The future of solar technology clearly lies away from the expensive rigid structure of extensive silicon crystalline structures, and towards the non-silicon based technologies. Governments and private firms must continue to invest the capital needed to fund research and development in these fields of more flexible and versatile solar cells in order to acheieve higher efficiencies and improve the manufacturing process of these technologies; as currently they remain in their infancy.
3.4 Non Silicon Based Polycrystalline cells
Research into non silicon based solar cells is an exciting stage, with labs all over the world making advances in this field. It has been hypothesized and proven that other semi conductor materials can be doped to provide the conductive layer necessary for a solar cell to work. Copper oxide was used, but it was found to not retain the doping agents well; to overcome this a new type of cell called screening-engineered field-effect photovoltaics (SPFV’s) were produced. These require a small electric field to be present in order to keep the p-n junction functioning, this electric field is far less than the electricity that can be generated from the cell, and the reduced cost of not having to use silicon makes this a more than viable resource. (Anthony, 2012)
Copper Indium Gallium Selenide cells (CIGS) are another branch of thin film photovoltaics being researched, with laboratory prototypes achieving efficiencies of approximately 18%. CIGS cells have a huge
Nanosolar is a start-up company and expects to be one of the first manufacturers to produce thin-film solar panels using copper indium gallium (di)selenide (CIGS) technology. Nanosolar is focused on selling a single type of thin-film Photovoltaic (PV) module called the “Nanosolar Utility Panel”. The utility panel is 50% less energy efficient than c-Si modules, but being 90% less expensive to produce.
Cap and trade is a cost-effective method for reducing greenhouse gas emission/pollution. The amount of emissions that are produced by the economy (cap) is limited and allows those insured by the cap to trade amongst themselves (trade) in a flexible and cost-effective method/manner, creating a price on carbon pollution. The "cap" sets a maximum limit on the amount of greenhouse gas pollution that regulated emitters collectively can produce. Each year, the cap is lowered, requiring industry and other greenhouse gas polluters, such as natural gas distributors and other fuel suppliers, to reduce their emissions. The "trade" refers to a market where companies can buy or sell “allowances,” or pay others to reduce emissions on their behalf, in
Solar cell or photovoltaic (PV) systems usually transformed energy from the sun in to electric current. It can be measured in terms of ‘‘conversion efficiency’’, the proportion of solar energy transformed to electricity. (Henderson, Conkling, & Roberts, 2007) Sunpower primarily focused on the production of solar cell. But by moving in to wafer manufacturing it soon incorporated in to manufacturing of solar power module units. In general Sunpower manufacturing process needed approximately two times as many steps as the usual solar manufacturing process need and many of these steps were distinctive to Sunpower. Sunpower has nearly 15 -20 established cell manufactures, a handful of silicon – based cell manufacturing upstarts and a number of thin film solar companies offering potentially unsettling technologies.
There are many current challenges to perovskite solar cells. One of these is their long-term stability. Typical silicon solar panels are usually guaranteed to last up to 20 years. However, perovskite solar cells only last for months. Extreme temperatures, humidity, light levels, and weather changes all cause perovskite cells to decompose. In particular, moisture is a problem as perovskite reacts to water forming hydrates; the crystal structures are altered in a way so that the perovskites cannot absorb visible light anymore, and thus, rendering them useless. There has been progress; cells had once only lasted minutes but now can last a few months, but in order to achieve this team’s goal of having
The greatest energy that can be produced by the sun is electricity. Photovoltaics, or solar cells, capture the sun and convert it into electricity. Solar cells were discovered by the Europeans back in the 1870’s when they used selenium to develop the telegraph. They found that when light hits selenium it would produce and electrical current. Soon enough there were many scientists and engineers working on photovoltaic systems. Silicon and Selenium proved to be the two best elements to conduct electricity when light hits them. Photovoltaic systems (PV cell) work by converting the suns light into electricity. A semi conducting material absorbs the sunlight, that energy knocks electrons loose from their atoms, this allows the electrons to flow through the material to produce electricity. The further development of solar cells can be attributed to the satellite industry. Solar cells were expensive and there was no use for them until satellites came. Because it is impractical to tether satellites it became important to develop solar energy at any cost that would power these satellites. This created a sustainable market for solar power, the first of its kind.
