The Fermi Paradox is a fascinating and contentious idea. Proposed by Enrico Fermi in the 1940s as a simple lunchtime remark. While talking with a group of atomic scientists, the subject moved into the territory of extra-terrestrial life and the probability of their existence to which Fermi supposedly responded with the question "Where is everybody?". This response was the start of what continues to be one of the most existential scientific questions we know of. If there are billions of planets that can support life and the universe has given these planets enough time to allow life to form, then why have none visited earth.
If there are approximately forty-billion earth-size habitable planets in the habitable zones of sun-like stars or red
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Perhaps the reason there has been no evidence of life for is because we assume that these life forms inherently have a need to colonize. While we, as people, tend to formulate theories and ideas based on how humans (Homo sapiens) function and the things we observe. Though that is perfectly reasonable, it's hardly a viable way to conceptualize the possibility of life forms in an infinite universe. It's narrow-minded and would not be able to wrap around the vastness of the topic. We assume that these possible life forms have a similar psychological pattern as we do, take as much as possible, colonize as much as possible. Perhaps there is intelligent life out there with adequate space travel technology that simply does not have the same motive as, say, Europeans during the age of exploration. Maybe colonizing is not the goal of whatever space travel agency happens to exist on those planets holding life with space travel technology is not simply motivated to colonize. It's not impossible that they simply travel to enjoy the beauty of the universe, much like tourists traveling the word. Not all tourists who travel are looking to settle, not all space-traveling extra-terrestrial life forms are looking to …show more content…
When we talk about life in other star systems or galaxies we always refer to "life as we know it" even though, in an infinite universe, these life forms may not be "as we know it". While this may seem like a stretch, but life forms may have formed on planets we considered inhabitable. The requirements of what we consider life is defined by what they do not how they do it. The system used for a species in another galaxy or star system to acquire energy and expel waste may serve a similar purpose but not function in the same way or use the same materials. It should also be noted that life adapted to the planet, and while Earth is what we call "optimal for life" that only applies to the life forms on Earth and not necessarily to organisms in, say, a planet in a star system in the Andromeda galaxy. So, while it's logical to search Earth-like planets for life since we know those conditions have worked once, it's also illogical to rule out ones that are less Earth-like. And that this sort of way of thinking is yet another example of how humans think mostly of themselves and forget that our way may not be the only
The witch trials of Salem Massachusetts in 1692 leave a dark spot on the timeline in history. It was a horrific event that saw the senseless executions of twenty innocent, men, women, and children. The one responsible for the chaos that ensued? A one Abigail Williams, on the foundation of a personal vendetta against John Proctor; she deceived and manipulated the populace of Salem. As her revenge clouded her perception on the after-effects for her actions. The domino pieces fell one, by one, ultimately leading to one of the worst cases of injustice in recorded history.
James Green discusses in his speech the possibility of there being life beyond earth. Green starts off with a quote that is used in a lot of movies, books and television shows, “Is there life beyond earth in our solar system?” He follows this initial quote with one by Carl Sagan, an American astronomer, “It takes extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims.” It is important for Green to use these two quotes as attention getters. He hooks the listener with his works and we begin to think if there really is life in our solar system then just on earth.
Throughout history humanity has been fascinated by the existence of extraterrestrial life. Today such ventures are in the development process and the discovery of life beyond our solar system, no matter how primitive, may soon become a huge(important?) scientific breakthrough. The three basic things that are required to consider a place even remotely habitable are water, a source of energy, and organic materials. Habitability also depends on other factors that must also be taken into consideration such as how close the planet is to its star (in the case of our solar system, the sun), how long the water and organic materials existed there, and the size and mass of the planet. One must not confuse habitable with inhabited. The term
Korff also states, “In what is now known as the ‘the Roswell incident,’ the U.S. military is said to have quickly covered up the affair and continues to shroud it in extreme secrecy even today.”
it was discovered that there are other planets like Earth out there that are able to accommodate life forms like our planet. And it is highly unlikely that we are the only living things out there in the big universe
Recognized as being one of the top 34 degree-granting public research institutions that belongs to the prominent Association of American Universities, the University of Colorado (CU) prides itself on providing a lasting effect on its communities through “collaborative research, innovation and entrepreneurship” (para. 1). This university consists of a system of three other public, not-for-profit universities, which are the University of Colorado at Boulder, the University of Colorado Denver, and the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.
