
The Food Chains: The Farm Work Industry

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Everytime we go to a grocery store to pick up some vegetables or fruits, we never think about where it came from or who picked it. That is exactly how large grocery store companies want you to think. The way they present their produce, eliminates the fact that farmworkers are being exploited for their labor. The film Food Chains, unveils the true and harsh reality that is the farm work industry. Through the long and strenuous hours of hard work, they still recieve discrimination and prejudice from society and institutions. Along with sexual harassment within the industry without any acknowledgement or actions from the company. What society knows about farmworkers, views them with a negative connotation. Eva Longoria said in the film that, “ …show more content…

One being the Dependency Theory, clearly exploiting labor for profits in capitalist industries which in this case are the supermarkets. Those in poverty depend on the crops and supermarket companies to pay them in order to make ends meet but if by chance the farm crops are lacking for harvest, supermarkets’ profits remain stable but then cuts into the farmer’s profits and directly impacts the workers. Powerful supermarkets like Publix, views the industry in a functionalist perspective. Publix believes that supermarkets has benefits for every body and that is just how it can function properly just because the farming industry provides undocumented people with a job. Ignoring the poor conditions and pay they might be receiving. Along with the Radical Theory, wealthy people where in this case is Publix and farm employers, is using the law (or lack of rights) to reinforce their power and keep the workers in poverty. In all, the insight that were displayed in the film exposed the wrongdoings of the industry and personally made me think twice every time I step foot into a grocery …show more content…

At first, fast food restaurants began joining and when that occurred, it caused more issues with supermarkets and eventually some joined as well. Fast food companies who joined include McDonald’s, Burger King, Chipotle, and Subway along with big markets such as Whole Foods, Walmart, Trader Joe’s, and other companies too. 14 in total. 18 tomato growers in Florida and other states have joined as well as one strawberry grower and one green bell pepper grower. However, companies such as Safeway, Wendy’s, and Kroger have resisted signing the agreement. In addition, Publix refuse to contact anyone involved in the CIW to this day. I believe this solution is practical because this idea that was formed by the CIW was actually created and there was action made. The program is in progress but if people are not aware of the problem, I worry that the progress overtime will no longer continue. These workers have been through so much and deserve to spread the program not only within Florida but to other state farm workers being exploited too. One quote from the movie stood out to me and it was from one of the leaders of the CIW. He said, “ Do you want to make history or do you want to be

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