Zimmerman. Martin. Who really started it? One person died, while another walked free. Who should have been punished? We may never know all the answers to this culture-defining case, but here are the facts as they currently stand: According to the Miami Herald, George Zimmerman lived in a gated community that had been victim to over 200 thefts and break-ins in the 13 months leading up to Martin’s fatal shooting. The neighborhood watch consisted of only one volunteer: George Zimmerman himself. On the other hand, his position was an official one, set up by the Homeowners Association; Zimmerman was no lone vigilante. George was very conscientious about neighborhood security. One tenant, 17-year-old Teontae Amie, stated that, “if he had spotted me, he’d probably ask me if I lived there. He was known for being really strict.” The night of February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman spotted a young black …show more content…
Initially the police were unable to access the audio due to technical issues, but the prosecution were able to bring a witness who claimed to have been on the other end of the line at the time of the shooting. Witness 8, Rachel Jeantel, claimed that the voice calling for help had been Martin’s, but later admitted to having lied under oath. Further, the family’s attorney originally withheld Witness 8’s identity due to her being a minor, but later admitted that she was 18 at the time of the incident and her subsequent perjury. The lead investigator, Serino, stated that he did not believe there was enough evidence for a case against George Zimmerman, but was pressured by three fellow officers to arrest him on charges of manslaughter. George was subsequently released after successfully undergoing five hours of grueling questions, as well as a “voice stress test,” the technical name for a lie detector test. George Zimmerman’s testimony was determined to be
M-The case of Trayvon Martin vs. George Zimmerman. This was a case where a 17 year old African American, male was shot and killed within 70 yards of the home in which he was residing in at the time, located at Retreat at Twin Lakes Gated Community in Sanford, Florida, by George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman was a 28 year-old Hispanic male, who was a neighborhood watchman for the Retreat at Twin Lakes Gated Community in Sanford, Florida.
On February 26, 2012 a 17 year old black teen was wondering around a neighborhood in Sanford, Florida wearing a hood over his head was gunned down and killed by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. The evening of February 26, Martin was heading back to his father’s townhouse from a convenient store when Martin decided to cut through a neighborhood that had been riddled with multiple robberies that year. Zimmerman saw Martin with his hood over his head and Zimmerman decided to contact the Sanford Police Department on account of suspicious behavior. However, before the police were able to arrive on scene an altercation occurred between Zimmerman and Martin which resulted in Martin being shot in the chest where he died on the scene.
Zimmerman then called 9-1-1 and reported him to the police he then told the police he was following him the officer on the call responded by telling Zimmerman “we don’t need you to do that” but, Zimmerman continued his pursuit. Nevertheless, victim Martin was on the phone with a friend during this time knowing the man had been following him as Zimmerman continued to follow him Martin took off running like any other human being would who was being followed by a strange unknown person. Zimmerman chased after Martin where Martin was caught by Zimmerman and an argument broke out as to why he was following him, which lead to a scuffle according to Zimmerman where he then took his gun out and fired a shot into the 17-year-old killing him. In chapter IV and V hill points on the phrase “stand your ground” on several pages and points out William Blackstone, who provides us with legal thinker parses the crime three categories: justifiable, excusable, and felonious. Justifiable is a murder committed by the order of the state, excusable is an act of murder committed without intent. There is a “stand your grown” law that allows you to enact in ways needed to protect yourself if needed
officers was on their way and told Zimmerman not to follow the allegedly suspicious person, but
Trayvon Martin lost his life on Sunday February 26, 2012 due to a gunshot to his chest shot by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida while walking back home from buying an Arizona and skittles from 7-11 at 6:34 pm. George Zimmerman spotted Trayvon walking through his neighborhood and found him suspicious and decided to call the Sanford police at 7:09PM. When he called the police he told them he found him suspicious, “I’ve never seen him in the neighborhood. I know all the residents. It was raining out and he was leisurely walking, taking his time, looking at all the houses.” (Linder, 2014). Police were immediately sent to his location but suddenly Zimmerman stated that Tyron had begun to run away and Zimmerman began to go after him. The dispatcher told him not to go after him and instead to meet the officers, “The dispatcher suggested that Zimmerman meet the arriving officers near the mailboxes.” (Linder, 2014) and he agreed to. Zimmerman later stated that when he was walking back to his car Tyron came at him asking what his problem was and he replied back saying he had no problem and Tyron then punched him in the nose after stating he had a problem now. The punch was what knocked him to the grass and Trayvon continued to punch him while Zimmerman kept screaming for help, “I started screaming for help. I couldn’t see. I couldn’t breathe.” (Linder, 2014). Tyron had been talking on the phone with a friend, Rachel Jeantel,
On February 26,2012, a 17 year old Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. He was killed at 7:16 PM at the Twin Lakes, in Sanford Florida, while Trayvon Martin was returning from a local store, where he bought an Arizona ice tea, and skittles. A 28 year old hispanic man name George Zimmerman spotted Trayvon Martin, who he thought acted suspiciously. Moments later, there were an altercation between the two individuals, which resulted in Trayon being shot. The most important question is, why was Trayvon Martin killed? This is an unjustified murder. This murder is unjustified because, Trayvon Martin was ttrying to defend himself, Zimmerman was watching the neighbor hood and spotted Trayvon, who he thought arousing suspicion, and Zimmerman thought he had to shoot Trayvon. Zimmerman was false for shooting him.