During the times of the Roman Empire many emperors came to power, however, there were not only emperors who helped Rome, but there were some who hurt it instead. After the death of Julius Caesar, Octavian, soon to be known as Augustus Caesar, came to power and was the first of many successful emperors. Augustus along with Vespasian, Titus, Trajan, and Hadrian were many of the emperors that helped the Roman Empire grow and prosper as a whole. However, there were also some emperors who hurt or degraded Rome, such as, Nero, Domitian, and Commodus. As a result of these many emperors and their ways of ruling, Rome’s Senate began to grow weaker and weaker until it was no longer in existence.
According to Wikipedia, extraterrestrial life as a term is originated from the Latin words extra that means beyond or not of and terrestris that means something of or belonging to Earth and it is defined as life that does not originate from Earth. It is often also referred to as alien life, or simply aliens. This hypothetical form of life is said to vary from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more complex than humans. That kind of alien life has been hypothesized to exist in the Solar System and throughout the universe and this hypothesis can be based on the vast size of the universe. According to this argument made by scientists, it would be inconceivable and egoistical to believe
another planet is very interesting and will be a very interesting topic to continue to talk
Exobiology is the science that is concerned with the search for life in outer space; it may be called as astrobiology as well. The search for life in outer space has consumed the imagination of the humankind for long time ago. Nowadays, humankind has made a progress and found major discoveries in the quest for life existence in the universe and outer space because of the advancement of the technology. However, in the past, exobiology was considered as a science without a subject, where the people and other scientists laughed at and ridiculed the famous scientist and biologist Joshua Lederberg when he originated the term exobiology. Some people argue that life exists elsewhere in the universe, however, others believe that life only exist on Earth. A new study reveals that our galaxy, the Milky Way, has 100 billion or so stars, where 17 billion of them are Earth-size alien planets, and probably many more. The huge size of the galaxy increases the probability of life existence in the outer space. Are we alone in the universe? This question has captured the imaginations of scientist, theologians, and astrobiologists. However, they don’t know the answer yet. Understanding the complete definition of life and how life originated, and determining the techniques used for searching for life existence in outer space and evidences found can help to answer the question of “Are we alone in the universe?”
This universe is so vast, diverse, and complex that makes it hard to think that we are truly alone out here. There are more than 100 billion billion earth-like planets, which makes about a hundred earth-like planets for every grain of sand in the world (Urban)! But if that’s the case, why haven’t we encountered any extraterrestrial beings? It’s strange how the possibility is off the charts, but because we’ve got nothing so far, we’re not even sure if they exist. So… where is everybody?
Understanding the heavens has been a continual mystery to humans. Throughout human history, individuals have been curious about life other than on planet Earth. The question that remains is if humanity is alone in the universe. This question is very important because after all, the universe is still expanding. In addition to the expansion of the universe, astronomers have discovered at least six potential habitable worlds in our own solar system (CITE). It is natural to wonder if other worlds might also have intelligent life and civilizations. Many claims have been made that we have already been visited by aliens in UFOs, however, while plenty of evidence has been offered for scientific examination so far none of it has been enough to convince us that the claims of visitations are real (Bennett, 260). However, this doesn’t mean that there is no intelligent life beyond our home planet. Due to this, taxpayers should fund programs to begin the search for extra-terrestrial life in the universe. The reason why there should be programs that fund the search for extra-terrestrial life in the universe is because extra-terrestrial life can help enhance our understanding of the universe.
Among the billions of stars in each galaxy, many have planets that revolve around them. At least a few are bound to be of the right size and have the correct spatial orientation with respect to their star to allow life to grow. We believe this because life exists on the Earth. Astronomers have concluded that there must be hundreds of billions of other stars with conditions approximating those of the sun. Therefore there could be a million earth like planets with advanced civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy alone (Stilley). It is very probable that there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
Should we as humans expect to find intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe? There are many reasons for and against this concept, but first we should trace just how our terrestrial life started.
The argument suggesting life existing on other Earth-like planets has been present since man first looked into space and questioned his own existence and the existence of others like him. Today there are many theories on the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, but only one theory goes beyond them and into an even larger realm. The contents of this theory, known as the “multiverse” theory, suggest that humans on Earth live within one universe of many others that reside within a primordial vacuum containing many other universes (Jenkins and Perez). Each of these universes possesses potentially different natural constants and physical laws that govern them differently, thus calling forth some logical questions. First,