
The Five Major Aspects Of The Life Course Theory

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The life course perspective, or life course theory, is an approach that includes the mental, physical, and social heath of individuals to determine the affect they have on the experiences of the individual throughout their life course. Life course theory focuses directly on the impact of historical and socioeconomic contexts which can alter how individuals from various cohorts experience the world during their life course. A fundamental assumption of the life course theory is that lives of the individuals are lived in a reasonably ordered manner in patterns shaped by age, social structures, and historical change. The life course theory has five distinct principle which are time and place, life-span development, timing, agency, and linked lives (Black, 2008). These distinct principles are important to the life course theory because individually they influence the ways in which one perceives the events in their life. Time and place are important because a person’s life is shaped by the question of when and where. Life-span development is a distinct principle because the way in each one develops biologically, socially, and psychologically goes beyond childhood to later influence the new situations of adulthood. Since life events do not have a set time in which they need to be completed, timing refers to certain biological events, such as child bearing, that take place during a predetermined time frame and when experienced outside of the time frame can have various social and

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