
The Giver: A Brief Summary

Decent Essays

Jonas begins “The Giver” feeling uneasy about the upcoming ceremony of twelve, where he will receive the assignment that determines his vocation for the rest of his working life. That night, at the nightly sharing of feelings, after his sister, father, and mother discuss their emotions, his parents comfort him about his worries. They remind him that his life will change after the ceremony, but they reassure him that the committee of elders has been watching him closely and will give him an appropriate assignment.
Jonas's father brings home a new child who needs extra care, and they call him Gabriel, although Father is not yet supposed to know the child's name. Lily decides that she will begin volunteering hours at the nurturing center after …show more content…

Lily turns eight, and the new nines receive bicycles as a sign of new independence. The ceremony of twelve begins uneventfully, as the often hasty but always good-humored Asher receives the assignment of assistant director of recreation and Fiona receives that of caretaker of the old. However, the chief elder skips Jonas, which terrifies him until they announce that he has been selected as the new receiver of memory for the community, an important position that requires intelligence, courage, and the capacity to see beyond, which Jonas has previously experienced with the …show more content…

the giver then shows Jonas a tape in which Jonas's father is shown to release the infant by euthanizing him through lethal injection. Jonas is devastated by this revelation, and he and the giver decide that he should run away so that the memories will be released into the community. They both hope that the giver can teach the community to regain wisdom and emotion through the memories rather than to force the memories

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