Authors utilize the power of fiction to make a simulated story that can be looked back upon as something that has happened in history. George Orwell in the novel, Animal Farm, establishes the idea of communism played through the roles of animals. Orwell questions the societies that are run by a communist party. Not only does Orwell create the dystopian and very true structure of a communist run society, but he retaliates with the failures that this type of government plays on their society. In the novel Animal Farm, Orwell does this through the animals on the farm and the allowance of a brand new “government” stepping into place due to animals with bigger, more powerful personalities and a higher level of intelligence than the other animals in the society. Although the idea of communism seems almost perfect, when it is practiced- it fails miserably. Each animal party is a different type of member in the communist party. To correlate this to the people in communist Russia, Russia was in the need of rapid …show more content…
The pigs appear as “... [having] superior knowledge [they feel] it [is] natural that they should assume the leadership” (Orwell 29) on the farm. The pigs directly represent the communist leaders such as Marx, Lenin and other harsh dictators that make up a communist society. The pigs create the commandments that “...would form an unalterable law by which all the animals on Animal Farm must live” (Orwell 24). Since the pigs are of higher intelligence they are able to sway other animals on Animal Farm to give into what they want and paint a better, rounded picture which makes communism seem like a great choice. They then are able to create rules to manipulate the system in their favor by saying: “ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS” (Orwell
Orwell effectively conveys the rise of communism in Russia throughout the book Animal Farm by the accurate elucidation of the context in the Soviet Union from 1917-1945. Orwell’s attitude and political view towards Russia is evident in his representation of the farm animals on Communist Party leaders: Napoleon and Snowball, for example, are figurations of Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, respectively. He expresses the anthropomorphic characters of farm animals, and major events in Animal Farm such as the Rebellion and the construction of the windmill, reminiscent of the Russian Revolution and the “Five-Year Plans”. Orwell also uses many techniques to describe the crucial points in Animal Farm by metaphoric language and allegorical means
They are allegories to people of the Soviet Union though. Such as Napoleon is Joseph Stalin. Napoleon is Stalin in this book, but he could also be Fidel Castro, Kim Jong Un, and other totalitarian leaders. George Orwell intended this to be Soviet Union specific, but it is flexible to today’s totalitarian governments around the world. “Napoleon is always right”. (Page 27: paragraph 1, Animal Farm). Snowball, who was expelled from the farm, and falsely labelled a traitor by Napoleon, closely is supposed to be Trotsky. One of the main creators of the Soviet Union, who after Lenin died was labelled as a traitor and was deported to Mexico by Stalin. Lastly, there was Old Major. It could be argued that he was Lenin, but he did not live to see the revolution like Lenin did. He also created the concept of Animalism, which is an allegory to Communism, which are both totalitarianism. Which means, Old Major would be Karl Marx. Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848 with Frederick Engels. He was one of the creators of Communism, as Old Major created Animalism. “THREE nights later, Old Major died peacefully in his sleep”. (Page 7: paragraph 1, Animal
“At fifty everyone has the face he deserves” (Orwell). With these being his last words, I believe Orwell was trying to explain that you make who you will become, and with this there is a point of no return. In relation to communism this “point” is communistic rule. This dictatorship can often be expressed differently depending on the advocate's ideas, feelings, and views on social status.
Elie Wiesel in Night and Snowball from Animal Farm are very similar characters because they were victimized by tyrants and used as scapegoats, but they are also unique and individual characters because Elie knew he was being taken advantage of and Snowball did not. Animal Farm is written by George Orwell, and it is about a farm of animals that take over the farm. Napoleon, a large pig, slowly takes away food and supplies from the other animals until he starts walking on two feet and becomes a “human.” Because of him Snowball is expelled from the farm and acts as a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong on the farm. Night is an autobiography written by Elie Wiesel, and in it Elie tells the story of he was taken from his home and put into a concentration camp under the control of Adolf Hitler.
In the story Animal Farm, Orwell uses both symbolism and communism to closely relate to the Russian Revolution. Orwell inscribes characters in the book such as Snowball and Napoleon to show what the Russian Revolution truly is. She also closely relates them to leaders involved in the revolution. Without Orwell's use of symbolism and communism in the story, readers wouldn't get a good understanding of what the Russian Revolution truly was.
People respond to control and power differently for various reasons, however, one of the main reasons is based on their personality; their confidence and intelligence. In, Animal Farm by George Orwell, confidence and intelligence is a big factor for why certain animals obtained power and control and why other ones did not. People with confidence and intelligence are likely to gain most of the control and power. People with little intelligence, but lots of confidence are more likely to have some power or work underneath the leader. People with intelligence, but no confidence seem to have no power at all and shy away from it. Both intelligence and confidence are needed for someone to take total power. Therefore, the amount of confidence and intelligence a person has will decide how they respond to control and power.
