The universe we know today is big and dark, with billions of galaxies. In the beginning of the universe it was thought to be much different. It was small, dense, and hot. In the book The First Three Minutes: A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Weinberg explains the early stages of the Universe with what happened during the time of the Big Bang. He explains the first three minutes of the very early universe and then the early universe. At the beginning there was zero time where the whole Universe was compressed into a one. From there during the “one-hundredth of a second…the temperature of the universe was about a hundred thousand million degrees Centigrade”(Page8). The Universe was made up of photons, electrons, positrons, quarks and …show more content…
Which means that they at one point must have been touching each other. To help verify this was Edward Hubble who found there is a directly proportional “relation between Redshift and Distance”(pg.22). Meaning galaxy’s light spectrum increases in wavelength from the light we receive from a galaxy and the speed with which it moves away from earth. He used that to calculate the distance of the galaxy from Earth, and then approximated the age for the universe. “There is... a way to confirm that the galaxies are really moving apart, as indicated by the red shifts”(page32). This discovery was a great importance to the Standard Model. Once it was clear that the universe was expanding, Hubble proceeded to calculate the speed the galaxies that are moving away from us. A constant now called “Hubble’s constant”, which determines that galaxies increase in constant proportion to their distance. The next thing important to the Standard Model was the Theory of General Relativity published by Albert Einstein. His model predicted an expanding universe; “in order to achieve a model that fit…Einstein was forced to mutilate his equation by introducing a term called cosmological constant”(page 35). Which made the formula consistent with a static Universe. The next important thing about the Standard Model was when the radiation expanded, dropped frequency and gained wavelength. There was “diffuse background of radio static left over from near the beginning of the universe”(page46). “Arno A. Penzias and Robert W. Wilson, set out to use the antenna to measure the intensity of the radio waves emitted from our galaxy at high galactic latitudes, out of the planes of the Milky Way”(page46). Which confirmed the Standard Model theory that remained
Just under seven years ago, astronomers using the Hubble space telescope presented results they hoped would help answer one of the most contentious issues in astronomy of the 20th century – the question of the distance scale of the universe. But there was some unease when the result was announced. According to the report, other galaxies were close enough that, extrapolating backwards from their current rate of recession and making adjustments for the influence of gravity, they all would have been together (that is, the Big Bang would have occurred) as recently as 8 billion years ago. Unfortunately, there was strong evidence already in place that some stars were at least 12-15
Our place in the universe, by Alan Lightman, states, about how we think that the universe was and how evolves with the evolving science. Everything started when he went to vacations with his wife, to the Geek islands. They rent a boat, and they went too far away. At some point, they couldn’t see other boats and other land. So he saw how big the ocean was, how alone he was with only water around him. He started to compare the ocean with the universe. He felt intimidated, sacred that the universe could be like an ocean, with no limitations and lost in the big darkness, where you’re kind of alone in the big universe. I want to analyze the point that he states, “I felt insignificant, misplaced, a tiny odd trinket in a cavern of ocean and
Since then, the origin of the universe became a very big question to everyone. The curiosity we possess help us seek answers from different questions we can think of. Different hypotheses and ideas were formed with great scientific evidence to prove that the universe began as a single primordial atom. The scientists even found out that the universe is expanding because of the great amount of dark matter present in it. However, with these ideas, the religious thinking of people could not be removed. The concept of God being the Creator of all the things that existed contradicts the views of the theories formed. The stories and verses contained in the bible are different from the results of studies connected to it. Here, I investigate the things
In Big Bang Theory season 8, episode 5, The Focus Attenuation, the guys attempt to invent something cool. As the guys try to think of something to invent, they keep getting distracted, and only come up with ways to procrastinate. During a specific scene of the episode, the guys spend time in Leonards’ Lab, while there the guys are unable to stay focused on their current task of brainstorming for a new invention. Leonard comes up with the idea of using duct tape to help them stay on task:
