
The Fight For Gender Equality Essay

Decent Essays

"What are women? What are they? Are they serpents, wolves, lions, dragons, vipers or devouring beasts and enemies of the human race…. But by God! if they are your mothers, your sisters, your daughters, your wives and your companions; they are yourselves and you yourselves are them," (Akkerman 1). What are women? Better yet, how important are women? As important people, women play specific roles based on societal expectations and dictations. In the beginning, women were not seen as equal figures, and thereby restricted to gender specific roles that otherwise downplayed the significance of women. In modern times, women and men fought for gender equality, but fighting for gender equality or feminism wasn’t confined to modern times. Furthermore, the fight for gender equality was not confined to the general public; artists, scientists, writers, and poets in some form argued for gender equality. Now, this essay won 't focus on every aspect of gender equality by every single influential person, but it will zoom in on certain notable literary figures that incorporated progressive views within their work.
All things considered, the essay will analyze the role of women within Chaucer and Shakespeare 's literary work while keeping the historical, Middle Ages and Renaissance, time periods in mind. More Specifically, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue,” by Chaucer and “As You Like It,” by William Shakespeare will be examined. In doing so, the essay will uncover, not only the role of women

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