
The Four Levels Of Stylistic Analysis

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3. Four levels of stylistic analysis
There are four levels of stylistics analysis through which we will analyze the poem such as:
a. Graphology
In graphology we will study the writing system of writings and also the spelling rules. Leech (1969) titles that graphology go above orthography which refers the entire writing system: such as punctuation, paragraphing and spacing. To sum up it contracts with the systematic formation, structure and punctuation in the sentence.
b. Phonology
This level analysis deals with the sound system of any assumed language. It also debates the rules of pronunciation, rhyming scheme and utterance of the words in the sentence. Ofuya (2007), describes that phonology proposes the way in which sounds are arranged in …show more content…

d. Lexicon –Syntax
Lexicon- syntax is the combination of two words Lexis and Syntax. Lexis means vocabulary which is used in language. Syntax means arrangement of words in a sentence. According to Taller man (1998), Lexico-Syntactic choices are found through devices such as collocates, specific part of speech, simile and metaphor.
4. Stylistics analysis of the poem leisure
In this chapter we will offer the stylistics analysis of a poem Leisure by William Henry Davies. This chapter will provide analysis of this poem through syntactic patterns and choices, phonological, graphological and morphological level.
4.1 Graphological level
Graphological level contains the “full stops”, “commas” and “apostrophe” in this poem. There is beautiful partition of couplets in this poem. There is also the use of punctuation in this poem. First of all look at the following:
Full stop:
Full stop is used seven times in this poem. Each full stop indicates the conclusion of one sense. For …show more content…

For instance:
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
4.2 Phonological level
In this poem phonological level consists of proper rhyme scheme pattern, alliteration, consonance and repetition of similar sounds. There are two types of devices included in this level, one is sound devices and the other one is literary devices. The poet uses musical devices to make his poetry a superior from other.
Rhyme scheme:
In this poem the end rhyme scheme in the first couplet is “aa”. End rhyme scheme in the second couplet is ‘’bb’’. In the third couplet is ‘’cc’’. In the fourth is ‘’dd’’. And in the fifth couplet is ‘’ee’’ etc. This can be observed with examples from the poem.
Care, stare
Boughs, cows
Light, night
Glance, dance
Can, began

Alliteration is called the same sound in the start of the words in a line. The sound of “s” in the start of words makes a beautiful effect on readers.
For instance:
Stand and stare
The use of alliteration is in second couplet in the form of ‘’b’’ sound.
Beneath the

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