
Essay about The Fastest Growing Problem in the World: Overpopulation

Decent Essays


Overpopulation is becoming one of the fastest growing problems facing our human civilization. This serious condition is growing every year, every minute, and every second. It’s the root of most, if not all, of the world’s problems. Our planet now provides around 5.8 billion people, projected to be around 10 billion by the year 2050. One very serious effect of the population explosion is its devastating effects on the global environment. Increasing amounts of food, energy, and shelter are required to fulfill the needs of human society.
Much of our energy is derived from the burning of fossil fuels. The amount of land required for food production alone will grow larger and larger, while the amount of available land will …show more content…

One of the major causes of over population has resulted in global warming. Some believe global warming is a myth, but evidence over the past several decades has shown us this is a real major problem for our earth. The ice at both poles is melting at a high rate, and the weather patterns have been altered all around the world. Iceland is now a tropical rain forest. The ozone layer is badly damages, leading to an unknown costs to the planets and animals, including and increasing amount of skin cancer to us.
All of this is caused from overpopulation. This has been happening for thousands of years. The population began to skyrocket with the industrial revolution, and the last century’s modern medical break thoughts and better nutrition for most people. The only way the world is going to survive is with less people. This means less demand on our lands and waters and air which would help the environment. Population control has implications in economics the environment, sociology, philosophy, family, politics, religion, sexuality, and individual rights. China has placed incentives on people giving them better tax

breaks for only having only 2 children. Chinas efforts have been successful in the city, however china’s population still continues to grow because their laws are impossible to enforce in the countryside and borderlands. Many would agree that this imposes on our rights as humans as well as

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