
'The Executioner' By Martinez De La Rosa

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“The Executioner (n.d.)” a short story by Martinez de la Rosa. This story was written at a time when Spain was under French occupation. To secure the occupation General G, a French army general creates a military base at Menda a coastal town and Victor Marchand chosen as commandant. Their mission is to defend against British attack. After an attack of French troops by local Victor escaped to the military headquarter. Informed on the latest happening General G and his men descend to Menda where a serious crime against humanity is committed. Thousands killed and the rest of inhabitants including the Marquis de Leganes Family are taken as prisoners awaiting execution. It happened that Victor Marchand falls in love with beautiful Clara daughter Marquis. With the consent of General G, the family will avoid extinction if the heir act as the Executioner of the other family members. According to Victor, the negotiator of the deal Clara’s life will be safe only if she agrees to marry him. Juanito the heir finally accepts the role of an Executioner. Conversely, Clara refuses to married Victor because according to her sparing her life under such circumstance will be dishonoring. At the end is a lonely Juanito, though rewarded with the of …show more content…

Reading from the online encyclopedia,, an article titled “Mystery Fiction” (2017), a mystery story often starts with a crime and end after the culprit(s) is or are named and punish. The story has crime scene-the killing of French soldiers. After identification of culprits, General G believes all culprit be punished with a death penalty. Victor wants to solve save the life of one of the culprit, Clara on condition she pelage allegiance to him-that is, married him. The outcome is not what any reader would have predicted, thus the

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