
The Fairie Queene Analysis

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Skill of the Week: Reading for Women in Power
Throughout time, Chasity is a virtue of positive connotation but seems to have a fluctuating denotation. In our modern world, the Urban Dictionary website defines chastity as “more than just abstinence. It's choosing not to have sex because you recognize the value of your own sexuality. ( This definition allows for some leeway as it leaves room for possible intercourse as long as it is valued. However, the reputable Oxford Dictionary narrows the meaning to “The state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, sexual intercourse. ( This Middle English definition leaves no room for “hanky-panky.” In the Fairie Queene, Edmund Spenser uses three predominate characters to create a Spenserian definition of chastity.
In Canto 4, Spencer introduces the character Florimell. At that time, she is being pursued by Arthur and Guyon (3.4.12). Furthermore, in Canto 5, more drama arises when Arthur learns that Florimell is searching for her beloved Marinell (3.5.2). Florimell is noted as the most beautiful female character in the epic and spends much of her time running away from almost all of the male characters within the poem because they are in love with her. She relies on her ability to flee from men with lustful intentions. This character shows how Spenser defines chastity as purity and innocence as Florimell flees from temptation instead of taking it on like a modern day

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