Not so long ago in a not so far away place. A teenager stands in front of a steely gray building on a dull fall day. It's the first day of high school,more specifically the last first day of high school for many students before they enter the world of adulthood. James Dean was your average public school senior, as normal as they get really. James had enough clothes he had the newest I phone a beater car what more could he really need other than better grades. Bottom line James family was normal he had a little sister and a mother and father who loved their children. James on the other hand yearned for adventure he longed for the excitement. In his dreams he would sail the seven seas. Life had never seemed so mundane James heart was somewhere else these days he knew adventure was only for the bold and he did not feel bold at all he felt like a lam in the lion's den. Sighing James put his favorite fire truck red beat headphones on and walking into the lion's lair. In the swarm of nervous wrecks, loud mouths , prima donas , nerds , people masked with sunglasses and the scrubs. James put his head down and went to find his first class it was music studies. Mr Alan was making a ruckus in the back room full of sheet music and vinyls. The smell of the old dingy room enter his nose filling it with the sense of peace.
“ Ah James, how was your summer any adventures this year?” Mr Alan winked as he spoke. The old koot always had a twinkle in his eye and spoke with a hint of
One day, I was walking home from the bus stop. It was the last day of school, but the first day of summer break. My mind was bursting of happiness since the first day of summer was starting and school was over until September. But I wasn’t fully happy because one of my good friends was moving. I WAS going to run home to play on my Playstation 4, NBA 2K17, but I decided to say goodbye to him. My last days of school are usually terrible but this year, something was different. I think that I was a little smarter than I was all the other years. Either I got hurt or I just had bad luck. Let me tell you the worst thing that has ever happen to me, which I’m currently laughing back at it as me being the dumbest kid that day. Let me start from
The first day of high school was boring. On the first day in every class we went over the rules and the syllabus. I really hate it when we have to stand up and introduce ourselves in front of the class. at first i thought learning where all of my classes are would be hard because there are so many rooms and halls but it was pretty easy after a couple days.
The transition from middle school to high school can be very large. Not only are you in an entirely new situation from a social perspective, you are also in an entirely new academic situation. As a freshman at a Catholic high school, your teachers are going to expect that you produce your best work at all times. You will be held to very high academic standards, and more work is going to be expected of you than it was in middle school. Here are a few study tips to help you make it through your first few months of high school.
I just can’t believe there is only few more days of high school left. As the days are getting closer and closer, it's getting sad. I still remember the day I stepped into Maine East High School as a Freshman, at that time, all I wished for was to graduate from this school with good grades. High school was not the way I imagined, it is way different from what I thought and definitely different from Middle School. Freshman year was the “exploring/adventure” year, finding where each classes were, what activities/clubs were offered at this school and many more. Freshman year went quickly and then Sophomore year came up. Sophomore year was probably the least stressful year in high school but from Sophomore year my family and friends started asking me the scariest question “What are you doing after high school, which career?
My first year of high school was filled with adventures and difficulties throughout the years. Comparing to my other years, I took challenges, such as taking on sports while finding the time for my school works and achieving my goals. However, I was able to find the way and fight through my freshman year.
My life flipped for the better once I left the 8th grade, it was finally summer time and I was ready for it. But deep down I knew once summer was over high school here I come. I won't even lie, I was terrified to start as a freshman in high school. All of the rumors that I heard with baby freshman day, and all the stuff they do to freshmens on the first day of school. To be honest I was really nervous, instead of a couple butterflies in my stomach I had the whole family flying around. But once the first day of high school came up all those rumors that everyone was telling me was actually a lie. High school wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. As my freshman year went on a lot of doors opened up for me, there were sports, clubs, new people to me, everything you could possible think of. I didn't really get into sports as much as all of my friends, I was more into video games and playing outside in the woods just adventuring finding old vintage things and old buildings and all of the beautiful views. My freshman year wasn't really too special, I was too busy figuring out what everything was and where everything was located at. Then my sophomore year came along this is where I started to get the foundation of high school and blend in. everything kinda went downhill I made good grades don't get wrong, it's just I never showed up which I regret miserably. Once I got to my junior year everything is still constantly changing, a lot more people know of me. I was never
I Ana Umanzor have attended Memorial High School for the past 4 years. I have never been so close to a teacher like I have been in this school. Ms Kerry Jameson has been my math teacher and instructor for these past 4 years. I have always enjoyed math but sometimes I have had difficulty learning it. In the Middle School I struggled a lot until I came to the high school. At first I can say that when I saw the name Ms. Jameson on my schedule I was scared. The first day of school I was so nervous and and afraid because transitions to new school with different people is always difficult. When I walked into my homeroom I saw the famous Ms. Jameson. I was even nervous to say good morning and I do not even know why. My first day in the high school was not as bad as I thought it was going to be and that was thanks to Ms. Jameson. She explained to us everything we needed to know to move around the school without getting lost and other things that would help our transition into this school less difficult. Our homeroom 201 made us feel like home. She lets us decorate our homeroom like it was our proper home. We all helped because it was our homeroom and our opinion mattered.
