
The Euphotic Zone

Decent Essays

When people go to a tropical place, many of them see beautiful animals swimming at the surface of the water. What many people don't know is that they are swimming in the most populated zone in the ocean. Because most people have not heard of the sunlight zone, they should read about the history of the organisms, plants, and animals that live in the sunlight zone. The sunlight zone is called four different types of names. In scientific terms, it is called the Euphotic zone and the Epipelagic zone. The typical name for this zone is the sunlight zone and the sunlit zone. The sunlight zone is the first zone out of five different zones. It also the smallest out of the five, in terms of volume, measured at 200 meters deep. When diving deeper into …show more content…

These organisms and plants are a result of photosynthesis. Some organisms like dinoflagellate, can have a blue-green chemical that allows them to glow, creating a dazzling effect at night. Organisms can also create blooms near the ocean's surface that can be seen from space. The most common type of organism is a diatom that has an intricate skeleton made of glassy silica. Organisms often consist one living cell that can range from simple bacteria to complex single-celled algae. (Woodward, #72-73 ) The primary producers of photosynthesis in seagrass ( Also known as flowering plants), mangroves ( Trees that root in the seafloor but grows above the water), free floating algae ( Resemble seaweed), red algae, green algae ( Also known as sea lettuce), and brown algae ( Resembles fast-growing kelp). Organisms that are most common in the sunlight zone are, Dinoflagellate, Diatoms, Coccolithophores, and Phytoplankton. Organisms and plants are one of the most important parts of the sunlight zone. (Sunlit Ocean (Euphotic) Zone Animal Printout, …show more content…

Photosynthesis occurs in the first 660 feet of the sunlight zone that's why most of the marine mammals live in the first 600 feet of the sunlight zone. Most of the animals need sunlight to live and the sunlight zone provides that. There are many different types of marine mammals that live in the sunlight zone the most common ones are, Angelfish ( Brightly colored fish, lives in shallow warm waters), Angel shark ( Harmless shark, bottom dweller), Beluga whale ( Small and white, lives in cold Arctic Waters), Blowfish ( Poisonous fish, can swallow water double its size, also called puffer fish, globefish, and fugu), Blue-ringed octopus ( A very small venomous octopus, safe and warm reefs), Bottlenose dolphin ( Small dolphin, bottom dweller), Copepod ( Live in fresh and saltwater), Cuttlefish ( Very short legs, has a fin along the entire mantle, has an internal cuttlebone), Elephant seal ( A huge seal, lives in Pacific Ocean), Brittle star ( Has long spiny arms, bottom dweller), Horseshoe crab ( Hard shelled animal, lives and warm waters), Thresher shark ( Tail and fin greatly and Lodge its upper lobe), Whelk ( Spiral shell), and Zebra bullhead shark ( Bottom dweller, zebra like stripes). There are many more animals to be discovered that help the sunlight zone and the environment. (Sunlit Ocean (Euphotic) Zone Animal Printout,

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