
The Evilest Man Pol Pot Sparknotes

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Here, we have one of Earth’s evilest men to get ahold of an excruciating amount of power. Saloth Sar, later changing his name to “Pol Pot” was Cambodia’s communist leader from 1975 to 1979. He was the 8th of 9 children and was the second of two sons. His family was prestigious and the Cambodian King Sisowath Monivong made many visits. Along with the Khmer Rouge movement, Mr. Pot managed to kill about 1.5 million Cambodians out of the 8 million at the time. His rise into power is a story of great triumph to evil, but for now let us see the origins of the Evilest Man on Earth.
Pol Pot was born in Prek Sbauv, a small village in 1925. This village was approximately 100 miles north of Phnom Penh, the Cambodian Capital. His family was a little more than middle …show more content…

After that, he began to go to a French Catholic primary school. He continued his learning until 1949, where he went to Paris, France. He studied radio technology and was an avid communist. After his arrival back to Cambodia, he had found that its people were rebelling against French rule, a year later they got their independence. From 1956, Pot had taught history, geography and French literature, all while he had joined a secret communist party and plotting a revolution. In the 60s, he made the party exclusively focusing on Marxism-Leninism. The group moved deep in the countryside and in 1968 they began a national uprising that led to his total command of the country. In 1970, while the Prince of Cambodia was out of the country, the group started a civil war. The Prince had been kicked out of power and turned to the Khmer Rouge movement. He supported Pol Pot in the uprising. By 1975, the Khmer Rouge took control of the capital. As its leader, Pol Pot became the leader of the country. Life under the Rouge was deadly. Everyone was stripped of their belongings and worked in the fields as part of a re-education program. Anyone that refused would be taken to detention centers,

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