George Orwell is the author of the novel, Animal Farm, which is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. An allegory is a story that uses characters or events to represent ideas. Animal Farm can be read as a fable of talking animals, or as a history book. Animal farm is full of information, you just need to reach out for it. Orwell wrote this to tell people the effects of communism and how it affected the Russian people. This event was a huge movement in the history of Russian society; and the first step in creating communism in Russia. George Orwell’s Animal Farm was a satirical allegory, presented in the form of a fable, which was meant to criticize and
Karl Marx’s perfect society described in his Communist Manifesto is in direct conflict with the implementation of Soviet Communism, which was scathingly criticized by George Orwell’s book Animal Farm. Karl Marx believed that in order to form a just and equal society, the working class, called the proletariat, would have to overthrow those who owned the means of production, who were known as the bourgeoisie. This was to be known as the Proletariat Revolution where the oppressed laborers in capitalist societies, such as England, would unite under a common cause to overthrow the oppressive bourgeoisie, and establish a communist society. This would be a society where all were equal, each performing to his ability, and each receiving according
Animal Farm written by George Orwell is an animal fable happens in a farm where animals start building a communism society, but end up being totalitarianism, hinting obliquely at the communists in the real world. The gaps between pigs and other common animals, demonstrate the theme that the corruption of power appears when majority is ruled. The intelligence superior allows the pigs placing themselves at a position which is closer to the power and which is more easily to corrupt. The inability to question the authorization makes the other common animals becoming the naïve working class who suffers the corrupting influence of power. The nature of pigs, greed, is the source of their undying lust for ultimate power. At the end, the
George Orwell’s Animal Farm is an allegory in that it reveals hidden meanings in the Russian rise of Communism by providing an alternative perspective on the events that transpire. The primary difference from the real rise of communism is that animals are the primary characters in animal farm. Animal Farm reveals so many deceptions and perspectives while using rhetoric to give me a unique “moral of the story.”
The Tyranny of Animal Farm Pigs are said to be one of the most filthy and overall dumb animals on earth. They are known to roll around in mud and eat almost anything that they can find lying around on the ground. Although George orwell depicts them as being very smart in the end destructive. I the novel Animal Farm the pigs were responsible for the downfall of the animal utopia. Firstly, Squealer decided to play mind games on the animals forcing them to always think otherwise.
Animalism and communism are two identical concepts with different names. Orwell’s representation of communism as a system is rather specific, and it is similar to the communism in the USSR. First of all, Animalism fights with the existence of slavery. Thus, animals were like slaves on the farm because they had to work hard, but
Imagine if the hands of time could be turned back to see what life for the Soviet Union would have been like without Joseph Stalin’s dictatorship. Imagine a land of equality without people living under corrupted rule that lead miserable lives. This is the perfect utopian society that everyone living in the Soviet Union during the Russian Revolution wanted their life to be like. Leon Trotsky, represented by Snowball in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, would have transformed the Soviet Union into exactly this society as he was the better leader, yet he was unable to convey this message to the people. Leon Trotsky’s actions and governmental implementations were beneficial to the rise of the Soviet Union.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a satire of the Russian Revolution. The animals overthrow the evil dictator Mr. Jones and create a government where all animals are equal. The first year is prosperous, but slowly the animals start to lose their quality of life. The animals start to notice that their lives are getting worse, but the pigs are getting better. However, the quick thinking pigs always find an excuse to appease the other animals. George Orwell wrote Animal Farm to point our the gullibility of the Proletariat. He comments on this political issue through symbolism, allusions, and personification.
The pigs were without a doubt the leaders of Animal Farm. They could do anything to you, they could make you live and could make you die. The socialist system is that the production and distribution of products is maintained by the community. In Animal Farm , the animals were put in even more smaller communities by species. There was groups made during the early post-revolution like the Egg Production Committee, the Clean Tails League and the Whiter Wool Movement. Also all political actions are done by the community. There was the Meeting every Sunday where all the animals met in the barn. What they did in the barn was they planned what to do next week and also debate resolutions. The resolutions were put by pigs who were the only ones with the ability to make them. Soon Napoleon and Snowball were debating against each other and were trying to get majority for themselves. All the other animals couldn’t think up of anything for themselves but both of the pigs were throwing many at them. They soon got out of their Socialist ways and started to become closer to communism. An example of the complete end of Socialism in Animal Farm was when Napoleon ordered the hens to lay a certain amount of eggs. The hens refused to do so but was forced to which is definitely not socialistic. It isn’t socialistic because the production of products is maintained by the community and the hens are part of the