The “Fullness of Time” Theory is a legitimate historical theory. The element of the decadence of the Roman World was that the Romans yearned for something more enlightening than parties. The teachings of Jesus and his apostles were able to catch the attention of the Romans. In the period of 10BC-40AD, the minds of the people at the time were much more simple. After finding mass orgies at Messalina's party a thing of the past, they found themselves more interested in new ideas. Nowadays, the mind of man is more diverse and much more advance. The decadence of the Roman World provided the right point of view that was needed for Jesus' teachings to spread without the further questioning, research, and proof the people of today would want.
The element of the location of Israel was the perfect place at the time for an idea to spread. Being in the centre of the Roman Empire, there was access to many people. This was the best time for the teachings to spread as the known world was not as vast as the known world today. If Israel tried to make some headlines, it would usually only matter if it was war related and not the teachings of some guy talking about the Messiah.
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The roads then were the best form of communication at the time; today not so much. Media and technology is a close equivalent, but religion is not often the chosen topic of discussion. In the time of the world where religion played an important part of life, news about it would be a concern for people. Today, there are many people who do not really care for religion. Back then people on the street giving the newest scoop was interesting, but now a lot of people ignore the people at the SkyTrain stations handing out
Three major civilization composed the classical empire. Classical Rome, Han China, and Gupta India all thrived at one point during this era, but with success also eventually came the fall of these three empires. Taking place at different times and due to different reasons, all three started to decline and eventually were too weak to defend themselves. The fall of the Roman Empire seemed to be more complex and due the many more little problems, by they all three fell apart due to unrest and problems created that could not be solved before it was ultimately too late.
The population of Rome was mainly made up of peasants and farmers so when they learned that Jesus was like them it gave them hope of achieving eternal life. Christianity accepts people of all social classes so it spread quickly throughout Rome due to the lower class’s large population. When Constantine embraced Christianity and stopped the persecution of Christians the religion spread like wild fire because Christians could spread God’s word, like Paul, without being
Christ preached about the “Golden Rule”, which means to do unto others as you would have done to you. The Roman’s felt threatened by Christ’s popularity so they had him crucified on a cross. That’s when the cross became the symbol of Christ and his disciples spread his teachings. A institutional church was established in Rome over the next 400 years. Christians started spreading their religion throughout Europe.
The ministry of Jesus brought about a new religion: Christianity. Jesus’ teachings were apocalyptic in that he preached the nearness of the Kingdom of God. He also taught, “To love your neighbor as yourself” Mark 12:31[NIV]. “Since Jesus was a Jew and preached to Jews, Christianity was closely linked to Judaism.” “Early Christian missionaries, being Jews, interacted at first with the Jewish communities in the empire’s cities.” “This was only natural and gave them common ground with other groups in the provinces in which Jews were a minority.” “Among the Jews, however, resistance to Jesus being the Messiah was often encountered, and early on, the Christians or the church gained converts from non-Jews.” “Christianity in its early stages used the Jewish synagogues, allowing it access
Factors Which Led to the Spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire Christianity was not born in a vacumn. There were many social, geographical, historical and religious issues prevailing at the time of Christ and all of which were favorable to the spread of Christianity. Geograpicly, Christianity came into being in the Meditation world, the largest of the various centers of civilization at that time. Israel stands almost central to the five continents, dividing the east and west.
Also, at this time the Jewish culture was greatly influenced by the Greco-Roman culture due to Rome’s rule over Israel – this is the world Jesus entered into. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea and raised in a typical Jewish fashion. He went to synagogue and learned the same language as every other Jewish
Roman Empire expanded its conquest to Judea in 6 A.D and Judea became province of the Empire. That’s why the Jewish always hoped their Messiah helping them one again freely. There were a lot of Jewish’ riots at that time causing the Romans did not like the Jews. Any act of sedition or religious fervor could bring the most problems and threatened to law and order for the Romans. During the Pax Romana, the Romans considered religion as a public affair and united the society under common rituals. Jesus claimed himself as a “Son of God” meaning that . Jesus could attracted a large and faithful crowds.
In the beginning of the Roman Empire it was a fortified, solid kingdom that the people felt secure in. Their army was nearly undefeated and the people lived in the strongest empire in the world at that time. They almost felt immortal, except for the people who lived in poverty, such as the slaves. The financially destitute people were the most spiritually fulfilled, because despite not having many material things and luxuries, they found refuge and peace in God.
