
The Final English Standard Version Of The ESV Bible

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The final English Standard Version (ESV) Bible translation revision regarding gender is “potentially dangerous” because of its negative implications, according to a biblical scholar.
In a statement, the Crossway Board of Directors and the ESV Translation Oversight Committee declared that the 52 words altered in 29 verses are final and will be “unchanged throughout the life of the copyright.” However, Northern Seminary New Testament professor Scot McKnight thinks the revisions carry negative implications, The Christian Post relays.
One of these revisions can be found in Genesis 3:16, which previously read, “Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” The final ESV revision now reads, “Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.” …show more content…

“Some think they make women rebellious and men authoritarian in response,” said McKnight. “That is a sad and potentially dangerous interpretation for it gives the wrong kind of males a ready-made excuse for domination," he added.
Other controversial revisions to the ESV Bible include 1 Kings 8:48, Ephesians 1:5, and James 2:10.
Meanwhile, other Bible translations such as the New International Version and the New Revised Standard Revision replace “man” with “human beings” and “brethren” with “brothers and sisters” to reflect both

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