It was a warm March afternoon. I lay curled up on the couch completely engrossed in the works of Oscar Wilde. Suddenly a red rubber ball landed on my lap. I looked up to see the nine year old mischief maker grinning at me. The sun rays played on his dark haired body. The streaks of yellow seemed as though someone had sprinkled gold all over him. He wetted his nose and stared at me intensely. His piercing dark coffee colored eyes could make anyone feel uncomfortable. Marshal, the brilliant German Shepherd was trying to hypnotize me.
Marshal came in to our family when he was a mere two month old puppy. Since then, he has been my companion and best friend. Growing up he was the most mischievous dog one could ever imagine. Years of training
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So, I commenced on my ingenious plan to persuade mom.
It did not take me long to coax he, though she only agreed to have a look at the puppies. In my heart I knew that half the battle was won! That same evening we headed to the pet store. It was lined with countless aquariums housing a variety of fish. My eyes searched for the dogs but I could see none. The store manager informed us that they kept them in the other room. They had only one Labrador puppy available then. I waited patiently while they fetched the puppy. However, my patience soon ran out and I started wandering around the store. The fish seem to follow my every move; it was as if they could sense my eagerness.
In a few minutes a man emerged from the other room with the most adorable little wonder of nature nestled in his hands. The little guy shook his cream colored body and looked up at us with his bead-like eyes. In the instant that our eyes met, I could see the joy and exhilaration in them. As soon as the man set him down, the puppy ran towards us stumbling on the sleek floor. He started jumping around with joy while I patted him. The way he bounced around made him seem more like a little bunny than a puppy. The little pup had succeeded in winning over mom’s heart. I was jumping with joy when I heard her discussing the paperwork with the manager.
Unfortunately, the earliest we could take him home was the next morning. The pup was sad
Now I can sleep soundly, knowing that the presence of my puppy is with me. In the future, I will be more protective of my dog. I will take more care when I let him out, and I will be aware of the chuck click sound made when the gate is not closed. I realize now that precious things need great
In 2008, I spent the summer with my Uncle, Aunt and 2 cousins in Missouri. They picked me up at the airport, and the car ride was filled with discussion about a puppy they had just gotten 2 days prior. It was explained that my cousins wanted a dog since their friends’ family had gotten a dog recently. My Uncle, happy to oblige, stopped at a neighbor’s house one day, who was giving away puppies they could not care for, as is common in small town America. He picked out the cutest one and went on his way. The family was so happy to have “Roxy” in their home and on their farm.
Phoebe's Personality In the novel, Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech, Phoebe, whose family is bent on being respectable and tidy, faces many challenges. Phoebe's mom left her family because she was not appreciated. Phoebe's mom did all the cooking and cleaning and took care of the children, but to her family, she was just an invisible maid. Phoebe thought her mom was happy with her life, so she did not help her or talk to her. Phoebe was extremely affected by this.
At last we made it. We were at the place. I was jumping with excitement. Then we went in the place there was 5 puppies in the house. They were so fuzzy. Since we took them outside one of them followed me and my dad. That’s how we pick out our puppy. On the way home, we were passing him around so everyone would see him. When it was my turn he fell asleep on my lap. My mom said to just leave him on my lap so he wouldn’t wake up.
It was a bright sunny day my family and I just adapted a beautiful lab mixed with a great dane. We were in my mom’s van heading to Petco. My family and I were going to Petco to get all the supplies my new puppy needs. So, we pull in to the parking lot of Petco.
Dogs and humans have been best friends for about 15,000 years. We just recently lost our best friend, Charlie. Without him, days at home are long and lonely, and Annie and Gus are not exactly the best child dogs. Annie is hard to play with, because she’s violent and a spaz and Gus doesn’t play. We need a younger dog to satisfy our needs of fun and cuddling. The perfect candidate for that job is a 9 week old Border Collie puppy at the Pets R Inn pet shop. He’s mellow, cuddly, and playful once he gets used to you. He’s the perfect dog for our family.
so long. Had him since he was a pup. I herded sheep with him. He said
Donned in pink and white a woman floated to my room the next day. She came in with anxious steps as she tightly held a small beige pup in her hands. Brown eyes searched for me and when I was found, the woman took a step back and dropped the pup. With a loud yelp the dog scurried away from his owner and hid under one of the satin sofas that decorated the area. The woman gazed at me with a fleeting look of disbelief before she flung her slender arms around me and hugged me tightly.
