Star Wars was an extraordinary movie series in the 80’s and Disney made a new episode in the Star Wars Saga. The Force Awakens is the new movie Disney released. The protagonist is Rey, a young woman who was born on Jakku. The toy industry has made new toys of the new characters in The Force Awakens. Recently, what has shocked so many people is that in the game, Monopoly/Star Wars the protagonist (Rey) was not included into this version of Monopoly. I think that the most important movie characters, especially the protagonist of the story, should appear in these toys or games. As the article “Asleep at the switch? ‘Force Awakens’ heroine missing from toy lines” states, “A social media firestorm erupted over the lack of Rey in a new ‘Star Wars:
In the movie series Star Wars throughout every movie of the original trilogies Luke Skywalker (part of the Jedi’s) and Darth Vader (part of the empire) have a continuing conflict. To give a little background I will explain the previous movies. Basically the Empire, who is part of the Dark Side, wants to rule the galaxy so they want to destroy all the rebels. The rebels are against the Empire and are trying to take them down throughout these movies. The ruler of the Empire, the Emperor, has Darth Vader as his sort of “side kick”.
“Do or do not,” says Yoda, in the acclaimed science fiction movie Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, “there is no try” (Empire). This quote is perhaps the most famous of the character’s, and perhaps one of the most famous in the whole franchise. It highlights an idea that the scene perpetuates: the fact you intend to do something doesn’t matter, only whether or not it is done. This is not a perfect metaphor for the application of knowledge, but it fits in rather easily. Without an effect, an application, all you have is abstract knowledge – that trying that Yoda denies – and in that way value has been diminished. Two areas of knowledge which especially highlight the values and limitations of that claim are the natural sciences and religion.
Lucas’ movie Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, was not only the biggest sensation of its time,”...winning seven Academy Awards…” (Kiminski 10) , but also a substantial influence on the toy world. Lucas stated in his interview, “Ten year old boys will
Star Wars is a major film collection based around space. It is one of the most popular film franchises in the world. ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is directed and co-written by J. J. Abrams alongside Lawrence Kasdan and Michael Arndt. The budget for this particular was around $306 million and received $2.1 billion in the box office. The direct sequel to the 1983 ‘Return of the Jedi’, The Force Awakens is the first instalment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. It is the first live-action film in the franchise since ‘Revenge of the Sith’ in 2005. It follows Rey, Finn and Poe’s search for Luke Skywalker and their fight alongside the Resistance. This is led by
In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, the second movie in the canon prequel trilogy we are introduced to the government and political world of the Star Wars galaxy. As the galaxy is suffering at the division of the vast empire, the young representative, Padme Amidala takes on help from Emperor Palpatine to help save her people. The Emperor, although kind and caring at first glance, is an evil tyrant working to take over the galaxy. Whilst in the midst of gaining the trust of the people he also gains power, claiming that he is there to fix the corrupt government. At a time of dispersion and disagreement he promises to help stop the possibility of war. After using manipulation to acquire emergency powers as the new Supreme Chancellor, he claims,
Star Wars is a series that has been around since the late 1970s. When you watch the very first one “Star Wars A New Hope” which was released in May of 1977 and compare it to the new one “Star Wars The Force Awakens” which was released last year you will notice that there storylines are very similar. When it comes to similarities of these 2 films it isn't just the characters that are the same. In “The New Hope” R2D2 has a map that shows them how to blow up the Death Star. Their main focus is to keep the droid “R2D2” alive because he is the only one who has a map that shows them how to set off a chain reaction and blow up the Death Star.
Role of music in Hollywood films has come of age as a complex and sophisticated site of cinematographic art. Greater combinations of sounds expressing a wider spectrum of tones, textures, and volumes can be heard at the movies more than ever before. Moreover, this era has witnessed an increase of different artistic and professional approaches to sound. Since the start of the Hollywood film industry, music has played a great role in the success of Hollywood films. Star Wars: A New Hope, commonly considered one of the greatest films of all time, launched the space era craze backed by lovely and memorable music. John Williams created the musical score of Star Wars, reviving the grand symphonic scores from the early film era with the leitmotif inspired by the works of Wagner and Steiner. Star Wars: A New Hope is a film with a successful storyline, inspiring characters, and amazing visual presentation with an unforgettable musical score. The musical score of Star Wars returns to the basic features of classical film score with the use of a symphony orchestra, postromantic musical style, wall-to-wall scoring, and thematic transformation.
