Going to college is a scary thing whether a student is fresh out of high school, a non-traditional student going back after many years, or anything in between. It can be very daunting to keep up with the level of understanding required for college courses. Many subjects, especially math and writing, are found to be a challenge for a lot of students. Therefore, the University has provided free tutoring services to help increase the quality of learning and experience and to help students reach their maximum learning potential. Unfortunately, several students do not take advantage of this free service. One reason some might not use the service, is that it may be difficult for them to admit that they need help. For others, it is the uncertainty of the unknown that deters them. The anxiety or uncomfortableness that often accompanies new situations leaves numerous students trying to trudge through on their own.
Charles Berger, an American professor emeritus of communication at the University of California, Davis, formulated the communication theory called the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. In A First Look at Communication Theory, Griffin (2012), explains Berger’s theory as the following:
Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding…When strangers meet, their primary concern is one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predictability about the behavior of both themselves and others in the interaction (p.125).
University Writing Center (UWC) and Academic Success Center (ASC) are two of the university facilities that help students enrich their academic experience. While UWC assists students in improving their written and oral communication skills through one to one consulting sessions, online resources, and workshops, ASC works to enhance students’ intellectual performance through academic coaching, supplemental instruction, drop-in tutoring sessions, and peer mentoring. Both of the organizations take a collaborative learning approach to encourage students to develop necessary study skills for academic success and increase student retention. ASC offers various student development programs; however, our focus for this proposal will be on drop-in tutoring services offered by ASC.
Michael Argyle believed that interpersonal communication was like learning how to drive a car. Michael Argyle said that human communication is important as it is a two way process that involves two people sending and responding to each other’s non-verbal and verbal messages. Argyle came up with the theory of communication. This theory was put in place so that people who are having a one-to-one conversation can understand what they are saying to each other. He also came up with this theory as he believed that communication builds an understanding of listening, observing and reflecting what the other person is saying to them.
Uncertainty reduction theory is “the point of view that uncertainty motivates communication and that certainty reduces the motivation to communicate” (Wood, definition). This theory was first developed by Charles Berger. He believed that when people are to meet for the first time they have a high level of uncertainty and the only way for them to reduce it is to communicate with one another. “They don’t know what each other likes, thinks and believes; how each other responds to certain reactions, and they’re unsure what each other expects or wants from interacting” (Wood,184). There are three prior conditions that are meant to help individuals want to reduce uncertainty.
With constantly increasing classroom sizes becoming the norm in the US, students are quietly slipping through the cracks with relative ease (Lee, and Loeb 17). Some have the means to compensate for this lack of attention, by hiring private tutors and such, but many cannot rely on this option. The Youth Tutoring Program, a branch of the Catholic Community Services of Western Washington, seeks to address this issue, helping families who have been placed in low and mixed income housing projects. For elementary school kids, their services and curriculum appear well manicured, focusing on reading comprehension and skill building. But for the older attendees of the program, who bring in challenging assignments daily, no such planning exists and the tutor’s personal experience comes more into play. In my time volunteering for YTP, at least once per session a student and I will reach an impasse, usually where the limits of my own memory become a problem. In one such case, I could not explain simple, compound, and complex sentences – thus having to sneakily resort to my phone for details. In these situations, the student has hit a wall and essentially puts the assignment in my hands, expecting that somehow I know all the answers. They become disengaged, and in the time spent racking their brain for answers, no doubt feeling disparate from their peers and distancing themselves from the subject as a whole. As many students do hail from
Consumption of cannabis, more commonly known as marijuana, is thought to cause psychological disorders. However, in some cases, cannabis has little to no causation evidence for the development of these disorders. As a result, it is still controversial whether cannabis truly increases the chances of developing these disorders.1 Consumption of marijuana is fatal to society. Society is under a great misconception that marijuana is a merely a recreational drug and its affects are temporary. Mainly adolescents seem to engage in its consumption, being unaware of the critical long term effects that can follow. Consumption of this drug, results with health issues that are irreversible and can persist through adult hood, causing permanent damage to one’s cognition and mental health. The main focus within this literacy paper will be -- can marijuana truly have causal links which relate to the occurrence of psychosis? This paper will discuss the effects that marijuana has on the neural pathways and will provide evidence for both “yes” and “no” sides regarding the causation of psychosis due to cannabis. Through the given evidences, conclusions will be drawn towards either the “yes” or the “no” side and this will answer the question.
Since started college last year has used the tutoring center online and on campus. As English is my Second language, and mostly struggle with it. Tutoring has helped with my writings and maths as go back and forth with them before I send my final paper that helps me correct my mistakes and clear some concept for me. Tried taking ESL classes but passed way above to take the class and, was told to study on my own for grammar and vocabulary. Colleges should have a class for the students who are above average for ESL classes and below average for college level in grammar. The tutoring help I have got from learning center for my math classes and writing papers is one of the resource that is going to help me succeed in college.
