Protista are a eukaryotic organism, which means that it has a nucleus. Protists are so unique because they have enough of 100,000 and are so diverse in their structure and behavior, that originally some scientist actually considered some of them were plants, animals, fungi, and some actually a combination. But scientist later on described protista to serve as those organisms that are eukaryotes, not plants, animals, or fungi. Despite the fact that most are unicellular, a bit of them are multicellular. Protist are really interesting because characterize them by the way that they move, which are Cilia, Flagella, and Pseudopodia. The Pseudopodia has a very unique way of moving its body, if it wants to move it will ooze or scoot its body,
Since they do not contain a nucleus they would be in the prokaryotic domain. They would need to be from the kingdoms Bacteria Specifically Eubacteria. They use photosynthesis to produce their own food. This animal is most likely Prochlorococcus. This is the most abundant photosynthetic cell in the ocean. Another one is cyanobacteria or blue green algae, but they are prokaryotic unlike algae. They could be grouped by their shapes like cyanobacteria are spherical, rod, and spiral. They can also be grouped as photosynthetic since they have
In this lab, we examined protist survival in different communities. An biological community is a community where two or more species coexist in
The trophozoite of N fowleri consists of an amoeba surrounded by a two-layer membrane. The cytoplasm contains free and bound ribosomes, as well as membrane-bound organelles. A smooth endoplasmic reticulum, a Golgi-like structure, mitochondria, vacuoles, and nucleus-containing nuclear envelope are present. Microfilaments create a supportive cytoskeleton. The N fowleri flagellate is pear-shaped. The cytoplasm has fewer vacuoles, and the components of a flagellar apparatus (flagellum, basal body, rootlet) are present. The spherical cyst is enclosed in a mucous-sealed porous cell wall. The cytoplasm contains enlarged mitochondria and the nucleolus is less pronounced.
2. Kingdom Protists- these organisms solely do not depend on themselves to create food but on other living things.
Eukaryotes include all living animal organisms other than the eubacteria and archaea. The eukaryote has a nucleus membrane that surrounds the nucleus in which the way they defined the
4. Modern taxonomists (scientists who classify organisms) no longer use the classification of the kingdom of Protists. List the three other kingdoms of Eukarya.
Bacteria are prokaryotic, and if you were to observe the two cells under a light microscope, you could distinguish their differences. The biggest distinguishment you can make while carefully observing the two cells, is the lack of a nucleus in a prokaryotic cell as compared to a eukaryotic. Prokaryotes also lack any membrane-bound organelles.
Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus. The chromosomes which are found in prokaryotes are usually spread in the cytoplasm. In eukaryotic cells the chromosomes remain together inside the nucleus and there is a clear nuclear membrane that is surrounding the nucleus.
They are known as a diverse group of unicellular eukaryotic organisms. They are also defined as a single celled organism with animal like behaviour. Protozoa are microscopic cells that range from a size from 10 to 52 micrometers. Some protozoa are larger than most. For example the xenophyophores are around 20 centimetres in diameter. Free living forms are restricted to moist environments, such as soil, mosses and aquatic habitats. Many protozoa are symbionts.
The purpose of this study is to identify four unknown organisms. The unknown organisms have been assigned randomly to six-research groups by Professor Hoffman. Each research group was provided two eukaryotes and two prokaryotes. The unknown organisms will fall into the following classifications: bacteria, algae, fungi, or protozoans. All living organisms are organized into one of three domains of life, Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.
Art is the expression, thoughts and imagination that people express them by drawing, painting and assist people to creates more things by using their skills. Graphic design has became so successful from 1800s, by using the graphic design artists have created so many design and assist them to put their thoughts and ideas to create designs. "Experimental Jetset" is a graphic design company founded by Marieke Stolk, Danny van den Dungen and Erwin Brinkers. They also well have known for their use of Helvetica. "MMX" was a poster designed by graphic design firm "Experimental Jetset".
The observed protist had long, unbranched filaments with cells connecting to each other from end to end. This alga seemed to contain a central constriction in between each cell. The protist had a considerable length and appeared to bear a slight bend in its structure. The alga seemed to be around other protists of the same species in large
"I don't know", the most ineffective, unprofessional statement that a person that is in the like of helping other has ever repeated to me. Sounds simple right? Well coming from a college adminstrator it's not as simple as it may seem. What I thought would've been a fun, influential experience turned out to be the worst due to lack of communication and proffesionalism by those who are suppose to be there to help and prepare us for life after college. Walking up to the student accounts line can be an easy process for some, but for others it can be a nerve-wrecking experience. Dealing with an administrator that's having a bad day or just simply doesn't know how to do their job the correct way isn't something you expect when all you need are a
Metazoans are most likely a clade, that is, they all descended from one kind of protist. All metazoans originally had one cilium or flagellum per cell, for example. Metazoans also share the same kind of early development. They form into infolded balls of internal cells which are often free to move, and are covered by outer sheets of cells that form an external coating for the animal: a skin, if you like.
Prokaryotic Cells All living things are made of cells, and cells are the smallest units that can be alive. Life on Earth is classified into five kingdoms, and they each have their own characteristic kind of cell. However the biggest division is between the cells of the prokaryote kingdom (monera, the bacteria) and those of the other four kingdoms (animals, plants, fungi and protoctista), which are all eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler than eukaryotic cells, and do not have a nucleus. Prokaryotic means 'pre-nucleus' and eukaryotic means 'true nucleus'.