According to the article on Asleep at the switch? “Force Awakens” heroine missing from toy line it talks about making Rey part of being in board games. But according to the creatures of the star wars movie they did not want people to see Rey toys before the people watch the movie. Then according to Disney and Hasbro company of the monopoly game they say that Rey will be added to the new monopoly games. In fact, in the past Darth Vader was one of the popular toys that was being sold in many stores. In the older movies about star wars Darth Vader was the evil lord. Now even girls like the star wars toys, but since Rey is a girl everyone wants the Rey toys. Then Steve, who runs the star wars said that it is interesting
Can two items be drastically different, but still attract a large audience? Most people would say yes, but is this limited to television programs? It’s definitely not, nor is it limited to the ownership by the same company. Star Wars productions with completely different aspects receive a great amount of popularity all the time. Star Wars the Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels, while similar in many ways, are vastly different programs. Star Wars the Clone Wars is an animated television program that was released in 2008 on cartoon network. While Star Wars Rebels is also an animated program, but was release in 2014 on Disney Channel. Despite their differences, the two shows are immensely popular and will create a legacy in the Star Wars universe. Most notably, the Clone Wars and Rebels differ in animation, improvement as time went on, and their length, yet the two come together to form a fan favorite production.
Ever wonder what the third highest grossing film EVER is? Think it could be a movie only so called “nerds” would like? Or one of the biggest classics of the 19th century? Star wars is a movie loved by millions. Star Wars The Force Awakens made over 2 billion dollars. Just a few hundred million away from #1. Avatar. Star Wars The Force awakens is part of the star wars galaxy created by the famous LucasArts. This is the 7th movie of the series, and there is more to come. It takes place a long time ago in a galaxy Far Far away. There is galactic empires. People with powers and swords that can cut through anything. It is very interesting. But the takeaway from the film is fear. Fear is within every single person in the world being a person with
What games assigns players a piece that transports them around a neighborhood and gives you cash every time you pass go? Well Monopoly of course! Why is it so great? Well it involves money! So what exactly is Monopoly? Well monopoly is having control over a production or service, usually bringing in tons of money and ultimate power. But the other Monopoly is a board game that family and friends can play together where you roll two die and move an assigned piece that number amount of “properties” and can buy them. It’s a family game and all that’s needed is three or more players. After two players are bankrupt the game is over. But Monopoly is just a board game, and people are more into electronics today, but how are millions of people familiar
Despite big budgets and record entries in cinemas, some movies are just not as good as they are thought to be or as at least the expectations of the fans are. Among such movie is the Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Many have reviewed it positively based on its budget and popularity but whereas it might deserve such positive reviews, the fact that the movie is overrated is evident since there are many rip offs, poor cinematography and many other cinematic flaws.
Your head was aching from working today. Your boss kept, well, bossing around. “Y/N do this, Y/N do that, blah blah blah.”, you grumbled. You put your key in the lock and opened the door. You could hear Stiles and your son arguing about, Star Wars, again? Once you walked into the living room, you let your bag fall on the ground of astonishment, the room was a complete mess. “What happened here?!” You looked at them and your son stood up, running to you. “Daddy and I made a hut out of blankets and other stuff!” You sighed and crouched down to your 5-year-old son. “Sweetheart, that’s really nice, but you and daddy have to clean up everything. Otherwise we have to cancel Star Wars night.” He nodded and began picking up his toys. You walked over to Stiles, who has been looking at his feet the whole time. “You, upstairs.”, you commanded him and he did what you said.
It was a slow, long, boring day for Darth Vader in the beautiful lands, and lush forests of Endor. There were almost no rebels there any more. After the second Death Star was destroyed they all fled Endor. Thus leaving lord Vader to grieve the loss of his master, and his home that they blew up.