Skill of the Week: Reading for Women in Power
Throughout time, Chasity is a virtue of positive connotation but seems to have a fluctuating denotation. In our modern world, the Urban Dictionary website defines chastity as “more than just abstinence. It's choosing not to have sex because you recognize the value of your own sexuality. ( This definition allows for some leeway as it leaves room for possible intercourse as long as it is valued. However, the reputable Oxford Dictionary narrows the meaning to “The state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, sexual intercourse. ( This Middle English definition leaves no room for “hanky-panky.” In the Fairie Queene, Edmund Spenser uses three predominate characters to create a Spenserian definition of chastity.
In Canto 4, Spencer introduces the character Florimell. At that time, she is being pursued by Arthur and Guyon (3.4.12). Furthermore, in Canto 5, more drama arises when Arthur learns that Florimell is searching for her beloved Marinell (3.5.2). Florimell is noted as the most beautiful female character in the epic and spends much of her time running away from almost all of the male characters within the poem because they are in love with her. She relies on her ability to flee from men with lustful intentions. This character shows how Spenser defines chastity as purity and innocence as Florimell flees from temptation instead of taking it on like a modern day
Before the selected passage, there are several instances in which Fleur is pitted against various men, and ultimately (though in bizzare ways), Fleur prevails. Immediately prior to the passage, the narrator describes the tedium of the town of Argus, and of the male laborer’s conversations- this ceases when Fleur “finally gave them a subject” (Erdrich, 3178). The structure of the passage establishes a metaphorical
We arrived at Queenie and Arthur Volupies at 1:20am. When we arrived Arthur was dead at the scene. Queenie claimed Arthur had fallen down the stairs going to get another drink. The evidence does not support what Queenie claimed. First, When Arthur fell down the stairs he landed with his feet on the stairs and his head on the ground. When people fall down the stairs they usually land on their stomach or face or try to catch themselves, they don’t land up upside down. So someone must have pushed him down the stairs or he was put at the bottom of the stairs. Additionally, when Arthur fell down the stairs he land with a cup in his left hand unbroken. If a person was to fall down the stairs with a glass in their hand it would either shatter or
Joan took a vow of chastity as part of her divine mission. When her father attempted to arrange a marriage for her, she successfully convinced a court that she should not be forced to do so. In that time period, women had little or no role to play. Few women lived comfortable lives, but mostly, fourteenth century society was completely dominated by men and women had to know ‘their
Queen, by Audrey Flack is a very captivating piece of artwork. It was painted in 1976, originally Audrey Flack took a picture and then used it as the basis for this painting. Queen is a painting of box that is full of special mementos. It has features such as a quarter of an open orange, a rose, a pocket watch, a queen playing card, a locket of an older and a younger woman, lip balm, perfume, a chess piece, blush, and a chain necklace with the letter “F” on it. The painting almost looks like a vanity drawer or a keepsake drawer. However, realizing the fruits and flower in the painting I understood it to be a collection of the artist's memories as opposed to a drawer. Audrey Flack was demonstrating the many things that were significant to her while aging. Queen signifies the fight against time. It shows that no matter what possessions you retain it will not keep you young. No one can win the battle against time.
Love, betrayal, and death all describe one legendary queen’s story. Queen Guinevere’s love story, predominantly found in different types of literature, varies widely in many different portrayals, and is still used present day. Even though the stories details may vary, they all usually have the same tragic end. This makes Guinevere one of the most interesting characters to learn more about.
Queen Emma Kalanikaumakaʻamano Kaleleonālani Naʻea Rooke, born on January 2, 1836 in Honolulu, is best remembered for her efforts and dedications to establishing the Queen’s Medical Hospital. As the daughter of Fanny Kekelaokalani Young and George Naʻea, her bloodline was closely related to Kamehameha I. As was custom, Queen Emma was offered and adopted by her mother’s sister, Grace Kamaikui Rooke and her husband, Dr. T.C.B. Rooke. Her upbringing involved a mix of British and Hawaiian child rearing, and she grew up speaking English and Hawaiian. In 1856, Queen Emma became queen consort to Kamehameha IV, Alexander Liholiho. Throughout her life, Queen Emma had accomplished many humanitarian efforts for Native Hawaiians.