Trayvon Martin was in the wrong place at the wrong time. On the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, United States, George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American high school student. Walking back from a 7-Eleven to the Sanford, Florida townhouse of his father's fiancée on a dark and rainy February evening in 2012. He was carrying a bag of Skittles and an Arizona watermelon juice cooler as he headed along a sidewalk in the Retreat at Twin Lakes townhouse community in Sanford. George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old mixed-race Hispanic man and a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida, calls 911 to report "a suspicious person" in the neighborhood. He was instructed not to get out of his SUV or approach
leading up to the death of Trayvon Martin and questions if George Zimmerman was indeed guilty of second degree manslaughter. His lawyer, Mark O 'Mara, believes that the reason why this case had gone to court was due to Martin being black and Zimmerman being white. This leads us to question the reason why Martin was shot in the first place. According to O 'Mara, “George Zimmerman was never guilty of anything except firing the gun in self-defense.” Serving on the local neighborhood watch, Zimmerman felt it was his responsibility to protect his neighborhood from crime. The night of the incident, he called in the suspicion to the local authorities who did not authorize him to persue Martin. The events following his disreguard to this request are of debate, but the cuts found on Zimmerman 's head are proof that there was a struggle between the two; according to testimony Zimmerman claims that he was attacked by Martin who then bashed his head into the sidewalk. The lethal wound received by Martin was also considered in the verdict due to it being at an angle only capable if Martin had been leaning over Zimmerman. Although many speculate that that racial profiling was a key component of this investigation, the jury sided with Mr. Zimmerman and after being on trial for 16 months, he was released from custody following the hearing.
On the night of his death, February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was in Sanford, Florida on a visit to his father's fiancee and her son at The Retreat at Twin Lakes. As Zimmerman noticed him he called the police non-emergency number to report a suspicious person in community, describing Martin as a very suspicious guy reporting that he had his hand in waistband and was walking around looking at homes. Also, Zimmerman is quoted saying that “he is just walking around looking about in the rain”, and “This guy looks like he is up to no good or he is on drugs or something”(Wikipedia). Although the way he described him led to think of what view Zimmerman had of innocent, unarmed Trayvon who seemed like any other teenager walking about on the way
Everyone has heard of the story about the case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. If there are a few who have not, Trayvon Martin was a young seventeen year old boy. At the time he was not doing well in school. It was his third suspension during the school year and Trayvon’s He was shot by a neighborhood watch man, named George Zimmerman. Zimmerman claimed to feel threatened by the young teen, so he felt the necessity to shoot Trayvon Martin as a self-defense. After many months of court trials Zimmerman was finally able to walk the streets freely.
Trayvon Benjamin Martin was a 17 year old African American from Miami Gardens, Florida. He was badly shot by George Zimmerman; a neighborhood watch volunteer in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman called 911 to report that there was “suspicious person” walking through the neighborhood. He was told to not do anything, but he did anyway. As he approached Martin, he attacked him and shot him straight to the heart. According to CNN, “Zimmerman acknowledges that he shot Martin, claiming it was in self-defense.” (“Trayvon Martin Shooting Fast Facts”). When the case was taken to court George Zimmerman was found not guilty even after he
Treyvon Martin was a 17-year old Black American from Miami Garden FL, where he resided with his mother. In February 2012 Treyvon was visiting his father in Sanford FL when he was fatally shot in self-defense by 28-year old George Zimmerman. The evening on February 26, 2012 Martin went to a nearby convenient store in and purchased a bag of candy and a drink. While walking back from the store through the neighborhood of The Retreat at Twin Lakes in Sandford, A member of the community watch saw him and called the Sanford police stating Martin looked suspicious. Zimmerman, ignoring the plea of the 911 dispatcher to remain in his SUV got out anyway and approached Martin, resulting in an altercation where Martin was fatally shot. Reports from the officer at the scene say that Zimmerman sustained injuries of the nose and the back of his head. Zimmerman claiming self-defense was not charged for the murder at the time. Many outpours from American Citizens called for justice. After a petition created by Martins parent’s calling for justice of their teenage son surpassing 1.3 million signatures charges still were not filed on Zimmerman. Finally, April 11, 2012 Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder. On July 13, 2013 Zimmerman was found not guilty of the fatal shooting of the Florida teen. This is one of many heart-breaking examples of the civil injustice that Black Americans all over the country are a victim to. Thus, creating a desperate plea for a change.
George Zimmerman, a man who killed teenager Trayvon Martin and had no punishment, all because of the decision of a jury. His trial is just one of the many times that a jury trial has failed in determining guilt versus innocence. Jury trials are not a fair way to determine guilt versus.
George Zimmerman has argued not guilty towards the Trayvon Martin case. Zimmerman is the area watch volunteer. Zimmerman said that he shot Trayvon for his own self-protection. The state of Florida has a law expressing "Stand your ground". Zimmerman was the main observer of the demise of Martin.
Just for wearing a hoodie, carrying an Arizona Tea and for being black he was shot and killed. In the book “Deadly Injustice: Travyon Martin, Race, and the Criminal Justice System“ the authors go on to discuss what happened that night and in the trial that preceded. It also helped me deliberate with how certain deaths are portrayed online. This being one of the biggest cases to hit the news and was brought to almost everyone in the United States attention, even the President at the time made a statement about what had happened to this young man. Social media spreaded this article like a wildfire and soon everyone knew what had happened that night in Florida. One of the main reasons why it was difficult to convict Zimmerman of this crime was because of the “Stand your ground” law After this the tension between black males and police officers rose to an even higher extent. African Americans often feel as if they are treated by police unfairly and with situations like this happening it help supported how they felt. Additionally with cases like in Ferguson and what happened in Lousivelle when four innocent teens were accused of robbing a woman with a weapon where they were later found not guilty of the