Unit 2 - Development and well-being 0-5 years Nargis Gafar D1: Describe the expected pattern of development of children aged 0-5 years for one of the areas of development: The expected pattern of children’s early years development from 0-5 years consists of Physical, Intellectual and Social and Emotional development. Children aged 0-5 years are expected to be able to walk, talk and interact with other children and adults by the time they are aged 5. Social Development is where a child learns to interact with other people and how to behave in different social situations and how to understand other people 's feelings and their own feelings and how to manage them. Social and emotional development of babies and young children should be encouraged. This can be done through activities provided at any childcare settings or within the home. They should be given opportunities to interact with other children and adults. For example, they should play with their parents and have playdates with other children To give children the best opportunities in developing their social and emotional skills you need to give the child support and show them how to be with others, how to be kind to others and help them understand why people may behave in certain ways. They also need to be given positive interaction by the people around them. D2: Identify suitable methods for observing children’s holistic development: Some suitable methods of observing children’s holistic development are
Environment: Socialisation is important for children. Parents who offer their children varied opportunities in which to meet new people and experience new things give their children an invaluable gift. When they are babies, children need no more than the attentive, loving care given by their parents, but as they grow, it is beneficial for children to expand their worlds by making friends with other people and learning about different cultures. Children who gain a sense of confidence in their ability to interact with people will take them into adulthood making both their personal and professional lives
A child’s development can be measured through physical and language milestones, intellectual, emotional and social development.
Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years
Every kid and person must be respected and protected as an individual with his/her own specific needs and characteristics, who at the same time will be socialising with other individuals and their needs and personalities. Thus, when all being together we have to ensure that we are supporting them as individuals as the same time we offer them a comfortable environment to develop their socialising skills
Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include:
All children and young people develop at different rates, but the order which they advance in differs very little. Children’s development tends to progress from head to toe, inner to outer, from simple to complex and from general to specific.
Developmental Psychology has widened my perspective and knowledge of the nature of development from humans’ infancy to adolescence and emerging adulthood. Although I have learned about biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes and periods of development, I am especially interested in socioemotional development in infancy because it is the foundation for a child’s future development. That is to say, if children have a healthy socioemotional development from infancy, they will have a healthy life later on. By understanding the developmental process in infancy, I will be fully prepared when I have children or when my family’s members do.
Learning Outcome: Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth - 19 years.
Through a young person’s development, from birth to 19 they are expected to follow a development pattern including physical, social, environmental, behavioural, intellectual and communicational. The expected pattern is seen as the average time period it would take to accomplish these skills.
Development of a child have been a thing that most of the parents have been neglecting without noticing that it is very important in the development of a child’s character and social
Ask any parent about their child’s development, and they’ll often talk about speech and language development, gross motor skills or even physical growth. But a child’s social development—her ability to interact with other children and adults—is a critical piece of the development puzzle.
Explain the reasons why children and young people's development may not follow the expected pattern
In order to apply theories and models of child development to support children’s development we must get to know each individual child by building a good relationship with the children through play, communication and answering to their personal needs. Observation and assessment is also key so that we know what each child is capable of and what they are working towards/could be encouraged towards. Good communication with parents is also beneficial as it helps the carer to see what the child is doing at home and to identify if there are things they do or don’t do at nursery that is different from home. It also helps to work out ways of encouraging development at home and at nursery.
Right from birth children develop their behaviour and social skills from what they experience at home. This experience should be caring, loving and supportive, it should provide children with the opportunity to develop and interact as much as possible. Children need to be exposed to as many experiences as feasible, so that not only can they learn and develop, but they can have their main carers/parents support. This will allow a child to learn to deal with different situations.
They learn to trust that their needs will be met, or that they will not. The emotional domain includes the infant’s perception of herself and of herself in relation to others.”(Blackboard, 2013). The most important thing a caregiver can do to help a toddler’s emotional development is to create a safe and loving environment for the toddler to learn in. Caregivers should understand that each toddler is different and has different needs. Attending to each individual child in a well-organized and inviting learning environment is essential during his stage early childhood development.