
The Freedom Of Privacy In I Am Malala And 1984

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Malala and Winston, in I Am Malala and 1984, both find themselves injured and completely changed as a result of their public confrontation of government injustice. Malala was shot by the Taliban because she fought for her right of a good education, along with many other girls in her valley. Winston is tortured and broken down in consequence for speaking out against Big Brother and the corrupt deceptive government that has fed him lies for his entire life. Both characters look through a mirror at the damaging aftermath of their fight for choice, initially confident that they could change the unjust government systems in which they lived in. Likewise, today in various parts of the world, people are treated poorly and injustice is spreading as well. The emphasis on personal freedoms and choice over government control in seeking public policy is essential to the wellbeing of a nation due to the security of privacy, the ability to represent oneself, as well as the ability to express oneself in a free society.
Privacy is one of the most controversial, yet most essential topics in the discussion of civil liberties. Some treat it as a necessity along with life, liberty, and property, whereas other people see it as something that shouldn’t get in the way of things like security (Sadowski).
One of the most popular cases of this argument to discuss is the issue of the Patriot Act. It was hastily passed following 9/11 and gave the federal government a license to restrict privacy in

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