We all have different kinds of the first day of school experiences, but for every student, I feel that stepping into the first day of school as a freshman would mark as the most memorable day in all high school years. Before the first day of school, I quickly thought that my freshman year would turn into the toughest and saddest year in my experience. My best friend would not attend the same high school with me, which already gives me many conclusions of how sad and hard of a school year it would result. However, maybe things will turn out differently than we think if we just change something about our way of living it.
The alarm clock buzzed loudly beside my ear. Feeling like a gong that was being hit repeatedly was placed right beside my head. I sluggishly pulled myself out of my bed and dragged myself to my closet. The words, first day of school moaned ghastly in my head. Summer was uneventful and school was just going to be hell. I picked out an old, worn out flannel and a pair of jeans to wear. Not rushing at all, I struggled to put the raggedy clothes on. They smelt like horrendous lies and rumors. Exactly what this state and my school are built on.
High school is a crucial period for all adolescences, it’s a time where teenagers are approaching young adulthood, their learning new skills rapidly, and making important decisions (Blakemore, 2011). For this reason, it is highly imperative for high school students to have positive influences in their lives, especially in their educational setting. In high school, educators play an important role in their student’s lives because they have the opportunity to have a stronger impact on their future and their goals. In addition, they also have the opportunity to, inspire them to learn and try new things, teach them how to make sound decisions, and encourage them to collaborate with their peers (Bellanca & Brandt, 2010).
This summer, I worked at a television production company in the development department. I applied to the internship very last minute and was hired just a couple of days after applying. Before going into my first day of work, I memorized the company’s website, trying to gather as much information as I could from it. I was excited to learn that the development department was female lead and, according to the website, composed of mostly women. In fact, the majority of the leadership positions at the company were occupied by women. Both my family and I were happy and pleasantly surprised that I would be getting the opportunity to work in such a rare entertainment environment where it seemed that appeared be equally men and women.
The first day of school is nerve-wracking for most people, for me, the first day was especially terrifying. The first day of a college class is probably more crazy than all others. My mom and younger sister, Michaela, were busy taking pictures as I attempted to run out of the door. After being homeschooled for the last six years, I knew it would be a much different experience. I had been in my room alone doing school; I was content with where I was. The morning of the first day of class, I was so busy that I didn’t have time to be nervous. However, as I ran out the door, my heart rate elevated to a pace of 138 bpm. I felt older, nervous, excited, and anxious as I left for Pellissippi. Although it had been six years since I had been in a classroom, I realized that all of my worry was for nothing once I walked into Ms. Brown’s class.
In this first unit of The First Days of School, Harry Wong presents three characteristics of an effective teacher. The three characteristics are: has good classroom management skills, teaches for mastery, and has positive expectations for student success.
To some, four years seems like a long time, but for me the past four years have flown by. In these quick four years, so much has changed and yet so much is exactly the same. You still go to school with most of the same people. You walk into the same familiar building and say hello to most of the same teachers. During these four years I have lost some friends, but I have gained real ones, which is one of the most important things to me. My outlook on life has changed. I have become a more open and understanding person and I have learned many valuable life lessons. I have made many great memories and I have learned to appreciate everything I have because nothing is permanent. My journey through high school is like a plane ride. It takes off freshman year and I go on a long, and sometimes bumpy, journey to get to my final destination. Even though in many ways I am still the same person as the one that walked through those school doors as a freshman, I have also changed in order to try to become the best version of myself and get to my final destination.
It is six thirty in the morning while helping my grandmother to remove all the excess water of the newly boiled young corn; I heard my cousins and other students outside while they are passing our house to get to school. It seems they are very excited on the first day of school. And here I am with my grandmother helping her to prepare the corn to sell at the public market in our small town in the province of Cagayan.