Title and Author This critic of the quantitative article has a significant relevance to the field of nursing and nursing students. This writer will review Reeve et al (2013) research article, “Perceived stress and socials support in undergraduate nursing students.” The article is published in a reputable peer review journal, Nurse Education Today and written through research conducted with Georgetown University. The article has been published with a timely manner 2013. The authors found 32 relevant resources to the subject matter logically so you are able to follow their trend of thought that led to the research question/hypothesis. The article has been cited in many other research papers to date.
The source is of primary text, the research and result add to current literature pertained in study. The title is concise and defines the focus of the research itself. Intended for scholarly reading and to the profession of nursing. The author’s qualifications are presented prior to article reading. All researchers are registered nurses which some having post graduate degrees. Four of the authors are Professors of Nursing and Human Sciences and two nursing Alumni at the Georgetown Universality .This proposes that the authors have research skills and knowledge to perform the study. There is no suggestion in the author list whether or not any of them have the statistical expertise for the study.
The articles purpose is to identify the experience of stress and use of social
Benton, C. and Cormack, D. (2000). Reviewing and evaluating the literature. In D. Cormack (ed.) The Research Process in Nursing. 4th Edition. London: London Chapter.
There are three authors for this quantitative research study. Martin Knoll is the HTW of Saarland, Clinical Nursing Research and Evaluation, Saarbruecken, Germany. Christine Lautenschlaeger, Institute of Medical Epidemiology, Biometry and Medical Informatics, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany is the second author. And last, Marianne
The author undertook an electronic search were used to collect the literature. Three electronic databases were used; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Medline and PsychInfo. These three databases were chosen as they are often used by nurses, allied health professionals, researchers, students and nurse educators to research their subject area (Aveyard, 2014).
Introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing. Depth and detail are fair. (19–20 points)
* Select a literature search topic relevant to your practice. The topic must be sufficiently delineated in scope without being trivial. You will revisit this article in the Week Five presentation. Possible topics include but are not limited to:
Nursing research is quite unique in that it explores practices that are current and methods to improve those practices. With the goal of providing excellent and quality patient care outcomes, nursing research is dependent on the questions that are being asked. Therefore, it is imperative prior to beginning any type of research to decide the best format to acquire the answers to the questions proposed. As such, there are two methods that classify research and how it is done, qualitative and quantitative. Thus, contingent on the investigators will ultimately determine the type of research that is used, compared, and concluded to obtain the results that provide the best answers to the posed questions and the
The title does identify the general idea of the study but it could be more informational. The authors are Kari Sand-Jecklin, EdD, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, Associate Professor of Nursing, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. Jay Sherman, CNRN, ME, Clinical Research Nurse, West Virginia University Healthcare, Morgantown, WV. The information provided does qualify both authors to study the topic. The abstract is
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Stephany Gyasi, Graduate School of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester MA 01655.
Planning a nursing study is a daunting task to undertake. Several factors that need consideration when designing a study. According to Polit & Beck researchers want their findings to be valid, reliable and trustworthy (2012). When researching a topic one must critique the research to be sure the study is appropriate.
1. Comprehensive Nursing Care, Revised 2nd Edition. (2012). Ramont, Reberta P.; Niedringhaus, Dolores M.; Towle, Mary A.
A systematic review of the existing literature on nursing and its various dimensions was done prior to the conduct of the research to have an in-depth understanding of the field as well as the various factors that have an effect on nursing. This also aids in exploring the extent to which the field of nursing have been explored.
This paper will address and evaluate the research problem itself, the design of the study, the sample, how the data is collected, its limitations, and its findings. Furthermore, how does this study impact the overall nursing process?
Sampling for the study, was voluntary, as nurses would respond to the study’s advertisement (Winters & Neville, 2012). After the response to the advertisement, sampling of the nurses was further selected based on the following criteria. To proceed with the study, the sampling population had to be RNs, have over twelve months hospital
I will methodically analyze all parts of the study to assess the validity of the article, by contrasting and comparing the information provided, with previous literature. I will try to make sure that recommendations provided by the authors are congruous with nursing practice and beneficial to the advancement of it. I will as much as possible provide in depth detail of previous studies on the same topic that either support or contradict the analysis provided by this study and its authors.
Becoming a nurse requires extensive schooling and training that for most students causes considerable amounts of stress to be placed on their success for the future. Nursing school places students in an environment that is rigorous and competitive which in turn results in high-stress levels experienced by these students. The stress inflicted on these students causes them to experience health problems along with deterring them from completing their studies. Additionally, the pressure and struggles these students are facing are being ignored by those placing them under these conditions, ignoring the fact that the educators of these students are responsible for ensuring the well-being of these students. Proven that nursing students experience more stress than the average college undergraduate, the stress inflicted on nursing students by their educational process results in students that are less likely to succeed and that are overall less healthy both physically and mentally.