
The Evil Men Do Lives After Them Analysis

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Many people wonder how they will be perceived after life. Many legends are almost as famous after death as they were when they were alive. Michael Jackson is an example of someone was known throughout his career and after death. Some may say that he is buried with his music and that will also bring the question as to what else is buried with him. “The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often buried with their bones” (Probst 834). The quote is very powerful and can be interpreted many different ways.
In Act 3 Scene 2, Antony states “The evil men do lives after them; the good is often buried with their bones” (Probst 834). In this quote Mark Antony is alluding to the fact that evil deeds in history are often easily remembered than the good ones. The quote was more than relevant in his funeral speech for Caesar. After Caesar’s death the people of Rome fed into the wrong doings of Caesar rather than the good he had done. In present day, the same outcomes happen. Someone could have an amazing reputation but do one wrongful deed and that is all anyone talks about. Everyone is quick to judge, and their excuse is because it is easier to see the bad than the good.
The society as a whole …show more content…

Presidents such as Barack Obama have never had a white house scandal. Although Obama’s presidency ended early 2017, his policies and him are almost obsolete to the country. Barack Obama said “change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” (Barack). The quote is relevant to the one said by Mark Antony because Obama like Antony proclaimed that people change and that people are good. The sad reality is that people do not accept the change and do not care if the person has been good for 99 percent of their life, but the one time is what will be remembered

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