
The Five Ways Information Will Be Shared Within The University

Decent Essays

The three ways information will be shared within the university will include using Slack, having weekly webcasts, and also conducting once a month face-to-face meetings. Slack is an app that allows you to organize your team conversations in open channels that make it possible for everyone to have a view on what is going on. The weekly webcasts will be used because they are a way to touch base with the other people within the university and to make sure things are going according to plan. The monthly face-to-face meetings will also be vital because it will be used to talk about things at large and to discuss any issues that are harder to discuss over a digital platform. To ensure that all employees will be able to make these meetings, …show more content…

In addition to having online resources, there will also be a location on the main campus that acts as a face-to-face resource to assist employees with the new procedures and help answer any questions they may have.
Through the process of the following organizational change, leadership is essential. With leadership, comes communication, which in this case, is utilized to discuss potential problems and recommendations. “Leadership is first and foremost a communication process, or set of processes. Every leadership behavior is enacted through communication” (Witherspoon, 2004). Communication is necessary for Garden State University because there are different campuses and divisions. There is a main campus, as well as a northern campus 45 miles away and a southern campus located 60 miles away from the main campus. This makes communication difficult because it is not always possible for every faculty member to be in the same place. There is also two major divisions within Garden State University, this includes the Office of the Senior Vice President for academic Affairs and the Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance. Academic deans and directors, as well as other academic, student, and academic support functions report to the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. Budgeting, procurement, facilities, human resources, risk management, public safety,

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