
The First Assigned Readings For Mba 660

Decent Essays

MBA 660


The following document will discuss the first assigned readings for MBA 660. These readings consist of: Blunders in International Business, The Moral Imperatives of Global Capitalism: An Overview, and The Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline: Mixing Oil and Water with Business and Politics.
The first assigned reading is Blunders in International Business authored by David A. Ricks. In an effort to properly review this text an analysis of each chapter will be documented in the paragraphs below.

Blunders in International Business

The introductory chapter (Chapter 1) of Rick’s book focuses upon the rules of both culture and communication and examples of issues and incidents that arise in the …show more content…

Their films were consequently banned from Egypt as a result of their lack of understanding and awareness for cultural norms. The text cites actions, behaviors, and misperceptions that resulted in the dismissal.
In addition to culture, Chapter 1 briefly touches on communication as an aspect of culture. Ineffective and improper forms of communication are detailed and several examples are discussed on “how not to” properly communicate in different countries.
Communication is essential to success. This area of the text explores the issues that arise when similarly sounding phrases, tone of voice, and content are lost in translation.
This portion of the chapter utilized an example of former President Carter’s improperly translated speech in Poland. While not his intent, the translator conveyed President Carter’s “lust for” polish women. This example, one of many, illustrates blunders that can occur in translation.

Chapter 2 focuses upon the issues that companies face with the production, location, layout, and packaging of products. It is hard to imagine that a company would not do the due diligence to ensure that its facility was located properly. Unfortunately, the text illustrates that improper planning does occur with international companies. Several examples were illustrated within this chapter.
In one case, a pulp processing plant was built in an area close to its assumed resource, pulp. Unfortunately, the trees were

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