Every summer my family and I go to our house in the cape just north of Boston. One hot summer morning, I was leaving the house to meet my family at the beach, suddenly I remembered my mother asked me to pick up a jar of “Kingfish Herring” for her and her friend to snack on at the beach.
Chastity is to be in control of both our physical and sexual urges. The two purposes of genital sex is procreation and a sharing of love. Signs of love going right when people recognize the equal dignity and basic rights of all involved. Signs of love going wrong is when manipulation, coercion and abuse are involved.
Is Macbeth to blame for his actions or was this just fate set against him? In the classic story Macbeth a play written by Shakespeare, Macbeth is told a prophecy by three weird sisters. Once hearing his “fate” Macbeth's life becomes a killing spree in order to get and remain the king. Before we can answer the question, we need to know what fate is. Fate is “A power that is believed to control what happens in the future” (Merriam-Webster). Knowing this, it is easy to say that Macbeth's actions were not fate as there are no supernatural powers that control one's destiny. Macbeth’s actions were one of a power hungry and deranged man who slowly lost his sanity throughout the play. This can be seen in the beginning of the play but when Macbeth still
Lifespan development is a scientific approach to questions about growth, change, and stability in physical, cognitive, social, and personality characteristics at all ages from conception to death (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). In reading the chapter I found three theories very interesting evolutionary, cognitive, and psychodynamic. The reason I find evolutionary perspective because I feel as though this perspective or theory is the base of study. When we are born we have genetic make-up for two people with two family trees. The blending is sometimes a hard transition. We all have been around child and seen their parents’ characteristics in the child. Evolutionary perspective attributes to the genetic inheritance from our ancestors, contending that genes determine not only traits such as skin and eye color, but certain personality traits and social behaviors (Feldman, 2014 Seventh Edition). We all see and new edition in a family and sit and try and pick out which parent the child looks like. We are a very diverse place. The traits and genetic studies are a constant for new developments and updated current practices. Education on social norms of new populations are a must. As we learned throughout history change is a shock. We need to educate and adapt to the societal new comers. Problems occur in the lag between establishment of new members and educative process which has caused some havoc for community members. With more and more cultural differences and blending there
In Tomson Highway’s novel Kiss of the Fur Queen the opening passage transports the reader to the harsh, cold, and intense struggle of the caribou hunter, Abraham Okimasis during a championship husky sled race. Any race often proves to be physically and mentally exhausting for a person. Highway utilizes a fantastic variety of literary devices to dramatize Okimasis’ physical and emotional experience through his last leg of the race by creating a powerfully intense atmosphere through the effective use of descriptive imagery, passionate diction, repetition of words, and a tone of desperation.
“Women’s honor, something altogether else: virginity chastity, fidelity to a husband. Honesty in women has not been considered important. We have been depicted as generically whimsical, deceitful, subtle, vacillating, and we have been rewarded for lying.” 413.
The morality about sex had a main aim: An ideal of purity based on a chastity code which emphasized the relevance of premarital continence. In order to keep this chastity code, anything related to sex was silenced in an attitude of deliberated ignorance, an attitude of rejection of sex, especially in women, who usually associated sex with a marital duty.
Chas·ti·ty /noun: the state or practice of refraining from extramarital, or especially from all, sexual intercourse. That is the internet definition of the word chastity. You might read that and think something like, “Well yeah, I knew that but what does it have to do with me?” The truth is chastity has everything to do with you, me, your neighbor, and even your closest friends and family. Chastity can protect you from many daily problems that many teenagers worry about daily. Some of these problems include, abortion, regret, doubt, reputation, and many others that can lead you down the wrong path. While my parents were dating, not married they had me at a very young age, and they were not ready for a child of their own. They went their separate
Climate change has become a large topic of interest especially in the last few years. While climate change will have many wide reaching effects the focus of this paper will be on oceans. One of the more obvious effect of climate change on the oceans will be warming of the water. From 1971 to 2010 the upper ocean defined as 700 meters and above warmed, it may have also warmed prior to that time but data was not very well kept or consistent during those times. While the water close to the surface could have the greatest warming, it cannot be ruled out that warming is also taking place at greater depths (Rhein et al. 2013).