concern I have relating to health and safety. As Gravells says: “Learners are entitled to learn in a safe and healthy Environment” (Gravells 2012:29).
The ethos, mission, aims and values of a school is normally based on the beliefs and feelings of a school and can be felt in the school’s atmosphere, They should be recognizable when entering the school environment as it should be part of the school’s everyday activities and part of the daily practice of both staff and pupils. School policies are in place to ensure that children are at the centre of everything, reward systems to celebrate achievement in both academic and non-academic areas. There is a school council where pupils’ voices are heard and they can make positive changes to the school, this gives them a sense of pride in the school and enhances the positive atmosphere. Assemblies are led in a way and the school works together .The school has strong links with the local vicar and church family. Through the church, the
It is important to establish appropriate behaviour and respect for others in order to fully realise the potential of all within and to ensure each student is safe from both physical and psychological harm. Appropriate behaviour must apply to both student and teacher. I, as a teacher, must follow a Code of Practice in order foster individual growth and learning. The principles of Good Practice are to treat people with care, respect and dignity. To recognise that I, as a teacher, am a trusted representative of my work place. I must ensure communication with students is open and clear and assess the risks to my students of the activities by carrying out a thorough risk assessment before each session.
The HSE inspectors may ask to see an updated risk assessment of the environment as they want to analyse the safety of the setting and want to reinforce the importance of taking precautions when working with hazardous substances. These regulatory interventions have been put in place so that the management of health and safety risks do improve, they want to influence people’s knowledge so that they’re encourage to change their behaviour on sensible health and safety. They will regularly intend on investigating and inspecting various settings so that they are aware about Government laws in relation to health and safety. HSE inspectors will regularly visit a laboratory setting depending on its risk assessment level, so if it has a high risk level then they will be visited regularly to ensure that changes are being made and that things are improving. On the other hand, if safety procedures are being followed effectively from the start then these inspections will be irregular as the employer is trusted to keep employees safe. More so, if the legislation has been followed appropriately then the business will be able to work independently as they are responsible enough to follow laboratory procedures
Schools and childcare establishments need to have establish a suitable environment that will support the social and emotional development of a child. A positive social setting is created by a variety of factors which could stem from something as simple as in inclusion of parenting support to the policies and procedures in regards to discipline of children. Some factors that should be taken into consideration when evaluating a suitable social environment might be, the teaching methods, polices on grading and the principles or directors leadership style. It can be said that the major determining factor for a child’s social development is the quality of the relationships held between students and their peers, and the relationship between teachers and students. Children must be constantly encouraged to work together with their peers as the relationships/friendships they form are detrimental to developing their social skills. This can be encouraged by creating games and opportunities for children to engage in large group, small group and one-on-one
There are many ways that a school can communicate its ethos, mission, aims and values, to pupils, staff and parents. A school prospectus or handbook should communicate clear understandable information, taking into consideration the surrounding ethnic community and maybe translating it into different languages.
Chaplain (2010) discusses how a multilevel nature of behaviour management, which extends from each child as a unique individual to the whole school ethos, can create effective learning. This coincides with clear expectations for behaviour in order to allow learning to happen.
There are many ways to effectively communicate a school’s ethos, mission, aims and values. The ethos of a school should be apparent when entering a school by the general feeling you get from the staff and children this is achievable by everyone being aware of the ethos and carrying it out in everyday practice. The school ethos, mission, aims and values will be communicated in school’s literature, such as on the school website, the school handbook or prospectus, school policies, newsletters, general letters.
Health and Safety Regulations aim to improve safety in workplaces, making employers and employees equally responsible for ensuring that they protect themselves and others from accident and injury. The regulations refer to such things as clean kitchens, safety guards on machinery etc., If an employee is injured at work because of breaches of these rules then compensation can be awarded. Most health and safety legislation places place the responsibility of health and safety on the employers. The responsibilities may however be delegated to other competent persons such as fire warders, first aiders and care takers but the employer still