The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Reader Response
The novel The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien is set in a fanciful world filled with strange creatures and magical happenings, but not everything is so unlike our world. Many of the characters change over the course of the story, just as we do over the course of our lives. Frodo, the main character and the carrier of the magical ring, is part of the mythical race of Hobbits, yet he is remarkably human. He has the same values as we do, and his small size hides his big heart. His journey throughout the novel changes his life and his outlook on life. In the beginning he is content with his quiet life, and his voyage leaves him lusting after adventure. Of all
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However the women wear their hair down and the men wear fancy embroidered vests, which suggests much later in time. I like novels with no set time, because they let me imagine what I want.
The Fellowship of the Ring has a lot of background information and long words. Tolkien does this in all of his writing. I disliked all the landscape in the beginning, but I grew to be thankful for the extra description as the novel went on. Tolkien’s world is complicated, with many mountain ranges, plains, deserts, jungles, and forests, and the rich description helps to keep them straight and also helps the reader imagine the world of Middle-Earth. Generally fantasy books that are written for children have less information and more action, but not this one. This book is written with many long and occasionally some made-up words. The names, for example the name Galadriel, are made of odd letters and have strange pronunciations, yet all fit the characters to a tee. The Elvish language made by the author flows off the tongue of the reader, and is a pleasure to say aloud. The book may seem dense to a reader who prefers fast-paced action, yet the description and the rich language simply enhance the plotline.
Tolkien wrote his novels as bedtime stories for his young children. When they were first published, they were sold solely as children’s novels. Over the years, however, The Fellowship of the Ring has become a classic read by all ages. How does
Lord Acton once said, "Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely." He was probably referring to the powerful kings and queens who held power over many people. But, we could see how power is something many of the characters in Tolkien's story are trying to have and hold onto in some form or another. In The Fellowship of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien tells us a story about Frodo Baggins who is ordered by Gandalf to destroy the powerful ring discovered accidentally by his older cousin, Bilbo. Like the rest of the hobbits, Frodo has lived quite peacefully and well, not having to worry about how dark and dreary the rest of Middle Earth was becoming under Sauron's growing power. Now, Frodo,
First, my favorite restaurant is Cheesecake factory at the Prudential Center. Cheesecake factory is on prudential center the corner of Huntington avenue Boston. I prefer this location because it is close to my home. Also this is excellent place, and absolutely has best servers. Furthermore, Prudential is a popular place for tourists. Additionally, the Cheesecake factory’s food is excellent and the price is very reasonable and has great food portions. Also, cheesecake factory is a large restaurant and always has places to sit.
In the movie The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring, written by J.R Tolkien and directed by Peter Jackson, a group of diverse individuals must learn to trust each other dispite historical and cultural difference. Frodo has the burden of trusting people with his life. Throughout the movie Frodo has to put his life
The Lord of the Rings by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is a book widely known for its rich language, detailed imagery, and profound story that expands over three volumes and six books. The book is scattered with deep characters ranging in back stories and eventual character development. Motifs, key parts throughout the story, include lightness and darkness, eyes, jewelry, and sword. JRR Tolkien even creates his own language for the solemn race of elves in the lengthy three volume novel. A part of this length may be attributed to the unusual placement of many full-form songs and poems within the book, as a break between the usual story. These poems and songs have ranges of playfulness and thoughtfulness. With uses of made up Hobbit words and beautiful
An encounter with a shark is not something that many people really want to experience. The movie Jaws definitely put the fear of the ocean into many people. Sharks have been all over the media lately; Shark Week on the Discovery Channel just ended, and several attacks have been reported over the last few months. However, on a happier note, a beached Great White was saved this weekend in Cape Cod by beachgoers who sympathized with the struggling animal.
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien is not often thought of as a Christian book. It is either viewed as a revolutionary fantasy book or an adventure book; rarely do people think of the book as having Christian roots. During his life, Tolkien was a devout Christian, so these morals and themes can be seen throughout his writing. By telling of the journey of an average fellowship, Tolkien tells a vast story with life lessons along the way. Rather than focusing on the developments of a single character, Tolkien develops several characters throughout the book, so comparisons among these characters offer valuable insight to human behavior.
How can an author write a story which appeals to a present day audience? Richard H. Tyre published an article in 1978 that gives an answer to this very question. Tyre explains how most kids today choose to read books like the Harry Potter series, The Lord of the Rings series, and even The Wizard of Oz. An existing theory that Tyre came up with explains that each of these books, along with many others, have one thing in common: 6 plot elements. Not only do these stories contain the same 6 elements but those elements are in the same order! Tyre states that “(1) those who hunt for treasure, (2) must go alone, (3) at night, (4) and when they find it, (5) they must leave some of their blood behind, (6) and the treasure is never what they expected.” (Tyre 2). J.R.R. Tolkien is the author of The Hobbit. The Hobbit revolves around one hobbit in particular named Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo embarks on a journey with 14 others to recover a treasure that is guarded by a dragon. Along the way Bilbo faces many challenges that range from running into huge trolls, to taking part in fierce battles. Due to it’s main character hunting for treasure, facing most of the dangers alone, battling during the wee hours of the night, eventually finding the treasure, after sweating/crying/and enduring injuries, just to have the treasure revealed to him as not what he expected, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is undoubtedly a perfect example of Tyre’s 6 plot elements.
