
The Exchange Of Information Has Taken On Many Forms Throughout Human History

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The exchange of information has taken on many forms throughout human history. From oral traditions to the development of the printing press, knowledge was always revered. With the advent of digital technologies, communication has gone through changes in transmission, size, and importance. These changes are leading to an over saturation of information, where knowledge is being replaced by short snippets of data, and where our memory systems are transforming into systems of organization. The digitization of communication is making it difficult to keep up with the introduction of new information. Information overload, described as an overexposure to incoming information, has resulted in our average attention span decreasing from 12 …show more content…

Just as capitalism requires the continued search for efficiencies, our interactions with technology must also become as efficient as possible. This shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy has led to the creation of the information worker. These information workers are defined as a social group who rely heavily on computer use, which according to Geert Lovink (2011), is a result of our economy viewing “computer use as an empowering activity resulting in more skills and increased social mobility” (p. 35). The capitalist mode of production casts the computer illiterate as unprofitable. Google, Twitter, and Facebook, which lead this knowledge economy, persuade their audiences to stay connected, and to participate in virtual worlds in an effort generate endless amounts of data, which this economy treats as currency. Those who do not participate are alienated, which reinforces the need to be constantly connected. This transition to digital communication, which maintains a sense of immediacy, lacks the interaction that encompasses face-to-face communication. Prior to the written word, orality was the dominant form of imparting knowledge. Prior to digital communication, oral communication, which could be performed in small groups, encouraged knowledge to be dispersed and shared, which, according to Ekeocha and Brennan (2008), increased the recall rate

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