
The Film Colonia

Decent Essays

Colonia was a 2015 film directed by Florian Gallenberger. It was about a young woman in the early 1970s who found herself caught up in an unfamiliar world. Inspired by true events, this movie followed Lena, played by the actress Emma Watson, on her treacherous journey inside a sealed off, glassy-eyed colony called Colonia Dignidad lead by a self-ordained pastor named Paul Schaefer to find her abducted boyfriend Daniel. Once she discovered his location, however, it became evident that it would not be so easy escape from the colony. Director Gallenberger intended to expose Paul Schaefer as a brutal tyrant who controlled and subjected an entire community inhumane living conditions, abused his authority over women, and manipulated the police to …show more content…

Women were still largely oppressed in the US during the 1970s even though the Women’s Rights Movement was very successful in the 1920s. A new concept always takes a while to become solidified in society and some even refuse to accept anything other than old traditions. As a result, women were degraded in Schaefer’s sect. That was what the colony knew of women, so there was nothing wrong in treating them unjustly. Schaefer’s ties to the police also exposed that his rule extended past the colony – he had control both inside and outside the closed cult. This meant that corruption did not just end in the colony but instead extended far past those boundaries. Gallenberger did a marvelous job at displaying Schaefer’s overlooked abuse against an entire population. He worked the people in the colony so much that many died at a young age because the arduous physical labor took such a heavy toll on their bodies. Schaefer also did unspeakable actions against women. The self-proclaimed pastor even had a plan for those that escaped or did not respect his colony borders with the dirty police. All of these facts converge on the point that if a person with a lot of power went unchecked for an excessive amount of time, especially in the wrong hands, unfortunate outcomes could manifest as a result. Colonia Dignidad proved that there are still many untold stories and secrets in our history that need to be exposed, one just has to be willing to dig deep enough to find those

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