Abstarct- The aim of this work is a comparison of the merit and demerit of of different generation solar cells i.e. Single crystal silicon wafers (c-Si), Amorphous silicon (a-Si), Polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si), Cadmium telluride (CdTe), Copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) alloy, Nanocrystal solar cells, Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells, Polymer solar cells, Dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC), Hybrid - inorganic crystals. Solar cells are becoming a mature technology. Solar cell provides clean energy. As it silently generates electricity and produces no air pollution or hazardous waste. Since there have been rapid advances in the efficiency and reliability of these cells, along with a
Solar energy is already efficient with the environment; however, in order to solve this problem, we need to improve its efficiency with energy. In order for solar energy to be considered energy efficient today, we have to make the proportion of kilowatt hours produced over cost needed for it less than the proportion of this to fossil fuels. For example, in order to produce 1 kilowatt-hour or 3.6 megajoules, we need 50 cents. However, for coal in order to produce 1 kilowatt-hour for coal, we only need about 3 cents. Over the years, we have been decreasing the price little by little to now 18-30 cents, but this still cannot compete with fossil fuels that are all less than 10 cents. In order to solve this problem, we would need to improve the amount of energy received from the solar cells. We could achieve this by finding alternative materials to use on the cells to expand the
Zhou,Z.H.,Tolbert,D.B.Toso,R.Thomas,B.J.Schwartz,Y.Rubin,N.S.Knutson,D.Kilbride,B.C.Huber,A.S.Ferrreira,L.S.Devi,J.R, Challa.Solar Power EnergySLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, “New design could dramatically boost efficiency of low cost-solar panels” Science Daily, Print. July 2015. Web. .
Near infrared (NIR) light has attracted much attention owing to its widespread applications in energy conversion, (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 1–3 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) sensing, (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 4 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) and bio-therapy. (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) 5–7 (-- removed HTML --) (-- removed HTML --) In particular, to solve the energy problem all over the world, efficient utilization of natural energy is strongly required. Si solar cells (SCs) are the most widespread energy conversion devices used to harvest solar energy. However, Si SCs do not respond to NIR light of over 1200 nm in wavelength in the solar spectrum owing to their
IBM will create/expand another column to store the MDM ID which would continue to be used when MDM becomes a sole Hub.
In 1954, Bell Laboratories have developed the first solar cell and the energy efficiency was 6% back then (Goetzberger et al. 2002). The figure has been raised to over 10% within 18 months (Green. 2009). For a long period of time, solar energy has mainly been applied into the power supply of space vehicles (Goetzberger et al. 2002). On account of the substantial development in the performance of silicon cells, the efficiency of solar energy conversion has reached 25% (Green. 2009). The growth over time of solar efficiency is delineated in Figure 1:
We as humans find ourselves in a constant pursuit of a life stable enough to provide a certain degree of control and self-sufficiency while also remaining open to the possibility of circumstances which are not entirely under our control, such as love. To recognize the beauty of the mysteriousness and uniqueness associated with love, a force we cannot control, while also maintaining a certain degree of self-sufficiency may possibly allow us to live a good life with a love immune to tragedy. The idea of what constitutes the “good life” can be categorized in two contrasting perspectives: a life of goods or a life of self-sufficiency. A life of goods including wealth, reputation, and honor proves itself to be seriously vulnerable to circumstances beyond the control of the agent. For example, the agent cannot control the social or economic class they are born into. Similarly, they cannot control the way others view them. Although one may seek the approval of others, they have no control over whether or not they actually receive it. On the other hand, a self-sufficient life revolves around wisdom, truth, and the best possible state of one’s soul. The self-sufficient “concern [themselves] with the pleasures of learning, and adorn [their] soul(s)… with its own ornaments, namely, moderation, righteousness, courage, freedom, and trust” (Phaedo, 114e-155a). Whichever version of a good life one chooses to live by, love undoubtedly serves as a component of the flourishing life. The
Solar industry has been paying lots of attention to coating technology in the past 10 years. Solar energy is considered the future of alternative energy sources. It has been recognized as one of the most widely used renewable sources of energy in the few recent years for its non-polluting characteristics which combats the Greenhouse effect on global climate created by the use of fossil fuels, figure 1.6. The generation of solar power is done by converting the solar energy into electricity by using either photo-voltaic (PV) solar cells (direct method) or concentrated solar power (CSP). Photoelectric effect is used by PV cells to convert solar energy into electric energy. With the rapid growth of solar energy harvesting as a clean source of power, the enhancement of solar cell efficiency grabs more attention nowadays.
Abstract: The current energy situation with fossil fuels as the main source of the world’s energy has two main flaws: fossil fuels contribute to global warming via the greenhouse effect and they are limited in the quantity that remains. Solar power solves both of these problems and can be captured by utilizing photovoltaic cells. However, photovoltaic cells have their own drawbacks due to their high costs of installation and maintenance.
Green technology is most utilized today in the quest for alternative energy. Solar energy, wind turbines, and using the oceans energy are in the lead for making a softer imprint on the planets environment and its resources. Solar panels use the heat from the sun to convert into useable electricity. That energy can either be stored in batteries or returned to the local energy provider if still connected to them. The idea of this is to utilize the local grid as a bank to receive credit for the energy you provide and pull it out when needed with little to no charge. The panels that provide this are fast becoming more cost effective, easier to handle, and readily available to the average consumer. Robbins (2009) demonstrates an example of these promising ‘thin film’ solar cells as seen in Figure 2 of this paper.