
The Failure Of Communism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

Decent Essays

Authors utilize the power of fiction to make a simulated story that can be looked back upon as something that has happened in history. George Orwell in the novel, Animal Farm, establishes the idea of communism played through the roles of animals. Orwell questions the societies that are run by a communist party. Not only does Orwell create the dystopian and very true structure of a communist run society, but he retaliates with the failures that this type of government plays on their society. In the novel Animal Farm, Orwell does this through the animals on the farm and the allowance of a brand new “government” stepping into place due to animals with bigger, more powerful personalities and a higher level of intelligence than the other animals in the society. Although the idea of communism seems almost perfect, when it is practiced- it fails miserably. Each animal party is a different type of member in the communist party. To correlate this to the people in communist Russia, Russia was in the need of rapid …show more content…

The pigs appear as “... [having] superior knowledge [they feel] it [is] natural that they should assume the leadership” (Orwell 29) on the farm. The pigs directly represent the communist leaders such as Marx, Lenin and other harsh dictators that make up a communist society. The pigs create the commandments that “...would form an unalterable law by which all the animals on Animal Farm must live” (Orwell 24). Since the pigs are of higher intelligence they are able to sway other animals on Animal Farm to give into what they want and paint a better, rounded picture which makes communism seem like a great choice. They then are able to create rules to manipulate the system in their favor by saying: “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS” (Orwell

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