
The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework : Consequences For Convergence And Institutional Follow Ups Essay

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c. The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework: Consequences for Convergence and Institutional Follow-Ups

This section contains a summary of the article, The Euro Area Crisis Management Framework: Consequences for Convergence and Institutional Follow-Ups by Ansgar Belke, in the Journal of Economic Integration, published in December 2011, pages 1 – 33. The main thesis, methodology of the report, results/findings and the final conclusion and recommendations of the articles will be addressed below.

1. Thesis

The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM) are the current temporary instruments in the EU. It is a temporary instrument that has a lifespan of three years that is used to deal with the debt and liquidity crisis in the EU. This paper assess what needs to be done after the three years is up, which institutions needs to be formalized and the possible alternatives regarding the ongoing debate on establishing permanent instruments that can better work to support the stability of the Euro.
2. Methodology

The author assesses the EFSF and the EFSM, which are the temporary instruments for the European sovereign debt crisis, in this paper. The author gives a brief introduction regarding its establishment, a background on the governance of the Euro and the consequences of both instruments. The paper also discusses new possible ways of decision-making, alternatives to both institutions, the EMF and the ECB and its

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