These famous lines of the Christian Bible describe the first mention of a Roman Emperor and would be remembered throughout history with the birth of Jesus Christ ,the symbol of christianity. Though his life was short and he was crucified at an extremely young age, Jesus developed a cult following due to his presumed miracles and of his preaching of eternal peace and everlasting life. His crucifixion resulted in the spreading of his faith throughout the Roman empire and in the beginning of the end of traditional Roman religion. Ironically enough it was the Romanization of Europe that allowed the Christian faith to easily spread. By the death of Christ, the whole Roman empire was connected with well constructed roads and inns which allowed the prophets to spread their message easily and safely.
Mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, and medicine are some of the significant contributions made by the Greeks, and they were also notorious for their cultivated architecture and sculptures. The Greek culture impacted the Roman Empire and several other civilizations; it remains to transform present-day cultures. The Han Dynasty is one of the most remarkable dynasties in Chinese history. This dynasty incorporated about four hundred years of development and strengthening; it coexisted with the duration of the Roman republic and the empire in the West. Momentous developments occurred in the Han Dynasty. Rome advanced form being one of the several city-states to being the core of the most magnificent empire in the world.
The Culture Epoch Theory is an “idea” that periods go from Chaos, to Adjustment, to Balance (Sayre). This theory is relevant to the time period of The Fall of Rome, the transition of the Romanesque, the balance of the Goth era, and then back to chaos during the Black Plague. The fall of the Roman Empire brought about a time of confusion, havoc, and much more. In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last Emperor was overthrown by Odoacer who would be the first Barbarian to have the reign of Rome (“The Fall of the Roman Empire”). This would begin the chaos that was mentioned earlier. The Romanesque era is a time of great change, art, and architecture. Architecture and art that was widely known and is still utilized today, the
Technology has helped spread the word of religion through different communications. One of the first few technological ways of communication besides word of mouth was through the printing press. This helped spread religion more and helped people’s literacy rates improve since written text was becoming more common. This helped people study their beliefs and faiths on their own. This also helped with religions being more diversified and helped peoples get more into their religion. In the 1920’s radio started becoming popular and one year later on January 2, 1921 the first religious radio took broadcasted from the Pittsburgh Calvary episcopal church. At first pastors and other religious people believed this was a joke and it wasn’t to be taken seriously. As number were climbing people started believing how much it worked after Aimee Semple McPherson became nationally famous through the religious radio. Aimee Semple McPherson ended up building one
The era dominated by Roman empire is one the most well-known and influential periods of history, home to famous names from Julius Caesar to Jesus Christ. At its height, Rome’s territory stretched from the Atlantic coastline to the Middle East, reigning over 60 million people, one-fifth of the population of the ancient world. However, the Roman empire’s treatment of their conquered people’s and their own citizens ultimately led to the permanent downfall of Rome.
Extraordinary, the etymology of the word is suffice to define it. Extra (more than) ordinary (common), so anything that beyond the scope of what our senses are used to can be extraordinary. For example, something that is particularly massive, beautiful, or complex could be described as extraordinary. Ancient Rome in itself is an extraordinary city; a city of over a million people living in a small area yet it was cleanly, massive marble temples and forums are scattered everywhere, and there is a greater diversity of people than anywhere else on earth at that time period. At its height, the empire of Rome covered 1/6 of the ancient world’s lands and stretched from northern Africa to northern Europe, and from Persia to the Atlantic Ocean. Rome’s influence can be seen today in modern government, law, technologies, and many other important “modern” ideas. The technology that Romans developed to become this vast and powerful empire was also extraordinary. In order to maintain a clean place to live and to provide plenty of water for drinking and bathing, an efficient water system was developed. To keep their restless citizens appeased they built the massive and complex Colosseum to hold games in, and in order to maintain the cities infrastructure and justice the expansive and beautifully decorated Roman forums were built. All of these things helped maintain this empire for the 12 centuries it thrived.
Jesus lived in Judea (later called Palestine), a Middle Eastern land ruled by the Romans. The Romans crucified Jesus about A.D. 30. Jesus' followers were convinced that He rose from the dead, and they soon spread Christianity to major cities throughout the