In my opinion, the five most dangerous drugs are Opioids (i.e. Heroin/ Oxycotin), Cocaine, Benzos (i.e. Valium/Xanax), Nicotine/Tobacco, and Alcohol. Opioids are at the top of my list since they can be manufactured illegally (heroin)/legally (pain killers) and are the hardest to quit once a dependency on them are formed. Cocaine is ranked second because users often binge on the drug as a result of its short high which increases their risk of experiencing an overdose. Benzos are ranked third for me due to the fact they are abused commonly by people not prescribed them and withdrawal from them needs to be done very slowly for success. Nicotine/Tobacco is fourth because not only is it easy to get hold of but use can lead to serious health issues (i.e. Cancer). Alcohol comes in fifth due to its widespread availability and acceptance making it easy for people to mix it with other drugs and hide a possible addiction.
I don’t think there should be a one size fit all criteria when it comes to determining if a drug should be illegal or not. This is because some drugs are medically beneficial and those who need them should not be punished because others choose to abuse them. However, I do believe when evaluating a drug for legality its side effects, addictiveness and overall deaths should be taken into account before put on the market. Also, financial gain should be taken out of the equation because I feel most drugs are deemed legal or illegal based on how much profit they can bring
Drugs are extremely dangerous because even taking a few is a hazard to you and everyone around you. There are many different types of drugs. Even medication can be very dangerous when used incorrectly. An overdose can harm your body, and so can another person’s medication not prescribed to you by your doctor.
Why are medications like cocaine, marijuana and heroin illicit? Cocaine, Maryjane and heroin are unlawful on the grounds that a great many people imagine that these controlled substances are just too unsafe for anybody to utilize. They the impacts of these substances demolish the body and psyche so gravely and rapidly that nobody ought to attempt them. We have law against medication is so that the individuals who use unsafe medications are putting themselves at a high hazard. They chance their wellbeing and their lives. Since they are infringing upon laws they additionally however themselves at the danger of getting captured. They hazard their flexibility and their future just for medications. Every year medication utilization is the reason for countless at home in the workplace and out and about. Everyone pays the cost of medication misuse: more cops also, detainment facilities more hospitals and treatment focuses and
Opiate drugs are derived from chemicals that originate in the poppy plant. Some opiates are used as an effective way to eliminate pain, while others are used illicitly. However, the addictive nature of these substances make it important to understand the powerful state of these substances. Below is a list of the most common opiates and their potency.
That does not include over-the-counter drugs like Tylenol and Claritin which are used to help with sickness. Taking illegal drugs will harm you and possibly others around you. Whether or not a drug is legal or illegal, people will still find a way to do it. People want what they can’t have. Think, if coffee was illegal, would more people want it? (I do not know the answer to this). However, that does not mean that we should just give in and start making drugs legal, because that is us practically putting drugs into people's’ hands. Drug addicts can end up on Welfare and find themselves troubled to find a job. Drugs cause people to make bad decisions and can get people killed. Pregnant women taking drugs could cause their baby to have birth defects. They can damage your brain, heart, and other important organs. People who support legalizing drugs state that the government should be more focused on other crimes such as robbery, murder and rape. These offenses are closely tied to the drug market, so if we could get rid of these unnecessary drugs, we could decrease crime rates. There are better, safer alternatives to using drugs. Some may argue that people should be able to put whatever they please into their bodies, but putting drugs into your body will ruin yours and potentially others around you’s life. If heroin was all of a sudden legalized, no, everyone
We should decriminalize drugs in the U.S. instead of legalizing them. Decriminalization refers to the lessening of criminal penalties of certain acts. According to De Marneffe, “… the legalization of drugs … [is] the removal of criminal penalties for the manufacture, sale, and possession of large quantities of recretational drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine” (346).
Drug laws are a big part of society and are constantly evolving within the government. There is a constant debate about whether drug laws should be more restrictive or less restrictive. More restrictive drug laws can create more dangerous roles in society because of the government standards. While less restrictive drug laws can also create danger within society due to government standards and show how restrictive laws do not work. Drug laws should remain less restrictive because the courts would reduce the amount of people in prisons, take profits away from drug cartels, and restrict research.
