In Lois Lowry’s The Giver, Jonas’s community is a safe and happy place to live. For starters, there are no problems in the community.When a conflict occurs in the community, it is fixed or forgiven immediately. An example of this is when Asher is late to school and has to say to his classmates, “I apologize for inconveniencing my learning community”(Lowry 5). Asher made a mistake and apologized for it right away. His classmates forgave him and there was no further issue. It is required for a public apology to made; this way, no one holds grudges and everyone coexists peacefully. Furthermore, no one in the community needs to worry about money or employment. At the age of 8, children need to start volunteering so that the Elders can observe them
During the beginning of the book, “The Giver,” by Lois Lowry, the main character named Jonas is almost the same as everyone in his community. All the people are known to be are the same as each other. Jonas and his younger brother Gabe both have different colored eyes than the rest of the community. In the community Jonas lives in everything is gray and the same. The community also has a lot of rules. In the book, it says, “It was the first thing Jonas noticed as he looked at the new child peering up curiously from the basket. The pale eyes. Almost every citizen in the community had dark eyes. His parents did, and Lily did, and so did all his group members and friends. … No one mentioned such things it was not a rule, but it was considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or different about individuals.” This contributes to Jonas and Gabe during the end of the story for a few reasons. A rule in the community is you are not allowed to lie. Also, every year up until you turn 12 you have ceremonies where you grow up and receive better items that will show you have been maturing. As Jonas becomes older and he becomes a 12 he gets assigned to be the new receiver of memories. At the ceremony of 12 Jonas’s name was skipped to come up and receive his assignment so he started panicking because they never made mistakes. Jonas was chosen to be the Receiver of memories because he had no dreams of uncertainty and he had intelligence, integrity, and courage. Because
Change is inevitable no matter what difference is made. The Giver by author Lois Lowry is the story of a utopian community that has adopted sameness that actually seems more dystopian later on. The Giver’s protagonist is a boy, Jonas, who is chosen and honored to take the assignment of being the Receiver of Memories. Jonas as the new Receiver of Memories is trained by the previous Receiver of Memories who Jonas calls The Giver. This causes many joys and pains for Jonas, but a curiousness to every new memory that is given. The setting is set in a community that has gained the culture to be a strict community that is controlled by The Elders. Before meeting the Giver, Jonas began as an outcast,later as he met his mentor Jonas was brave, and as he became more mature he became determined.
The Giver by Lois Lowry tells us that you should always do the right thing at any cost. Jonas is a twelve year old boy living in a seemingly perfect society. He is worried about what assignment, or job he will be chosen for. During the ceremony of twelve, Jonas is skipped over, but in a twist of events, he gets the most important job of all; the Reciever of Memory. During the training, Jonas watches a video of his father releasing a child, which is murder. Angry and shocked, Jonas, with the help of The Giver, devises a plan to run away to “elsewhere.” Jonas and a newchild, whose life has been threatened, end up going through cold and starvation just to get there, but in the end, it was worth it.
The quotation that I will be saying if I agree or disagree will be "Character is what you are in the dark."-Dwight Lyman Moody. The literature I will be comparing it to is The Giver by Lois Lowry. My interpretation of this quotation is you're the real you when nobody is watching. The position I am is that I agree with the quotation. The quotation also applies with the piece of literature I chose.
