
The Fifth Discipline

Decent Essays

In the Part Two of The Fifth Discipline, Senge states eleven laws of the fifth discipline. The first law called “Today 's problems come from yesterday 's solutions”. The reason of a problem may have relationship with the solution of other problem. When people believe they already solved a problem, the problem actually move from one part to another part in a system. The solution of the problem would cause other problem happened. The second law is “The harder you push, the harder the system pushes back”. In system thinking, this phenomenon called compensating feedback. It means well-intentioned intervention sometimes would not get the ideal result at the end, because the benefit of the intervention will decrease when the intervention implement. Well-intentioned intervention may bring the negative influences for the system. The third one is “Behavior grows better before it grows worse”. When people deal with some issues, it seems that they have already solved this problem. However, for the long-term process, the compensating feedback and problems will emerge again. Forth one called “compensating feedback”. People sometimes believe using the familiar solutions to solve problems is most effectively, but familiar solutions may cause the problems get worsen. The fifth law is “The cure can be worse than the disease” which mean non- systemic solutions would cause more and more related problems happened in the future. The sixth law is “Faster is slower.” Many people believe fast is

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