She was a lot of fun to play with and she was very energetic. We did not get her that day, but the employees told us that the dog we were interested in was going to be at Petsmart the next day. We went to Petsmart and we were going to make the final decision if we were going to get her. My sister and I really wanted her but my dad was hesitant about the idea of getting her. He did not know if we were ready for another dog. My sister and I really wanted her so we exclaimed “ we will do everything to take care of the dog!”
When they told me about adopting a furry little creature, I was completely ecstatic; I loved dogs and had wanted one ever since I first tried to pet one on the street. This time, I was completly fine with my parents making a decision for me; now this was the best surprise. So a week later, I convinced my parents to visit the nearest dog shelter. As we entered, we saw about 20 enclosure each containing a dog. None of the dogs looked or sounded alike; some were fluffy, spotted, tiny, or even bigger than me. We walked down the hall of dogs and I spotted a furious, little puppy. I read the card on the front of the gate and found that this adorable dog was a poodle and his name was Gucci; the dog was also only a year and two months. But the most interesting part about the small puppy was not on his information card. Instead, it was on his front left leg; his leg was encased in a bright red cast, so he was healing from a broken leg. Soon after, my parents and I realized that Gucci was healing from something much worse than a broken leg.
this little boy had just turned 6, and to was celebrating his birthday with his parents and friends, they lived in Florida and were big businessmen and woman, they were celebrating mike’s birthday in the harbor, where big ships come to deliver goods. Mike had always loved the ocean and the sea, though he also liked animals of all kinds. He personally picked this place for his party. How? Well, there were pictures of paces laid out on the floor and he was to pick which looked the best to him. Now, his parents really did not like mike and were planning to send him to an orphanage to be adopted by someone who actually wanted him. They were far too busy to give him the care he needed and mike was ruining their image because he was not a formal child, he loved to play in the mud and create things out of the trash.
It was an ordinary Friday afternoon, I was playing outside with Peyton Becker when a bright orange chichiwawa walked up the driveway. He cautiously came toward us and stopped. We tried to pet him, but he was too frightened, I knew because he had tucked his tail between his legs. Next we tried treats but I guess he had a treatphobia or something cause he still wouldn't budge to let us pet him. By then we gave up and Peyton went home. The next day Lauren and I sprung out of bed to see if he was still there. Once we made it to the back door he was still there infact right at the back door begging with his big brown eyes to come in. We needed a plan to keep him. We begged all afternoon, until we’d forgotten about him being outside, we rushed out the back door to find him laying in the grass, we sat down next to him and pet him until we realized we were petting him!
Laws and regulations vary from nation to nation. Attitudes towards the capitalism, as well, vary from person to person. The death penalty, it seems, has become more debatable topic than ever. Although some people think capital punishment, just like death penalty, is a inhuman act which against human 's rights for life and it is too cruel to give the criminals another chance to live a new life. I suppose capital punishment is still an effective way to deter violent criminals, because it can give comfort to the victims and their families. Also, death penalty gives citizens the right message, that is, punishment is proportionate to crimes. And from economically speaking, it saves a lot of money by sentencing murderers to death rather than sentencing them to life imprisonment. So in my observation, I strongly oppose the abolition of death penalty, and this paper will seek to prove that death penalty has to be preserved and impletmented as a valid means of prevention serious crimes.
A mobile wireless sensor network, shortly WMSN, can be defined as a wireless network of a sensor nodes that are mobile. Motivation behind a mobile wireless sensor network is to capture real world data and convert them so it can be transferred, processed, stored and later studied or analyzed (Guo, 2014). The MWSN is usually a combination of two or more technologies such as mobility, wireless connectivity and the ability to gather local information. The mobile wireless sensor network is usually deployment of a large number of small, inexpensive, self-powered nodes and receiving station (Kumbhare, Rangaree, & Asutkar, 2016). These MWSN can be effectively used for civil and military purposes.
When we got home I heard barks coming from the yard,I thought that was the neighbor's dogs buddy, a German shepherd,and Lucy, a golden retriever. But I decided to check the barking out, I open the door to the backyard.I saw a gorgeous chocolate lab with a ocean blue eyes,running towards me.I bend down to pet her silky fur,I could feel the warm sun on my face as I played with the puppy.I saw my dad smiling at me from the big oak tree,I cradled the puppy in my arms and walked over to my dad.I asked him “Is this puppy mine?” he