The dystopian novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry was a great suspenseful book read by our class. Although Lois Lowry wrote a great novel, we will forever be mad at her. The author uses great suspense throughout the novel and then leads us into a dead end. Even though you have your own theory, the true end will never be told. Jonas is dead. At the end of The Giver, we experience a part of the book where we are forced to produce our own theory of Jonas’ fate. Jonas is dead and saw the lights and gates of heaven or in this case, “Elsewhere”. Others believe that Jonas succeeds on his journey and saw a family celebrating Christmas. The author gives us a novel that shows the life of Jonas through his struggles of being the Receiver in Training but leaves
Imagine a world with no feelings, no color, no choice; a world where individuality and freedom are exchanged for security and sameness. This type of world is a reality for Jonas, the protagonist in Lois Lowry’s The Giver. After being assigned the next Receiver of Memories in the community, where he has the capacity to see beyond. As he begins his works, he gains wisdom and through that wisdom, learned that protecting the community from the memories, their lives lacked understanding and feelings. Jonas goes on an archetypal hero’s journey and chooses to risk everything to restore memories and wisdom to everyone in the community. Throughout this novel, Jonas is represented as a hero considering he demonstrates integrity despite living in a
All humans feel strong feelings whether it's caused by pain or love, this is something all humans should have in their life. In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry a boy named Jonas didn't experience these feelings as a child, he was controlled by his society like all the other citizens. When Jonas was elected to be receiver of memory, he learned all about what wasn't in his society from the giver, this changes Jonas and motivates him to make a change. From a calm, peaceful society, a worry free boy named was recruited to an assignment that brings him horrific pains and knowledge about how much is missing from his world. Before Jonas is recruited to be receiver he has happy, normal life in a society where everything is perfect.
Lois Lowry’s The Giver paints a community that only permits perfection. The community manipulates the people into submission for generations, ensuring there will only be trained people who do not know warfare, starvation, or pain. The community’s concept of “sameness” creates sheltered people that do not have some things the people in reality need. Lois Lowry shows readers how the concept of “sameness” disregards free choice, relationships with others, and personal experiences.
“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” Lois Lowry, The Giver. Take a minute and think back to the first time you traveled and experienced a new culture. What a journey, right? You have come so far and inspired countless individuals to embark on their own adventures through your storytelling. Even though you may have struggled to grasp the right descriptive words on your experience in a new culture, it was enough to impact someone, and that’s all it takes. It takes just one person listening to inspire the desire to seek a new challenge.
A school that lets students have authority in choosing their electives is good for Jonas because it will open his mind to all the different possibilities the world holds. For example, in Chapter 10, the text reads, “ Jonas almost gasped aloud. To have the power to turn the speaker off. It was an astonishing thing” (Lowry, 100). Since he was never exposed to this level of independence, he was completely ignorant of the concept of freedom. He didn’t understand that there was more to life than following rules. However, if he went to a school that let students have the upper hand, Jonas would discover his true potential, and he would have the choice to choose what he wanted to say, do, and learn. Another example in Chapter Ten is this quote:
A perfect world is something all people long for. No war, no hate, and no jaundiced emotions. In fact, there are no true feelings in this world, in all except for Jonas. In the novel, The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Jonas experience of knowing and feeling emotions his district is unaware of isolates him both emotionally and physically.
“The life where nothing was ever unexpected, inconvenient or unusual. The life without color, pain, or past.” Lois Lowry once said this about her book The Giver. The Giver contains a community that chooses safety over freedom, has no individualism, and is too fearful to rebel but it's not completely their fault since they have no memories of the past lives.
Being different is what makes you unique.-Jeffrey Benjamin. In the science fiction novel, Giver, Lois Lowry uses Jonas to show that perfection is not need for someone to find happiness, anyone can be different in their own way and shouldn’t be stopped. In the beginning of Giver, everyone was “perfect” and didn’t have feelings for each other, until Jonas made the memories come back. This event changed everyone’s perspective and made a difference. The message of the novel, Giver, is to be different in your own way.
The setting of The Giver takes place in a fictional community known as the “Sameness”. Life here is supposed to be "perfect" because there is no pain or suffering. They don’t have to take
The elders/community thought they could make the community a perfect place, but everything is not perfect in some way.They think sameness is perfect, keeping everyone equal, like same clothes same houses same birthdays and same types of families called family units. Imagine a world like that!.At the end of the year everyone has a birthday the community has a ceremony for all of the citizens like parents get children and the little ones age up like sixes to sevens and twelves get a job that the elders/community choose there is a rare job that one person gets every ten years is called a receiver and Jonas was chosen to be a receiver.The receiver's job receives the memories of pain and joyful from the old world because so he can use the memories to make changes to the community.The novel The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas changes from being ignorant, to knowledgeable and also from being boring to discovering the full range of emotion.