In 1994, after a significant strategic planning effort took place, NIBCO Inc., decided to implement a plan to, “Go Live” with a new SAP program. (Brown, Dehayes, Hoffer, Martin & Perkins. 2012) The reasons behind NIBCO’s decision to implement and ERP System are those that are familiar to other companies who have made the same decision. One of the key conclusions from the strategic planning that led to the ERP implementation was that the organization could not prosper with its current information systems. (Brown, Dehayes, Hoffer, Martin & Perkins. 2012) They systems that they were currently using had evolved into a patchwork of legacy systems and reporting tools that could not talk to
For my book report I the novel Welcome To the Universe, written by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael Strauss and J. Richard Gott. This novel explains the physics of the universe and talks about many scientist who made these discoveries by moving from the earth outward. The book opens talking about the size and scale of the universe and how small and insignificant Earth seems within the universes extreme size. Next introduces the earliest scientific discoveries, such as the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton. The book continues by explaining the stars and the different characteristics that each of them have, like how to find a stars brightness using lumosity. Eventually the view expands to the explanation of galaxies. It talks about the interstellar
The rate of expansion of the universe, first derived as a possibility by Alexander Friedmann through his work with general relativity and his own Friedmann equations [1], was first observationally confirmed and roughly estimated by Edwin Hubble in 1929 [2], and has since appropriately come to be known as the Hubble Constant. Hubble’s work & observational data confirmed that the recessional velocity of a given galaxy was linearly related to the distance between the observed galaxy and the observer, and this relationship could be expressed (as Hubble’s Law):
hands-on activities The Universe Big Bang Balloon Background Information In the 1920s astronomer Edwin Hubble used the red shift of the spectra of stars to determine that the universe was expanding. By carefully observing the light from galaxies at different distances from Earth, he determined that the farther something was from Earth, the faster it seemed to be moving away. This relationship has become known as Hubbleís Law, and itís just one piece of a bigger puzzle known as the Big Bang theory.
Secondly, The Hubble's law states that, galaxies are moving away from us at speeds which are directly proportional to their distance. The further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away. Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who is responsible for the creation of the law, discovered the phenomenon in the year of 1923. Edwin Hubble is also known as the father of the expanding universe. This observation made by Edwin Hubble shows us that or suggests that at one point of time, the universe was in fact compressed/compacted. (Bradshaw, John 2009).
An important argument to try and prove the existence of God is the Cosmological Argument brought on by observations of the physical universe, made by Saint Thomas Aquinas, a thirteenth century Christian philosopher. The cosmological argument is a result from the study of the cosmos; Aquinas borrows ideas from Aristotle to make this systematically organized argument.
After reading and trying to understand the first chapter of Death from a Distance and the Birth of a Humane Universe: Human Evolution, Behavior, History, and Your Future, I started doing a little research on the subject. One of the points that I found more interesting is our uniqueness as human beings.
Throughout the very first moments to have existed in the universe, was the big bang. Before this the universe was extremely hot and dense. As the universe began to cool, circumstances changed just as the building blocks of matter being the quarks and electrons of which we are all made, began to arise. Within a few millionths of a second later,
This book review is based upon the book The Cosmic Race, written by Jose Vasconcelos and then translated and annotated by Didier T. Jaen, afterword by Joseba Gabilondo. This book is published by Johns Hopkins University Press and copyright in 1925 by Herederos de Jose Vasconcelos.
The scientific community had no inkling that the universe was made up of more than what we can see until the 1930’s. A Swiss astronomer—Fritz Zwicky—was measuring the speed of the orbits of galaxies in the Coma Cluster (Ferris). His calculations indicated that the
This observation means that it has taken every galaxy the same amount of time to move from a starting position to its current position. This observation is called "Hubble's Law," named after Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) who discovered this in 1929. Edwin Hubble’s evidence supports the expansion of the universe and suggests that the universe was once compacted. Third, if the universe was insanely hot as the Big Bang suggests, scientists should be able to find some of this heat left over. In 1965, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a 2.725 degree Kelvin Cosmic Microwave Background radiation which infuses the observable universe. This is thought to be the remnant that scientists were looking for. Finally, the discovery of great amounts of Helium and Hydrogen lead to support the Big Bang Theory. (LaRocco)