In the lecture Tolkien tells the readers that the man has the power to create stories in order to describe the events of what people are going through. They can express these stories as “satire, adventure, morality, and fantasy” and “causes it to take living form and colour before the eyes.” This makes the readers understand that the fairy stories are created with the intentions to relate to existing events happening, but can be seen in different ways and told by different personifications.
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" is a novel that has captured the imagination of readers for more than sixty years. The story of a group of young people abandoned on a deserted island and thrown into peril still fascinates readers today. Here you will find Golding's stylistic choices and how he develops the character of Piggy to explore important themes such as the human condition, the nature of evil, and the struggle between civilization and violence. Due to Piggy's awkward and shy personality, he was often ignored by other children. Golding used Piggy's glasses as a symbol of his wisdom.
depictions of characters and details that capture the imagination. The plot of this novel is the
One of the most fundamental concepts of human nature is balance, which Tolkien achieves using contrast and parallelism in his writing style. Every level of his writing, from the syntax to the story elements, reflects this idea. For instance, as one literary analyst comments, his“heavy usage of a coordinating conjunction and the resultant parallelism in multiple clauses, often grouped in one sentence, is a stylistic feature … worth noting on its own.” (Reid ). In other words, he repeats certain words or phrases (in this case the word “and”) to help connect and compare elements of the story. An example of this can be seen in this excerpt from The Hobbit in the chapter entitled “Fire and Water” (another example of his use of contrast), describing the attack and defeat of Smaug, the dragon, on a lake town, Esgaroth:
“The murder of Déagol haunted Gollum, and he had made up a defense, repeating it to his ‘precious’ over and over” (The Fellowship of the Ring 62). This quote gives a look into the strongest moment of shock that impacted young Sméagol’s life forever. Gollum is a fictional character unlike any other in The Lord of the Rings series, as he is portrayed as having undiagnosed Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are six recurring symptoms that must happen in conjunction with traumatic factors in order for someone to be diagnosed with PTSD, and unfortunately for Sméagol his actions and history sync perfectly into the diagnosis. Due to the fact that Gollum is a fictional character out of a book, it seems that the author, J.R.R. Tolkien, may have purposely given these attributes to Gollum to display PTSD. Though Tolkien may argue that his time in the war did not highly influence his books, subconsciously Tolkien, like many who were in the war, could have had undiagnosed PTSD or known someone who did. As a combat veteran, Tolkien and his friends were more likely to develop PTSD. This may have resulted in portraying these symptoms on to one specific character, Gollum. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder “is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event” (NIMH), just as Gollum had and continues to be put through. He has had a rough past of loss and exile, as well as continuously trudges through horrific events and torture in which he must
I suppose the verse could find a still further fulfilment on a world-wide scale, but I seems clear that the sudden rise of Trump in tandem with what is happening politically in this country and even around the world, is just one more “coincidence” that seems choreographed by something greater than ourselves. If what has recently happened is the fulfilment of these two prophecies, than the tribulation could start at any moment. A dark time approaches.
If you’ve ever done tie dye the hard way, you can understand why I earnestly sought out an easier way to make a fashionable, unpretentious tie dye t-shirt. In the process of seeking something easier, I tried liquid fabric paint that you squirt onto a scrunched-up tee, wait for it to dry, and hope it doesn’t fade. I also tried using the permanent marker and rubbing alcohol method. I got interesting results, but the process is still not as easy or as effective as Simply Spray.
I would like to conclude by saying that this novel The Lord of the Rings has inspired many spin off works, including several games as well.The enormous popularity of Tolkien’s epic saga has greatly expanded the demand for fantay novels, largely thanks to the Lord of the Rings. It is an an extraordinary work, grandly conceived, brilliantly executed and wildly entertaining novel of Tolkien .In the whole novel we see that it 's a hobbit 's dream, a wizard 's delight. And, of course, it 's only the beginning.The language used in this novel is very simple and easy to understand by people. In short this novel has won the hearts of many .This novel is a must read. I see this novel as a near perfect: It 's one of the best fantasy novel ever written. The story just revolves around the Ring which is created by a Dark lord, Sauron.It has brought the supernaturalism in such a way that we could clearly make out where is the supernaturalism used.