I believe that I am an excellent candidate for the In2ition Scholarship. I think that I deserve this award due to my proven track record and prior successes in both my academics and extracurricular activities. Over the past four years of high school, I have developed an unrivaled work ethic and critical life skills, which have taught me how to achieve any goals I set for myself. These skills and work ethic will most certainly remain with me throughout my post-secondary career.
In Australia, ‘Closing the Gap’ has become a key focus in the way governments have decided to address indigenous inequality. The term ‘closing the gap’ can be traced back to policy introduced in New Zealand in the 1990s aimed at addressing inequality in Māori communities. Governments in both Australia and New Zealand have tried to bridge perceived gaps between these Indigenous groups and “the rest of society” particularly in relation to gaps in socioeconomic status. However such policies may be problematic as they tend to ignore issues of self-determination and sovereignty sought by Indigenous groups (Cornell 2006:9-10; Muldoon & Schaap 2012:535). Ignoring claims of self-determination and sovereignty may be indicative of ongoing divisions in settler states working to accommodate the needs and outcomes of Indigenous groups given the undercurrent of conflictual and often violent histories that mar the relations between the two groups. As such, this essay seeks to compare these policies regarding inequalities between Indigenous societies and their settler states, as well as the relevant contexts of these policies, in order to highlight issues that emerge in relation to indigenous claims for sovereignty and concepts of nationalism.
The Uncertainty Reduction Theory states that before and during initial interactions between two people, one's first instinct is to reduce uncertainty about the other through various methods. For example, when you see someone you think you would like to know, you try and figure out what they are like through various methods so you can control the conversation and steer it into a path that the other person finds interesting.
Another way interpersonal communication can be looked at uses the Shannon and Weaver model, which breaks up the process into five parts. The information source, transmitter (sender), receiver, destination, and noise, which is sometimes involved (Hill, 2007). Noise is anything that can get in the way of the clarity of a message. An example could be a crackle through the phone line, or an interruption from a third party. Noise can create complications within interpersonal communication, and make it harder for the message to be delivered clearly (Hill, 2007).
Uncertainty reduction theory could be applied to long-term relationships as well as initial encounter (Berger, 1979). Berger presented that uncertainty may happen on two different levels: behavioral and cognitive. He stated that reducing uncertainty in behavior increases the predicting ability of how a person will act when he/she is facing a situation. In the mean time, cognitive uncertainty affects the ability to explain the main rational reasons for that certain action.
When it comes to talking about theories of communication, it is easy to overlook the impact they have on our day-to-day lives. Often times when people think of theories they think of long boring explanations that have little meaning or pertinence to their lives. This, however, is not always the case. It may surprise some to find out that the interactions they have whether at work, with their loved ones, or even with a stranger all relate back to theories that explain why they do the things they do. This not only includes the face-to-face interaction we have in real life, but also through the relationships we see portrayed in television shows and movies. An example of this is how the uncertainty reduction theory plays into the relationship development between Belle and the Beast in the newest movie version of Beauty and the Beast.
Time spent in class as well as writing and speaking the various lessons taught in a class setting prove to be the fruit of the vine when striving to be successful. I did not know, based on statistics, that writing, or even speaking what was taught in the classroom will help you prevail in what you are learning. Writing or speaking about lessons you have just learned help establish a foundation for that concept in your mind in which helps you have a better grip on the subject. This in turn helps you become more successful academically, and an extremely useful skill that I will be applying to all my classes from here on out. On the second key concept of utilizing campus resources, many aspects of a college or university are there to help students, but some people psych themselves out and opt out of what the campus has to offer due to emotional or even social distress. The learning center/academic service center is a prime example of this. These places on campus are designed specifically to help students succeed in areas they find themselves weak in, but students decide to not taking advantage of these services because they believe it is solidifying the idea of them not being “smart.” I am glad the article brought this up as well, because I feel that way sometimes whenever I am offered tutoring. It makes me feel defeated in a way, but I eventually overcame that sensation when I realized it became beneficial for me in the long run. A counseling center is what I highlighted as a crucial aspect of this article due to how much stress I put up with in my daily life. Stress that goes on in my life can be blamed for my own actions, while others are spontaneous on some occasions. For the ones I absolutely cannot control and are too much for me to handle, I am glad to hear about the counseling center to help me cope with the situation. Co-curricular activities and service learning activities are the main
West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2010). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application (4th ed.) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Retrieved from https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader.aspx?assetMetaId=299dcc53-f1c8-4924-a9b0-b8ff6d645a5f&assetDataId=0cdf2509-a90a-4f76-a84b-7cb7098cc897&assetpdfdataid=076561d1-57c7-472c-9712-6f5644b9ebd7
Me and my two sisters are within a four-year range of each other and me being the middle sister, due to this we have always been very close. The form of the uncertainty reduction theory I feel used most in my relationship with my sisters is the passive strategy. This is where “we observe the person, either in situations where the other person is likely to be self-monitoring (Berger C. 1982)”. This for me and my sisters happen mainly over football games, family dinners, or