
The Five P's Of Mission Accomplishment

Decent Essays

The five P’s deal with what goes into mission accomplishment, which is the fundamental idea for which all USMC officers base their decisions on. Each P is important in its own specific way, as well one cannot exist without the other. In this breakdown and definition of the five P’s I will set what is expected of every marine in this platoon. Prior When dealing with any situation it is vital to gather any and all information that pertains to it. There is two ways to do this that I recommend. First is question asking, these questions should be asked early and often, well in advance so that you have ample time to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the road ahead. Second you have the schedule-based approach. Having a schedule in your life promotes two things, discipline, and structure. Both should be familiar to any who is in the military, if not take some time to reflect on which one you are missing or both. A simple way to accomplish both these methods is writing things down. For question pen and paper will do, for scheduling it is easy enough to type a date into your phone. Or, if you prefer the old fashion way find a calendar which has space to write in. So, without these two core methods there is no hope of moving on to the next P. Preparation …show more content…

For both the expectation is simply, give one hundred percent or more in training. This not only applies to you but also one me, that is where accountability comes into play. Preparation doesn’t only mean a group practicing a task to achieve expertise. It also means preparing individual, because there is no one who knows you better than yourself. Individual preparation is two pronged, for mental preparation self-reflection is key. Physical preparation, requires the discipline to PT on your own, and practice other physical

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