Illegal drugs influence people every day of their lives. Illegal drugs affect people, whether they are users themselves, drug dealers, or victims of drug related crime. Throughout, the years many people have been going against drug legalization. Even though drugs are unhealthy and unsafe, prohibition is not the answer to the country's drug problem. The United States should consider legalizing drugs and ending drug prohibition. There are several reasons to legalize drugs in the United States.
According to the recent Monitoring the Future study, which is the largest survey of drug use among young people. Prescription drugs are the second most widely abused drugs besides marijuana. The latest National Survey on Drug Use and Health shows that 70 percent of people abusing prescription drugs got them from friends or relatives. 5 percent of those got the drugs from a drug dealer or from over the Internet. The CDC reports that drug overdose is the leading cause of injury death. 60% of those were caused by prescription drug overdose. Pain relievers, tranquilizers, and stimulants are the most abused of these substances. These drugs are fairly easy for people to get. Many people will go to multiple doctors and after hour clinics to get these drugs. A lot of them go to pill mills, which are run by cash. All you do is walk in, pay the money and the doctor will write you a prescription for the pills you want. So this leaves people that are going to multiple doctors doing this with pills not only for themselves, but enough for them to sell on the streets.
Drugs some use them to escape pain, others use them for pleasure, and some use them to just fit in. Either way drugs are a harmful substance that may seriously affect the body. Drugs mess with the brain in ways that we couldn’t even imagine. From destroying brain cells that help with critical thinking to destroying cells that give us the ability to feel pleasure. Drugs take the place of our natural body functions of the body. They fool receptors of the body and make it to where our bodies produce less of what we need. Over a period of time this may produce very severe consequences on the body. With all the risks involved with drugs it’s a wonder why some people use them.
The current policy in use by the United States concerning illegal drugs is both outdated and unfair. This so-called war on drugs is a deeply rooted campaign of prohibition and unfair sentencing that is very controversial and has been debated for many years. The war on drugs is designed so that it will never end. This current drug was has very little impact on the overall supply of prohibited drugs and its impact on demand seems non-existent. United States’ taxpayers are spending billions of dollars on this failure of policy. They are spending billions to incarcerate drug users instead offering drug treatment which could help lower demand. Legalizing illicit would lower abuse and deaths from use and could have a positive economic impact on the United States. Certain industries are making massive sums of money by capitalizing on the drug war.
Personally, I believe that every drug is equally injurious and harmful. Although, I will stat the drug poses the highest threat to the health and well being of teenagers in America. I will then rank the remaining drugs in order of their danger and explain my reasoning behind it. Finally, I will end the essay with a closing sentence where I will restate my thesis. Out of all the drugs listed, methamphetamine or meth poses the greatest threat to teenagers in America, but it is closely followed by ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana, and steroids in that order.
Drugs are a very strong controversy and people have such strong opinions about whether or not they should be legal or not. I don’t have a strong opinion on this topic, I am easily swayed to either side. For the most part though, I think that they should be legalized because people already do them anyways and will continue to do them. If they were legal then the government could regulate their usage and sale then the government was receiving the profits rather that the drug dealers.
Drug use is part of human nature, but the unimaginable wealth involved leads to the corruption of the police, judges, and elected officials. There is no reason to have the government regulating what goes into an individual’s body. An extreme case of what we’re letting the government do is letting them take away our own self, an individual’s ownership over his own body. I think it’s in everyone’s interest to legalize all drugs, since this war is going nowhere, letting
There are multiple drugs that are classified as narcotics. Narcotics are defined by Merriam-Webster’s medical dictionary as, “a drug that in moderate does dulls the senses, relieves pain, and induces profound sleep but in excessive doses causes stupor, coma, or convulsions.” This is an issue when these narcotics are being abused or taken out of context. There are prescription narcotics, but there are also the street drugs that are being illegally produced and sold. Prescription pain medications are not a bad thing when they are prescribed and used correctly. Some examples of prescription narcotics are codeine, fentanyl and hydrocodone. While there are beneficial elements to these medications, there are also side effects. Medline Plus explains a few side effects as drowsiness, impaired judgement and a strong desire, or craving, for these medications. This is how the addictions begin to occur.
I believe it is wrong to legalize any sort of recreational drug, no matter what sort of effect it has on the user and society. All drugs have a negative impact on the issue, whether it be short term or long term side effects. There are already serious issues